Self-Advocates of Indiana Newsletter
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5 Program Goals and Outcomes:

1.Organization Growth and Sustainability
2.Empowering Self-Advocates
3.Educating the Community
4.Advocacy and Public Policy
5.Communication and Outreach

Board members reviewed all of their past year accomplishments and set new goals for 2020.

Where are we headed in 2020?

1. Organization Growth an Sustainability: 
•Focus on growing SAI chapters throughout the state including more transition-age chapters
•Follow through with "Thirty for 30"- meet with thirty chapters in 2020
•Hold 4 statewide meetings- must still find location for the Central and South meeting locations
•Send out Newsletter monthly, Nim's News (with more personalized content from local chapters) quarterly, and send out chapter e-mails once or twice a month
•Review and amend by-laws in March

2. Empowering Self-Advocates
•Leadership Training- Advanced and Beginner scheduled for February 2020
•Annual Training for Chapter Leaders/Helpers scheduled for February 2020
•Three Statewide Meetings scheduled for April 2020
•The Arc and SAI Conference (2-day) scheduled for November 2020- must participate in planning committee
•Plans to send (#) of self-advocates to Disability Policy Seminar in D.C.
•Plans to send (#) of self-advocates to The Arc National Conference in New Orleans
•Plans to send Mel and Shawn to SABE National Conference
•Must find more educational opportunities for SAI Officers

3. Educating the Community
•SPEAKER’S BUREAU!- must grow the program and reach out to schools, churches, and other groups (need to do 24 presentations annually)
•Provide in-person or online training for Speaker’s Bureau quarterly
•Disability Awareness Activities- March and October! (10 activities per year)
•Working with GCDP about funding for 4 Kiwanis/Aktion clubs ($500 each)

4. Advocacy and Public Policy
•Valentine’s Day at the Statehouse (February 13th, 2020)
•Working with IDR and SABE on educating members about the importance of voting, voting rights, and how to become an informed voter
•Post on Social Media and in Newsletter about voter registration deadlines and video about voting machines
•Provide opportunity for members to learn about the importance of voting- Leadership Training include Voter Presentation and Panel Discussion
•Continue to serve on boards and committees
•Continue to meet monthly about Public Policy-
•Partners in Policymaking starts up again in October, 2020. Must identify 2 SAI members who would like to participate

5. Communication and Outreach
  • Thirty for 30- visit 30 SAI Chapters throughout the state in 2020.
  • Nim’s News/Social Media- send out Nim’s News quarterly with information from chapters throughout the state
  • Monthly Newsletter with Relevant Information
  • Monthly Videos with Tips
  • Webinar- 2 planned for 2020 including Census and Voting
  • Partnerships with Other Groups
  • Business Cards for Speaker’s Bureau/Grow Speaker’s Bureau
Indiana Disability Rights "How to Register to Vote" Video
Voter Dates and Information

Important Voter Registration Dates

December 2, 2019 Voter Registration Begins

April 6, 2020 Voter Registration Ends

May 5, 2020 Primary Election Day

May 19, 2020 Voter Registration Begins

October 5, 2020 Voter Registration Ends

November 3, 2020 General Election Day

You have the right to vote in Indiana if:

  • You are both a U.S. citizen and a resident of Indiana; and
  • You will be at least 18 years of age on or before the next General or Municipal Election, and
  • You are not currently in prison after being convicted of a crime; and
  • You have lived in the precinct where you vote for at least 30 days prior to the election; and
  • You are registered to vote.
The Arc's 2020 Public Policy Agenda
Governor's Council for People with Disabilities Conference: Challenging Assumptions
This year's Governor's Council for People with Disabilities Conference: Challenging Assumptions took place from November 17th-19th, 2019 at the Indianapolis Downtown Marriott. The four amazing Keynote Speakers were Judy Heumann, nationally renowned disability and civil rights activist; Gaelynn Lea, singer, violinist and disability activist; Xian Horn, beauty advocate, speaker and writer; and Sara Minkara, Founder and CEO of Empowerment through Integration (ETI). The conference featured more than 30 breakout sessions about a variety of different topics including: intersectionality, sexuality, parenting, employment, and accessibility. 

Self-Advocates of Indiana had an exhibit booth at the conference where self-advocates handed out important information about our organization. 
Chapter Spotlight: Awesome Westside Advocates

Awesome Westside Advocates  
By Karen Rose 

In August of 2008 a small group of us met to sign an application for start-up funding from the Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities, administered through The Arc of Indiana.  The name described our location and purpose.  We had to earn the “awesome” part.  The funding provided money for refreshments and supplies as we had meetings, booths, and parties to develop interest.  As our activities grew, the members worked with a company to design T-shirts and we started scrapbooking pictures of our events.  Through the years are group has done the following: 

1) Made and delivered Valentines to State officials and our own state legislators during the SAI Day at the Statehouse  in February  

2) Set up booths for March Disability Awareness Month in local libraries, and for self-advocacy at the Westside Secondary Transition (WSTC) Fair 

3) Provide a time for half-court basketball games and silent auction as a fundraiser 

4) Pay for and attend the annual SAI Picnic in July  

5) Celebrate our Anniversary with food, games, and cake in August 

6) Prepare and enter a float in the Quaker Day Parade in Plainfield in September- we won awards for our entries four different times and pass out bunches of candy! 

7) Pay for and attend The Arc Award luncheons; SAI, Arc, and GCPD conferences for members who can go.  We once did a Power Point presentation for a SAI conference and the WSTC Fair 

8) Plan a Christmas/Holiday party for members and friends in December 

Service projects over the years have included collecting and delivering donations to the Ronald McDonald House, VA hospital, Soldier Care packages, Operation Christmas Child, Active Grace Homeless Mission, storm relief, and families in need.   

Fundraisers have included a garage sale, numerous restaurant fundraisers and ones organized for us by the “JUST BE KIND” group of Plainfield.   

We have had police officers, behavior therapists, and Sycamore Services CEO speak to our group.  We have planted and tended a community garden, volunteered at Special Needs Easter Egg Hunts, and promoted Voter Registration. 

Several of our members attend the Hendricks Co. Arc meetings. We have representatives on the WSTC and members on the SAI board of directors. 

Parents and staff have been very supportive and provided transportation, donations, and volunteer labor to make our group successful.  In December, 2019 we had a close election for new officers of AWA.  We hope to continue to support the mission of SAI of awareness, education, and involvement among our members and our community. 

The 2020 Census and Disability: Everyone Deserves to Be Counted


Why is the Census important to you?
Hannah Carlock

Every 10 years the government in Washington, D.C. conducts a census to count everyone living in the United States.  
How does this affect you?
In 2016, the government in Washington, D.C. provided nearly $18 billion in funding to Indiana. The data collected in the census helps make important decisions, including:
  • Funding
    • The state received $2,710 per person in Indiana in 2016, but if we don’t update that number we could be losing out on important money that helps with paying for Medicaid, Medicare, Public Health, Transportation and Public Safety.
  • Drawing of federal, state and local legislative districts
    • This means we could have less or more representation in Washington, D.C. from Indiana and this could change who represents you in the state House of Representatives and Senate along with your local city officials.
The first Census taken in Indiana was back in 1820; 200 hundred years later, Indiana is expected to have a population of around 7 million people.

The first online invitations to complete the census will be sent in early March, followed by reminder letters and postcards in late March. Census Day is April 1, 2020. By Census Day, every home will receive an invitation to participate in the 2020 Census.

When you respond to the census, you will tell the Census Bureau where you live as of April 1, 2020. From May through August, expect census workers to visit your home to collect more data. The information you give for the Census is protected by law and are private.

When a Census worker visits your home, be sure to ask to see their I.D. or badge. These workers are collecting very important information, so you don’t want to be giving your information out to just anyone knocking on your door. If someone is knocking on your door and you are afraid to answer by yourself, The Arc of Indiana and Indiana Disability Rights are a phone call away to help you through the Census process to make sure you are providing the correct information to the Census worker at your door.

The census data collected will be made into a report by December 31, 2020. This report will help make the important funding decisions made in Washington, D.C. that impacts in Indiana and you, for the next 10 years.  

The Arc of Indiana- 317-977-2375
Indiana Disability Rights- 317-722-5555
Self-Advocates of Indiana
143 W. Market Street, Suite 200
Indianapolis, IN 46204
317-977-2385 — Fax

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