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Rector's Reflections

Week beginning Sunday, December 22
The Rev. Tom Sramek, Jr., Rector

All this took place to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet: "Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel," which means, "God is with us." - Matthew 1:22-23

There is an old Woody Allen quote that asserts that "80 percent of success is showing up." That is true whether one is working a regular job, responding to a party invitation, or even coming to church! It is even more true for Jesus, who was--and is--quite literally "God with us." I think that there are two great myths about God that are debunked by Christmas. The first is that God will protect us from harm. While there are instances in the Bible where God does fulfill the role of protector, the Bible is filled with many more instances of painful, difficult things happening to faithful people. These are sometimes a result of a person's own poor choices, sometimes a result of another person's poor choices, and sometimes just accidents. Tornadoes, wildfires, and earthquakes don't steer around Godly people and strike only the unrighteous. Even the slaughter of the Holy Innocents by King Herod was shortly after Jesus' birth. We live in a flawed, difficult, and dangerous world. One might just as well give thanks to God that we're even upright and breathing on a day-to-day basis!

The second myth is that God is a sort of Superman who will swoop in and rescue us from calamity. When we experience trials, tribulations, or pain in our lives we often wonder either where God was or why God didn't come to our rescue. The reality of the Incarnation, however, is more amazing than either the Protector-God or the Superman-God. The Incarnate God (Jesus) doesn't go in front of us to protect us nor above us to rescue us, but walks beside us to help is through the many difficulties in our lives. God wants to experience life with us and help us to get though things with God's help. In our independence, we may be reluctant to ask for God's help and may even blame God for the difficult situations in which we find ourselves, but the reality is that God is right next to us, eager to help us through and there to comfort us and sustain us through the difficult times.



BFF Brief: Plaster Drying, Concrete Curing, & Elevator...

This week continues the progress on the taping and plastering of the inside of our building. Since there is a LOT of wall space involved, it has been a multi-week process that should be coming to an end soon. Wall texturing will be done the week after Christmas, followed closely by interior painting. The concrete contractor will be pouring the ramp walls and the remainder of the patio late this week, with that hopefully completed by Christmas. We will see if we will have access to our front door by Christmas Eve, though...  Our elevator installation is going in fits and starts, with the elevator company requesting some modifications related to the electrical system and the water leakage in the elevator pit. We're hoping to have that resolved in the next week or so and the elevator should finally go in at the beginning of January.

Since the launch of our "Close the Gap" supplementary capital campaign, we have received $30,000 in new contributions, or about a third of the amount necessary to completely close our funding gap. We continue to eagerly welcome contributions to the BFF Fund, either in the 2019 or 2020 tax years. A reminder that if you are 72 1/2 and have to take an IRA distribution, you can have that distribution directly paid to St. Mark's (earmarked for BFF or General Fund) and not have to pay taxes on that distribution. For more information, see your accountant or contact Roger Hercl, our Accounting Manager. Thanks to everyone who has donated!

-- The Building For the Future (BFF) Committee

Pastoral Care Corner

Pastoral Care is a ministry of caring.  It includes hospital and clinic visitations and transportation, counseling, and ministries of shared presence, listening, support and prayer.  It utilizes the ministries of clergy and laity who respond to human needs, spiritual, emotional and physical. When people think of "pastoral care" they often think of clergy visitations, but we have a whole team of people--including the Rector---who do such visits!

St. Mark's Pastoral Team meets monthly to review those parishioners who need care in some way. It may be related to changes in health or financial status, family dynamics, legal issues, or grieving a loss.  We prayerfully develop a care plan for each person and their individualized needs.  Many times the plan includes family. All of our members are aware of the need for strict confidentiality.  We intentionally honor and respect parishioners' privacy.

During the past year we have made adjustments in how the altar flowers are provided and distributed.  The change seems to be working well.  There have only been a few Sundays when the silk flower bouquet has been required. Another change was made to strengthen our connection with parishioners living at the Manor who can no longer attend services at St. Mark's.  Fred Moore has developed a plan to meet with each household, either by phone or personally, on a regular basis. When the need for additional support arises, Fred brings that to the attention of the team for review and planning.  When any parishioner moves away, Rev. Tom tries to set up a connection for them with an Episcopal parish rector in their new location.  Of course, this is done with the permission of the departing parishioner. 
In January there will be an opportunity for current Lay Eucharistic Ministers to be re-certified.  If you would like to serve in this capacity, please contact Rev. Tom. We are also seeking a volunteer who will send out "Get Well" and "Sympathy" cards to those in need of this support.  If you want to volunteer please contact Nancy Miles, Parish Nurse (541-621-8839).
A Christmas Message from our Presiding Bishop

Christmas Message 2019 - Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

A Blessed Advent and Merry Christmas message from our Diocesan Bishop Michael Hanley.

Blue Christmas and
Longest Night Service

THIS Saturday, December 21

Our annual Blue Christmas and Longest Night Service will be THIS coming Saturday, December 21 at 7 pm. Please join us if you are mourning the loss of a loved one, a job, or any other loss. We will come together and quietly mourn those losses while also being assured of God's love and care for us. Please join us, and bring a friend!
Additional Christmas services
are listed below.

St. Mark's at the Manor:
New Schedule & Bible Study

...and a "new" Chaplain!

As we wind down the year, our schedule is as follows:
NO RVM Chapel Eucharist
on January 2

Thursday, January 18, 2020
9:30 am - Bible Study (Location TBA)
10:30 am - Holy Eucharist, Rite I - Chapel
11 am - Winter Luncheon - Dining Room

All RVM residents are welcome to join us, and bring a friend!

AND.... The Rev. Fred Moore
is now the official St. Mark's
Chaplain to the Manor.

Fred, a retired deacon, will be the primary pastoral caregiver for St. Mark's folks at the Manor. Rev. Tom is always available as well, if you wish. Welcome (back) Fred!
Annual Meeting Notice
The Annual Meeting of St. Mark's Episcopal Church
will be held on Sunday, January 26 following a combined 9 am Service

Candidates for the Vestry
Class of 2023 are:
Kris Conrad
Bill Dames
Kathy Garrett

Please join us!
Hors d'oeuvres

Please join us NEXT Sunday, December 29 in the Hafer House ballroom after the 9 am Combined Service for an hors d'oeuvres, champagne, and sparkling cider reception to commemorate and celebrate the end of 2019 and the beginning of a new year and decade! Members are invited to bring an hors d'oeuvre to share. Beverages provided.

Please join us for this early New Year's celebration!

Donation Reminder

Please be sure to get your 2019 BFF or General Fund donations to the church office no later than Monday, December 30 so that they may be recorded this tax year.
You may also give online
by clicking here.

If you intend to make an IRA-based contribution, please do so ASAP. See below for details.

NEW Book Study:
The Meaning of Mary Magdalene: Discovering the Woman at the Heart of Christianity by Cynthia Bourgeault

The book group will begin a new book on January 8: The Meaning of Mary Magdalene: Discovering the Woman at the Heart of Christianity by Episcopal priest Cynthia Bourgeault.This book is "a radical view of Mary Magdalene as Jesus’s most important disciple, the one he considered to understand his teaching best. That teaching was characterized by a non-dualistic approach to the world and by a deep understanding of the value of the feminine. Cynthia shows how an understanding of Mary Magdalene can revitalize contemporary Christianity, how Christians and others can, through her, find their way to Jesus’s original teachings and apply them to their modern lives." Books are $12 and are available at (St. Mark's gets a percentage!). Join us at 5:30 pm on Wednesday evenings in Hafer House for great food for body, mind, and spirit!

From $5 to $15 and going...
Amazon Smile at work!

Last quarter (July through September) St. Mark's made $14.93 at NO cost to Amazon buyers. This is up from $5 last quarter. If you shop Amazon, remember to visit It's the same site as the regular one,
it just gives us money!


As of December 16 we have
72 pledges for $198,078.

Our goal is 80 pledges for a total of $205,000 by December 31
--and we're almost there!.
Would you pledge (or increase your existing pledge by) $80 per month ($20 per week)? If a handful more people do, we’ll make it!

Please bring your pledge card to either the 8 or 10 am service, mail it to the church office, or submit one online here.

Thank you for your pledge and financial support!
Are you a Rogue Valley Manor resident? Are you interested in what St. Mark's is up to at the Manor? Well, subscribe to our occasional newsletter (once or twice per month) and stay in the know!
Click here to subscribe!

A reminder that donations to St. Mark's are tax deductible if you itemize. Since fewer people are likely to itemize with the new tax laws, there are three other options that may be more advantageous to give either a operating fund or BFF Capital Fund gift, including:
  • Appreciated Stocks: You may donate stocks that have appreciated in value directly to St. Mark's that will then be sold by us, avoiding capital gains taxes but giving the charitable deduction for the value of the sold stock.
  • Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs): You can "roll over" IRA funds directly to St. Mark's and will not be taxed on the amount transferred. This is especially handy for those who are required to withdraw funds from their IRA every year but may not need the money for regular expenses. The donor must be 70 1/2 to take advantage of this opportunity. More information can be found here.
  • Life Insurance and Pension Proceeds: While this is obviously more a part of an estate plan, St. Mark's may be named as a beneficiary on  your life insurance policy or pension plan. If you have a life insurance policy that your heirs may not need to cover expenses, consider changing the beneficiary to St. Mark's. Please notify us if you do this, as some insurance companies are not required to do so.
Please contact the church office if you would like to discuss ways to financially support St. Mark's. Roger Hercl, our Accounting Manager, can assist you in processing a donation and we have investment advisors who can assist as well. As always, consult your own tax advisor to see what options may be best for you. Please note that donations must be received by December 31 to be counted in the current tax year.

Online Giving is HERE!

A reminder that St. Mark's now has the ability to receive gifts online.
Click here to go to our giving page.

Contact Roger Hercl, Accounting Manager, if you have any questions.
Please Note: Some members have been having technical difficulties with our online giving. Please contact Roger for assistance.

Support St. Mark's:
Join Amazon Smile!

St. Mark's has registered with the Amazon Smile program. Join Amazon Smile (go to and designate St. Mark's as your supported charity. Or simply click here or on the image above!

After than, just order from Amazon as normal--but go to rather than just
Free to you, good for us!
St. Mark's Calendar is ONLINE!
Our official parish calendar is available online at any time on our web site. Click here to go to the calendar.
All events and room reservations should be sent to TieKara Beams, our Administrative Assistant.

Remember, if it's not on the calendar,
it doesn't exist!
Holding in prayer....
Please pray for these people and groups
who have been commended to our prayers.

We ask your prayers for God’s people throughout the world; for Michael Curry, our Presiding Bishop; Michael Hanley, our Diocesan Bishop; Tom our priest; for this gathering and for all ministers and people.

In our Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we pray for Christians in other denominations and the work of the ecumenical movement His Holiness Pope Francis - Bishop of Rome; His Holiness Archbishop Bartholomew of Constatinople, New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch; The Revd Dr Olav Fykse Tveit - General Secretary of the World Council of Churches; Bishop Ivan M Abrahams - General Secretary World Methodist Council; The Revered Chris Ferguson - General Secretary of the World Communion of Reformed Churches.
In our Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we pray for Prince of Peace (Salem), St. Paul (Salem) & St. Timothy (Salem).
In our neighborhood and community, we pray for the following area ministries and missions: Medford Neighborhood Church   &  CASA of Jackson County.
We especially remember those who have been commended to our prayers: Anne Henry, Angela Loehr,  John & Joyce Graham, Lou Worland, Tielar Horn & Family; Karen Kehr, Barbara Davis, Tina Reis-Leveron, Roan Wildmare,  Brenden Shaw, Justin Wismar, Graham Wheeler, Patty Frisbee, Allen Stewart, Amy Dials, Steve Guggenmos, Richard, Jean, & Henry and all whom we remember now.
8 a.m. Service 

Ushers - Francis & Gail Plowman

Greeter - Christina Saunders

Lay Eucharistic Ministers -
Barbara Holley

Lectors - Chris Johnson

Coffee Hour - Francis & Gail Plowman
10 a.m. Service 

Ushers - The Freshour Family

Greeters - Bob Wille

Lay Eucharistic Minister -
Susan Ladue & Jan Martin

Lectors - Jim Stocker, Bill Dames & Don Ogren

Acolyte - TBA

Coffee Hour - Margaret Dials

Counters - Rita Shale & Sue Bates
Vestry Duty Lock-Up  (December) Sam Freshour
Altar Guild - Kit Nilles, Gail Plowman, Pat Ayers & Lynn Calhoun
Flowers - Please Pick up a Christmas Flower offering envelope (located in the pew).

We are always in need of Coffee Hour Hosts for both the 8 and 10 am services.
Sign up on the sheet or contact TieKara Beams at the office by clicking here
or at (541) 773-3111 to sign up!
Training available, or sign up in pairs!
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