Ruth Kendagor IRM Researcher for Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya
Citizens are closer to their local government rather than the national ones, which often leads to innovative open government reforms. As the IRM researcher of Elgeyo-Marakwet County, Kenya, Ruth tells us some notable achievements and pending challenges out of the County. Learn more here.
As of October 1, 2019, the Government of Argentina and Robin Hodess assumed their roles as Co-Chairs of the OGP Steering Committee. Keep up to date with their latest news including their vision for the year ahead and more.
Robin Hodess reflects on the implementation gaps in open government commitments and what the community can do to address them and catalyze the impact of open government here.
Our latest publication, Seeking Synergy, is out now! Read how OGP and EITI members can leverage both initiatives to make meaningful reforms in extractives governance.
By Tinatin Ninua, OGP's Independent Reporting Mechanism
In the first of a series of blogs focusing on IRM findings in subregions around the world, we explore how the Nordic nations are using OGP advance fiscal and aid transparency. Learn more here.
Break the Roles Voices
Dagia Aka, Youth Advocate and Board Member of Transparency International’s Chapter in Papua New Guinea
Dagia began advocating for anti-corruption reforms at the age of 15. Since then, he has become one of the youngest activists in the world pushing for more open and transparent governments. In this Break the Roles Voices, Dagia tells us about the power of youth and how young people can shape open government policy.
Senior Research Officer (Europe), Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM)
OGP’s IRM is seeking a highly organized individual with strong writing skills to collaborate with the IRM team and carry out editing, quality control, publication and dissemination of IRM reports from OGP participating governments. The deadline to apply is January 6, 2020. This position is based in Berlin, Brussels or London. Learn more here.
Call for IRM National Researchers
The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) is seeking individuals to carry out research in the following countries to assess government progress on implementation of their OGP action plans. Learn more here.
North Macedonia
Sierra Leone
United Kingdom
Planning an event for Open Gov Week? Check out the Open Gov Hub's updated Guide to Great Events a great resource to make more interesting events happen.
The World of #OpenGov
- An increasing number of OGP countries are signing on to the Beneficial Ownership Leadership Group, convened by the UK and supported by OGP and Open Ownership. Learn more about the latest signatories and what they committing to here.
- Civic freedoms are under severe attack around the world. The latest CIVICUS report shows where civil society conditions are improving and where civic space continues to shrink. Read it here.
- Last week, we hosted a webinar on advancing access to justice reforms and SDG16+ through open government approaches. Watch the recording and access supplementary materials here.
- Publish What You Pay, a civil society partner of OGP, is looking for an experienced Institutional Fundraising Manager to join their vibrant team. Learn more and apply now here.
- Open government champions attended IDFI’s Good Governance Forum and discussed innovative ways to tackle corruption including beneficial ownership, lobbying, open contracting and more.
- Learn how countries in the Nordic region have harnessed open data to foster political integrity across lobbying, political financing, asset disclosure, public procurement, and beneficial ownership.
- Check out the Open Gov Hub’s new website “Defending Democracy” a unique program to help address current challenges to U.S. democracy by learning from other countries’ experiences.