
It's About Time

The Spiral Spectrum Synchronic System is a synthesis of astronomy, chronobiology, astrology and folk knowledge to bring about a conscious reunion with natural cycles.

Western culture transmits that time is a line with a distinctly separate past, present, and future. It adopted a civic calendar that is largely divorced from natural markers. Installed by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582AD, this “Gregorian Grid” in use today is an adaptation of Caesar’s 45BC Julian Calendar, which itself was a reform of an earlier Roman system. The origin of the word calendar has its Latin root in tax collection.  This system is noted for a historically inaccurate, religiously rooted “zero event” over two millennia ago that we generally accept without question.

So-called modern societies assimilate into this artificial count where “time is money” – a limited resource for which we must compete and even hoard.  This approach creates imbalance and dependence on monetary systems with built-in scarcity.  We experience this as an inevitable march toward, and fear of, death.  The delusion that humans are separate from nature and have dominion over it is wrapped up in this short-term and fatalistic orientation.

Alternative perspectives of time recognize humans are nature and interdependent with it. Resources are abundant when our habitat is unhindered by human-made pollution and migration barriers.  Aligned with nature’s way, time is experienced as a regenerative cycle of life with enough to go around; death is simply a return home, physically and spiritually.  

Nature-based societies share resources for mutual benefit. These pantheist cultures have been eroded, in part, by colonizers co-opting solar and lunar celebrations and repackaging as religious events gridded to a nearby calendar date. No longer in sync with the cosmos, we are now trained to an artificial timeline.

Chronobiology studies reveal that when biological beings are out of sync with nature, disorientation occurs. It stands to reason that basic instincts and intuitive knowing are easily confused and stressed, leaving us more likely to accept outside authority instead of relying on the inner knowing that comes from being attuned to nature’s rhythm. We coined the term cosmosis to describe the enhanced knowing one experiences when operating from a state of connection with the cosmos.

An artificial schedule shifts us out of sync with nature’s timing, keeping us “in line.” Like the entrancing beat of a mother’s heart, the cosmic clock beckons us to remember we are free range humans capable of cosmosis.

As you align yourself with the flow of the cosmic energies at play, awaken to your primal power & purpose. Navigating life’s obstacles with enhanced perception makes for a much more enjoyable journey.  
– An excerpt from Spiral Spectrum's Cosmic Clock 12 Month Workbook
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This time last year I attracted two new partners - one in love, the other in business. Both are Sagittarius, making my Leo heart happy go lucky. (You Sag's are SO MUCH FUN!) While I was mostly working from home on these calendars for the past three years, my soul was craving more human interaction. An opportunity came to serve my community in Orlando once again that I think you are going to dig.

You see, from 2005-2015 I was a restauranteur of an organic cafe and was way active in my community as a localist and paradigm provocateur. The spiritual bookstore across the street (founded in 1975) lost its incredible founder, Beverly Ford, about the same time I sold my shares in the cafe. As fortune would have it, everything synced up for me to become a co-owner and store manager of my very favoritest independent bookstore in the world this past June. Its name is Spiral Circle and is not a coincidence: it was the inspiration for calling my calendar collection Spiral Spectrum. 

I've spent the past five months rebuilding the store to its former glory and got to select all the new inventory - and oh my, my, my, was that a fun task:

I am so excited to finally introduce you to the new online shop for my beloved bookstore. It's just a partial listing of our extensive inventory, but you'll definitely dig the Astrology section.

As for the new love, he's a designer, too, and we are dreaming up a new product collection together. I'll let you know more about that as it unfolds in perfect timing!

In Cosmic Community,
Julie Wilder
Copyright © 2019 Spiral Spectrum, All rights reserved.

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