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Hello from the UT Austin Digital Heart Health Study Team!
We have completed Usability Phase I with 10 participants who played the game for 1 week in their homes. Here are the results:
Demographics for :
50% Female; 
65% were 65 - 89 years of age
40% White
60%  > 5 years of HF diagnosis 
Usability Outcomes: 
90%: Game interesting, satisfying, enjoyable and/or easy to play
90%: Satisfied with the avatar image
100%: Approved moving ahead in the game based on real-time behaviors
90%: Will recommend the game to others with HF
70% prefer games as a medium to learn about HF 

Behavior Outcomes:
Baseline: 60% had Less than recommended activity levels 
100%: Reported that Game motivated physical activity & weight monitoring behaviors
Weekly Average Steps during game – 4117 steps (H – 9892; L – 967)
90% exercised (> 1000 steps) on more than 70 % of days
40% attained step goal on more than 70 % of days
70% attained weight monitoring goal on more than 70 % of days
Notable quotes:
“It was fun trying to get the steps so I can continue to progress.”
“Goal setting, made me think before over eating and encouraged me to exercise even when I was injured or having pain”
“Loved the bird sounds in the game”
Current Study Status
Phase II: Randomized Controlled Trial

Enrolled: 4
Needed: 40 

If you see a case that fits our inclusion criteria, (55+ years, diagnosis of heart failure, owns a smartphone, can walk unassisted), please call Dr. Radhakrishnan (512) 471-7936 or email


Upcoming - We will talk about our study at the Aging and Informatics Conference on Dec 11th at The University of Texas Austin School of Nursing.

We presented a Poster on our study at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Conference, Austin Texas

Clinician Kudos 
Thank you a whole bunch to nurses and exercise physiologists at Seton Cardiac Rehabilitation and the CoC team  at Seton Cardiac Floor for helping us recruit participants to our study! Have a great holiday season...
Meet Our Team: Catherine (Katy) Fournier: Katy is a doctoral student of nursing and is a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Scholar. Katy is a Graduate Research Assistant on this study and many of you have already met her during her recruitment rounds.
Copyright © 2019 The University of Texas Austin School of Nursing, All rights reserved.
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