This email is for the friends and family of Richmond Congregational Church. If you have news to share in our weekly emails, please submit it to the church office by noon on Wednesday. View this email in your browser
Richmond Congregational Church, UCC
The Reverend Katelyn B. Macrae, Pastor

Love God ~ Seek Peace ~ Build Community ~ Welcome All
To the Richmond Congregational Church (UCC) Family,

Off and on in my sermons I have created stories to communicate the message of a biblical passage. Stories open us to understand biblical truth in ways that traditional forms of preaching cannot.  In usual forms of preaching, the preacher imparts knowledge and ideas and the congregation agrees or disagrees.  Stories, though, encourage the work of the Holy Spirit.  They engage our hearts as well as our minds.  Stories touch our feelings, invite us to listen to God’s Spirit, and allow us to discover God’s truth ourselves rather than having the preacher tell it to us.

This coming Sunday, as we continue to look at the words of the prophet Isaiah, my sermon will be a story.  The story was inspired by our Scripture passage from Isaiah.

We continue our Advent journey by lighting the Third Candle of Advent, the pink candle, the candle of Joy.

Pastor Neal, Parental Supply Pastor  630-408-4457 – cell

Grounded in Faith, Growing for the Future

Capital Campaign Update

Please return your pledge ASAP, and if you have friends, family or know of organizations to whom we could reach out about our campaign, or if you know of any grant or matching gift opportunities, please contact Cindy Preston or Nancy Remsen, campaign co-chairs.

Thanks to you and a grant of $50,000 from the Hoehl Family Foundation, our capital campaign has exceeded our goal of $278,700! In fact, we are within about $10,000 of being able to complete our entire project list and pay off past debt, and also to reach our first stretch goal - to put insulation over the sanctuary when we replace the roof. We are planning to pursue a grant from Vermont Interfaith Power and Light to help raise some of that extra $10,000, along with any additional pledges and gifts.
With joy and new hope for the future, we move to the next phase – getting to work on our project list.

Cindy Preston, co-chair                                Nancy Remsen, co-chair                            
(Artwork by Tess Starecheski)
Scripture Readings

Isaiah 35:1-10
Luke 1:46b-55

CLICK HERE to see the Sunday Worship Bulletin.

Let us pray...
In Celebration of: 
Greta Thunberg and her efforts against climate change, new babies, family, caregivers, holiday gatherings

For concern or healing: Margaret T's father, Kathryn Wy-Jo's mother, all those who are lonely, Lori A's aunt, Mary & Martha's brother Ed, Cindy P's Aunt Mamie, Molly D's father, Anne P's parents, Natalie (Sue Ann's friend), Corinne & Angela (Leta's sister & neice), Cath Burns' step mother,  Mary (Ingrid's cousin), Martha Alexander, Terrie (Lori's friend), Donald White, Jr., and all those suffering with mental illness and addiction 

For comfort and peace for: victims of violence in the US and around the world, victims of natural disasters like the volcano in New Zealand, those who lack the basic necessities, the Kurdish people,  migrants and refugees and asylum-seekers, and those in war-torn areas of the world

Please let us know if there's someone who should be added or removed from the prayer list. 

Thank you to everyone who helped with our 8th Annual Christmas Giving Tree program - all the tags have been claimed! Please remember to return your unwrapped gift with the tag and any gift receipts attached, on or before this SUNDAY - DEC. 15TH. Donations of gift boxes/bags and rolls of wrapping paper and non-perishable food items are also appreciated! (e.g. peanut butter, big boxes of cereal, mac n cheese, granola/snack bars, individually packaged apple sauce, bags of nuts and dried fruit, etc.) 

Thanks again for your generosity and holiday spirit!

Socks for COTS

Throughout Advent our Deacons are also collecting new warm socks for COTS (Committee on Temporary Shelter) in Burlington, and gas and grocery cards for our Deacon’s Fund. Our Deacon’s Fund provides emergency assistance to local residents. Donations can be dropped off at the Church Office, and socks can be placed on or under the Christmas tree in the Sanctuary.

December Greetings Book Lovers,
It's time to be tuck yourself into bed each night with a copy of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.  It is also time to think about what delectable you might want to put together for our book club holiday-potluck gathering at the Richmond Free Library on Tuesday, Dec. 17 at 6:30 (half hour earlier than our usual meetings).  We'll enjoy one another's cooking/baking/package opening and we'll talk about Paulo's interesting book.

I will provide plates and cups and can come up with plastic utensils, but bringing your own fork and spoon is preferable if you remember.  I will also provide hot and cold beverages.  
It's going to be fun.
~ Wendy deForest

Thank you UPPER VALLEY TREE FARM in Jeffersonville, for their donation of our Christmas Tree!
Rev. Katelyn B. Macrae
Pastor Katelyn is out on parental leave now through
January 2, 2020.

Rev. Neal Sadler

is providing coverage during this time. His office hours are
Tues. & Thurs. 9 am - 1 pm.

Tuesday - Friday
9 am - 1 pm

Jen Greenwood,
Office Administrator
Phone: (802) 434-2053
Donate Now

Sunday Worship Volunteers** 

Ministers: Everyone
Pastor: Rev. Neal Sadler
Choir Director: Esther Nui
Musician: Jen Greenwood
Deacon: Ed Roberts
Greeter: Carol Adams
Advent Candles: The Plumer Family
Reader: Marshall Paulsen
Ushers: Ed & Sue Ann Sinnamon
Count Team: Ed Roberts
Coffee Hour: Denise Bouchard & Terri Schultz
Sunday School: Janine Plumer & Rebecca Garavan
Drivers: Cath Burns/Ernie Buford & The Swaines

**Interested in volunteering?** 
Click the button(s) below or contact Jen Greenwood.

Fall RUG
Spring RUG
Fall Sunday School
Spring Sunday School

We need your help!

Kathy Kort, Peter Swaine, and Phyllis Modley of the nominating committee are currently updating and recruiting for positions elected by the church. All of you give so much volunteer time to the church to keep it growing and making a difference in the community. We have openings on the council, trustees, pastoral relations, stewardship, outreach and deacons.

If you’d like information on any of these please contact us or the church office. We have detailed descriptions of what the time and focus for some positions are and can share these. Thanks for all you do!

The Longest Night

Williston Federated Church
44 No. Williston Rd.

Wed. Dec. 18 at 6:45 pm

"At Williston Federated Church, we recognize that, although many are feeling "merry and bright' this Holiday Season, there are those for whom this is an expscially difficult time of year. As families gather, losses are felt deeply. As lists are mode, financial pressures mount. As we are bombarded with expexctaions of what the holiday season "should look like" we mby be feeling left our or left behind. Come join us for a quiet night of reflection on the "Longest Night", December 18 at 6:45 pm.
CLICK HERE for the ADVENT issue of the Messenger

Our joy at Christmas is a response to God's promise of new life through the birth of Jesus. It is a joy we are called to share widely, through our witness and gifts, both to loved ones and to distant neighbors.

"It wasn’t easy picking up the telephone to share with you my present situation. In fact, it was one of the most humiliating experiences of my life although it reminded me that grace still happens. Sometimes we as clergy persons lose sight of God’s grace when the negative stuff comes into our lives."

"…thanks so much for sharing your time and ministry with me. Your most gracious gift is appreciated more than words can say as I continue to live in the 'meantime.'"

These eloquent words are from a pastor who is the recipient of the caring and concern of those who contribute to the Christmas Fund Offering.

You have the opportunity to be a part of this ministry that cares for the active and retired clergy and lay employees of the United Church of Christ through your participation in this year's Christmas Fund Offering.

Your gift to the Christmas Fund will not only assist pastors like the one above, but also provide for the Supplementation of Small Annuities, Supplementation of Health Premiums, Emergency Grants, and Christmas “Thank You” Gift Checks next December to lower-income retirees.

We will hold a special collection for The Christmas Fund on Sunday, December 22, 2019.
There will be offering envelopes in your bulletin, and our "Change for Change" jar on the table at coffee hour. Thank you for you continued support for the special offerings of the United Church of Christ throughout the year. Because of you, we have the honor of being designated a "5 for 5" church.

Costa Rica Mission Trip 2020

Richmond Congregational Church, UCC in Richmond, VT is sponsoring a Mission Trip to Nosara, Costa Rica in February 2020 where our 20 volunteers will be working with Mercy Home Ministries to build a house or two for local families. In 2018 we built two homes in Nosara and had trip participants from Maine, Ohio, Wisconsin, Illinois and Vermont! 
Stay tuned for additional ways you can support this wonderful mission!
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