
Loving-kindness meditation is a practice designed to enhance feelings of kindness and compassion for oneself and others. It is based on mindfulness meditation and improves one's whole health.

We all face difficult situations, relationship challenges, and internal thoughts and beliefs that prevent us from experiencing the best life we have to offer. When we become more aware, open, and curious about the world and people around us, we learn to use our natural compassion in practical ways to navigate life's toughest personal challenges and begin to move through life's ups and downs with greater confidence and ease. Be a part of making the world a better place.

Week 1: The first class is an introduction to mindfulness meditation with the explanation of a traditional Tibetan meditation illustration, followed by a practice on meditation.


Week 2: Generating love and compassion for a person you love, your loved ones are the most important people in your life and the people who are always there for you.


Week 3: What is self-compassion? Why is it important? It's self-care and best defined as an ability to take proper care of your daily needs to help others.


Week 4: How to generate loving-kindness and compassion for strangers and difficult people? Why is it essential for your well-being?


Outcome: Adding this loving-kindness practice into one's life can reduce worries and fears so we can become powerful but healthy forces for good - in our relationships, families, workplaces, and communities.

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