Upcoming VSF events :
Jan 18th, Sankaranthi Festival Celebration, see the flyer above
PURCHASE tickets here please https://www.vsfbayarea.org/sankranti2020
Its the season of sharing and giving
VSF shared multiple ways, please see below
Table of Contents:
1. Giving by our community
- Dr. Ashok Singri
- Rise Against Hunger
- RAH experience by Sharanya Keserla
- RAH experience by Shrimayee Grandhi
- Homeless shelter cooking in Fremont on Nov 24th
- Tri-Valley - Berkeley Food Drive by Smt. Valli Boggavarapu
- Our leader in service - Nagesh Kannamuri Garu (EC outreach) Q&A
- Blanket Drive, contributed by Rashmi Garu
- Coat drive
2. Article by Manickam Dhamo on pilgrimage
3. Cartoon by Uday Jonnala
4. VSF saves the day - Ram Sripathi
5. Story of Nachiketa where charity went awry but for good
1.1 Free Medical Clinic
Dear Friends
I have been blessed with so many wonderful things in my life including my wife, kids, parents and my outstanding teachers from primary school to medical college. I was blessed to have a wonderful education at Rama Krishna Vidhyashala in Mysore. My religious beliefs were reinforced by the selfless saints of Ramakrishna Mission. When I was still undecided about my future my wonderful parents encouraged me to become a doctor and help other people. I graduated from Mysore Medical College in 1975 and emigrated to USA a country where you can be the best in anything you do. I did all my education, residency in Detroit getting board certified in Internal and Emergency medicine. After 5 yrs of being a teacher in Emergency medicine at Michigan State University we moved to sunny California. I have been in private practice in Monterey County for the past 35 yrs .
I always wanted to give something back to the country and community which has given me everything and more than what I asked for. For more than 10 yrs I was busy rebuilding a rural hospital near Ahmedabad which was in ruins in the beginning. Now it is a thriving 250 bed multi speciality hospital having a nursing school and hoping to start a medical school soon. I also had a free medical clinic for few years at Mangammana Palya. Bangalore.
I also wanted to do something for my community here in the USA. Sri Narayanananda Swamiji of Balaji Temple San Jose blessed and encouraged to me to start a free medical clinic. I have been conducting a free medical clinic once a month mostly on Sunday mornings since late 2008. The clinic has always been held at Balaji Temple first at Sunnyvale then to the new San Jose location. It has been a wonderful, gratifying and extremely satisfying service for me. It has been a privilege that patients let me help them with their medical needs be it be checking their BP, Sugar, Medications or labs. Many are coming for Consultation also. Many are visiting family members from India and many are local residents.
With support of my wife , God’s blessings I intend to keep doing this as long as possible. If you go on the Balaji Temple web site You can see the monthly clinic schedule.
I am a strong believer in Service to mankind is service to God. Thank you dear friends and family for giving me the privilege to do this service.
Dr. Srinivasa K Ashokkumar
1.2 Raise Against Hunger
60+ participated, with a number of children. It was a fun event organized by Anatha Atmakuri Garu, Gopi Garu, Ravi Chandra Garu and others.
The event was for about 4 hrs on Dec 1st, packed 12,000+ meals, that will be shipped through out the world. The recipients just have to unpack, add water and cook. The cost of 12000+ meals were donated by us.
NRIVA is planning to donate Million meals in 5 years and they crossed 200,000 meals this year alone. What an achievement! Next year lets ramp up our #s.
1. 3 By Sharanya Kesarla
6th Grader, Fallon Middle School, Dublin CA
It was a very rainy, gloomy day. Sometimes, I feel like the weather reflects your mood, because I was very bored, and wanted to do something fun. However, I was in luck, because me and my Dad were going for the Rise Against Hunger event in Hayward, and we were going to make food packets for people who needed them. I have always liked volunteering, so naturally I looked forward to this event. When we got there, the downpour was crazy, so we ran to the building.
When we got inside, we were immediately greeted by many pleasant, kind people. The atmosphere in the building itself was great. It was full of happy people who all shared one passion - their love for volunteering and helping people.
Our task was simple; put Vitamin Packets, rice, dried veggies, and soy into a small plastic bag. Then, give it to people who would weigh the bags, seal them, and pack them into huge boxes to ship across the world. Our goal was to do 10,000 bags in two hours, and we succeeded! It was amazing that every single bag would be helping someone in this world.
Volunteering is much more important than you might think it is. It is helping to change the world for the better, and we can end poverty along the way. Because, not only do the amount of happy stomachs grow, you also grow as a person, and that is also very important
“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands - one for helping yourself, and one for helping others.”
Above Sharanya helping at RAH
1.4 Shrimayee Grandhi, 8th Grade
A Team Effort! "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." - great humanitarian, Helen Keller When I first set my eyes upon this quote, it brought me back to my incredible experience with Rise Against Hunger, a non-profit organization which operates solely to provide life-changing aid to individuals in developing areas. Rise Against Hunger amalgamates persons from all over the globe and strives to spur a common goal. To give. To help. To learn. We unite together under a wonderful thought. We unite to share a part of our lives and feelings under a promise of teamwork. We unite to make possible, the act of giving. As a thirteen year old, I had pondered on the idea of tiny droplets, fusing together to form a great sea. Now, I no longer have that doubt. I had seen it for myself on December 1, 2019. I had witnessed a marvelous event. I had witnessed tiny drops not forming a sea, but a vast ocean. I had witnessed the strength in combined effort. I had taken part in a dedicated vision. Such a vision is Rise Against Hunger. During the Rise Against Hunger session, we were to pack non-perishable meals in transparent, plastic packets, to distribute in evolving communities. These meals incorporated all portions of a well- balanced diet. They consisted of: uncooked rice and soya chunks, dried vegetables, and a packet of protein powder. After we dished the appropriate amounts of these ingredients into the labeled plastic packets, it was sealed and ready to be shipped to other places. The job of making sure the measurements and weights were accurate was definitely not a one-person effort. We were divided into several groups. Each person had a specific job, such as labeling the packets or weighing the meals. At the beginning, many groups faced a few confusions as to what job to do. A few minutes later, we realized the solutions to the problems and made certain adjustments to our plan. For instance, our group had several trials and errors before we got the accurate weight. At first, we thought the excess weight was due to extra rice. However, reducing the amount of rice resulted in even less weight. Finally, we understood that we would have to level all ingredients in order to achieve the accurate weight. We faced a challenge, yet with teamwork, we were able to overcome the difficulty. A challenge is what brought us together. With teamwork, we can defeat challenges. Let us end suffering together. Let us share the good in our hearts. Let us support Raise Against Hunger. We may have made a difference. And, now YOU CAN TOO.
1.5 Homeless shelter cooking on Nov 24th.
Cooked meals for the needy this Thanksgiving season. Kids had a great experience and prepared and served food with great smiles for about 50 people at the shelter