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First Sunday of Christmas

9:00 and 10:30 AM Worship

This is a reminder that due to the Holidays we’ve scheduled only two worship times (No 8:00 AM) with an identical format of carols and hymns led by the organ and Pastor Kent will preach on the Promise of a Future. Also, it's All Together Worship Sunday and school-aged children are welcome to sit with their parents in the sanctuary so the family can enjoy worship together.

Sunday, January 5

Caroline Keller will be our guest speaker on the topic: Deciding What is Best for the Next Phase of Your Life. Join us in Room 113 at 10:30 AM.

Bulletins & Newsletters Online

You can read the weekly bulletins and newsletter from our church website now.
Let my whole being bless the Lord! Let everything inside me bless his holy name! Let my whole being bless the Lord and never forget all his good deeds. 
 Psalm 103:1-2 (CEB)
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