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Matching Donations For
the Animals and Work of
Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary

Catching the drips: Sandra feeding Lizzie and Sophie last Spring
Christmas is a time when people feel generous and want to give to others. But when making donations, farmed animals are usually last on the list of people's consideration. This year we are appealing to people to please think of them as well as the other humans and other animals they donate to. In terms of numbers, they are the most exploited beings on the planet. That is not to detract from other forms of exploitation: every form of exploitation is wrong regardless of who its victim is. But most of the animals who are bred to be used by humans are farmed animals who are exploited and killed their billions (trillions in the case of fishes) every year.
Bonnie, rescued from an Irish Prison programme
At Eden we are only able to rescue and help a tiny percentage of those billions of sentient individuals. But for the few who are rescued, their life changes radically. Every donation given to them, no matter how small, is valuable.

Eden is home to 175 animals as I write. In the past year we have faced enormous bills as we attempted to cater for our existing animals and newcomers who were rescued from slaughter. Our bills for food and the maintenance of their home are high. We also have special needs animals, those who are arrive ill and weak because of their histories of exploitation, and those who are at the end of their lives. We rarely get through a week without seeing the vet for one of them.

Although the bills for our large animals (cows, sheep, goats and pigs) are high, we have very significant costs for our small animals, each of whom is as entitled to a good life at Eden as any or our larger friends.

A large number of our animal family are hens rescued from the egg industry. Whether they come to us from a factory farm where they have lived in cages, or from a free range or organic farm, or even from a back yard situation, every one of them is at extremely high risk of a range of health problems ranging from prolapse to osteoporotic fractures to ovarian cancer. Regardless of how they are treated, they have all been selectively bred to be exploited for their eggs. In their natural state, untouched by humans, chickens are like any other wild bird and they only ovulate (lay eggs) in Spring for the purpose of hatching around 12 chicks on average. The hens we know who are used for their eggs have been selectively bred to over-ovulate and they lay eggs almost every day of every year that they are alive.

Despite our best efforts at our vegan sanctuary, we can't fully help them to overcome their histories of exploitation. But the use of implants to prevent egg laying results in a highly significant reduction in illness and premature death. Implants are very expensive, working out at around 178 per 9.4mg implant per hen, and they frequently wear off after 3 months. This is just one example of the bills that a responsible sanctuary faces as it attempts to give its animal residents a decent quality of life.

Joy, rescued from the Irish free range egg industry

Go Vegan World

Eden is not just their home: it is home to Go Vegan World, the animal rights and vegan education campaign that uses billboard advertising to educate the public about the moral imperative to be vegan. We could not run this campaign without the inspiration and information that the animals at Eden provide. They ground our campaign in the reality of their individual lives and through their photos and videos, they represent the billions of their comrades who are exploited and killed, by appearing in our ads.
Noah, rescued from the Irish flesh industry
Cormac, rescued from the dairy industry at 1 day old.
Saoirse (RIP) with Agatha Kisiel
Joy, rescued from the Irish Free Range egg industry
Angel, rescued from an Irish slaughterhouse in September 2019

You Can Help

Between now and the New Year, every Euro donated to the animals at Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary will be matched by a generous donor.

Please don't forget them.
Richard and Gabriel

How to Donate

We have a Paypal link on our sanctuary website.

Our bank details are:

Bank Name & Address:  Permanent TSB, Kennedy Road, Navan, Co Meath.
Account Name:  Eden Farm Animal Sanctuary
IBAN IE47IPBS99061519818381

If you would like to make a donation towards our Vegan Education work please use these links and specify that you would like your donation to be used for Go Vegan World.
Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary CLG and Go Vegan World are both companies limited by guarantee established on a not-for-profit basis. 
Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary Registered in the Republic of Ireland. CRO number 559223. 

Go Vegan World Registered in the Republic of Ireland. CRO number 624605.
Registered Offices: Chamberstown House, Slane, Meath. 

®Copyright Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary and Go Vegan World 2008-2019. The content of this website is subject to copyright and may not be altered or reproduced without permission.

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