December, 2019

The Fishcare Victoria Creating Sustainable Anglers Project awarded the NATIONAL RECREATIONAL FISHING AWARD for Best Project Engaging Youth!

Fishcare Victoria staff members Mitch McMaster and Sarah Van Stokrom along with Melbourne Volunteer Tom Clayson attended the National Recreational Fishing conference in Hobart on the 10th & 11th of December and on behalf of the volunteers and staff team at Fishcare, accepted the National Recreational Fishing Award for best project promoting young peoples participation in fishing. Read More...

All Ability Program in Full Swing

The Fishcare Victoria All Abilities Fishing Clinic – Fishing is for Everyone project is underway. Your fishing license fees will help us deliver 100 ‘fishing for all abilities’ clinics over the next 2 years!

We’ll be working with disability providers, agencies and local councils to deliver the clinics in the Kingston, Bayside, Hobsons Bay and Port Philip Council areas, getting more Victorians enjoying time by the water. Learn More...

2019 Fishcare Victoria State Conference


Volunteers and Fishcare Staff attended the Fishcare Victoria Annual Conference in Queenscliff over the weekend of the 29th of November. The conference is a time for volunteers to undertake training and learn more about what is happening in the recreational fishing sector as well as network with volunteers across the state and have a great time. Read More....

Brian Tracey becomes a Life Member


At the recent Fishcare Victoria 2019 State Conference, Brian Tracey was awarded a life membership. Brian Tracey has made an outstanding contribution to both Fishcare Melbourne and Fishcare Victoria Programs.

Brian started in 2007, helping with the schools program through the Hobson’s Bay Fishing Club, run by Remy and Maxzina Fuller. Brian became Melbourne President in 2009/10 and has remained the President ever since. Read more...


Warracknabeal Angling Club Event


The Warracknabeal Angling Club were recipients of a Yarriambiack Shire Council Share Grant, which enabled them to purchase fishing equipment for 40 individuals. This grant was awarded to help with community engagement enabling the club to host come and try sessions and for people to participate in monthly competitions that may not have their own fishing equipment. Read More......

Summer Holidays Events


Fishcare Groups across the state are gearing up for a busy summer season with various Come N' Try Fishing events, community days and All Ability Clinics planned across the state.

Check out our events calendar for a list of upcoming events!!

Fish in focus - Snapper
Snapper are crimson in colour, with small, bright blue spots. The sides of the fish are silvery and the underside  is a creamy white. The dorsal (and  other) fins contain sharp, strong spines. Smaller fish up to 1.5 kg are called pinkies. Larger fish can develop a pronounced hump at the top of the head. Schools of medium to large snapper enter Port Phillip Bay around October to spawn and can be found in various locations from deep water over mud bottoms to inshore reef areas. From summer through to late autumn the smaller ‘pinkies’ can be found in shallower water, particularly near reefs and man-made  structures. Pinkies also make their way into estuaries and can be found along coastal  beaches  and rocky shorelines.  Learn about fishing techniques & tackle for snapper.

Learn more about other species here
Green Tackle Tip
Knotless or Fish Friendly Landing Nets

Knotless or Fish Friendly nets are made out of a smooth PVC mesh. The risk of damage to fins, scales and mucus layer are significantly reduced through using a knotless net.
The finer the mesh diameter the better to avoid injury. Traditional nets cause significant tears to fins affecting mobility and significant loss of the slime layer and scales leading to abrasions and infections.
The fine mesh evenly supports a fishes weight reducing internal injury to organs. A must have for all sustainable anglers.

There is a more sustainable way to pack your tackle box than you may realise!!! Plus it won't affect your catch rate! Learn more in from our Green Tackle Guide.
Did you catch our 2019-2020 annual report?
If not, you can view our last years achievements here!
Have you completed the National Recreational Fishing Survey?
Whether you fish once a year or every day your input is needed to help us form the most comprehensive picture of recreational fishing in 20 years! ‪🎣

To complete the survey head to 👇
Are you passionate about responsible fishing & protecting our aquatic resources? Click here to become a volunteer!
Help us educate future responsible anglers by clicking here and making a donation
Sarah Van Stokrom
Executive Officer
0437 672 242
Mitch McMaster
Geelong & Bellarine Facilitator
0448 546 703
Jenny Allitt
East Gippsland Facilitator
0400 008 081
Elysia Gustafson
Port Phillip & Westernport All Abililty Facilitator
0423 588 345
Fishcare Victoria is a community based not-for-profit organisation promoting responsible and sustainable attitudes and practices amongst recreational anglers and the wider community. 
Copyright © 2019 Fishcare Victoria Inc. All rights reserved.

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