Northern Territory Mental Health Coalition eBulletin 20th December 2019
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Our monthly eBulletin contains updates, news and information related to the mental health sector, including upcoming community events, funding information, media releases and employment opportunities within the sector.

It's a great way to stay informed about mental health issues in the Northern Territory and Nationally.

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In this Edition

Latest News from the Coalition

Merry Christmas
Thank you for your support in 2019.
Wishing you a safe and happy Christmas.
The Coalition looks forward to working with you in 2020.

Please note that the office will close on Monday 23 December and will re-open on Monday 6 January 2020. 

Northern Territory Mental Health Coalition - Annual Report 2018 - 2019.
Over the past twelve months, the Coalition expanded representation of community mental health services through advocacy, coordination, community consultation, capacity building and policy development to include foundational project work in key, emerging areas of mental health practice. The full report.

Peer - Led Education Pilot - update.
Stage 2. The My Recovery Train the Facilitator program was delivered in partnership with Wellways Victoria, with 10 local people graduating from the program in November 2019.  Congratulations to all. 
Stage 3. The local My Recovery facilitators are now preparing and planning to deliver My Recovery programs in Darwin and Palmerston from February 2020.  Each program will be delivered during a three hour session each week, for 10 weeks.  My Recovery facilitators are available to run information sessions for staff and clients about the My Recovery program beginning in January 2020.  For further information contact Project Officer, Noelene on (08) 8948 2246, mob 0439 100 360 or via email


Community Mental Health Australia (CMHA)

Community Mental Health Australia, promotes the importance and benefits of community mental health and recovery services across Australia. CMHA is a coalition of eight state and territory peak community mental health organisations with direct links and contact with community mental health organisations delivering services to the community.

The NT Mental Health Coalition is a member of the CMHA. 

The Productivity Commission Inquiry, Draft Report into Mental Health, has now compiled a detailed Preliminary Analysis for the benefit of stakeholders. The report alongside Quick Scan Summary

Mental Health Australia's Charter 2020 are all designed to formulate further responses and submissions as the Productivity Commission's Draft Report. 

Public Hearings over the coming months with an expected hearing in Darwin on the
24 February 2020. Individuals or organisations who wish to either (a) appear before the Commissioners at a hearing to discuss the inquiry draft report, or (b) simply observe hearing proceedings, to register. 

The Inquiry will hand down its Final Report, 23 May 2020.

There is still an opportunity for further comment on the Draft Report. Submissions due Thursday 23 January 2020.  Make a comment, Read the issues paper  

CMHA Conference - Third National NDIS and Mental Health:
A national conversation about what comes next? Abstracts closed on the 16 December. 

CMHA is an active member of the NDIA Mental Health Sector Reference Group; the NDIA CEO Forum; the Commonwealth Department of Health Mental Health Reform Stakeholder Group; the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Digital mental Health; the Medical Benefits Schedule Review Taskforce; the National Mental Health Information Strategy Standing Committee (MHISSC); the COAG National Mental Health Expert Reference Panel; the National Mental Health Commission Consumer And Carer Safety and Quality Engagement Guide Advisory Committee; the Mental Health Safety and Quality Partnerships Standing Committee.


NDIS News  

NDIS Evaluation. 
The Lowitja Institute's recent publication, NDIS Evaluation. Project Leader Margaret Kelaher, The University of Melbourne. An evaluation of the NDIS through the lens of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, the challenges and opportunities.

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. 
The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission is an independent Government body that works to improve the quality and safety of NDIS services and supports, investigates and resolves problems, and strengthens the skills and knowledge of providers and participants.

Report: People with Psychosocial Disability.
The People with psychosocial disability in the NDIS report is a series of publicly shared reports released by the NDIA as part of the Agency’s commitment to sharing specialist data in addition to the comprehensive quarterly and other reports regularly released to assist stakeholders to understand market trends.  The data will provide invaluable insight for the community and wider mental health sector to identify best supports for participants and will demonstrate evidence of the benefits, and chart the outcomes of participants. 

For information about the NDIS: - How to apply or find your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) in Darwin - APM 

NDIS Newsletter.
Subscribe to the NDIS newsletter and stay up to date with the latest news. Also you can follow the National Disability Insurance Agency on Linkedin to stay up to date with news, articles and vacancies.

Other News

Local Information

Top End Mental Health Consumer Organisation (TEMHCO) 
events for December.

Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia NT (MIFANT).

TeamHEALTH. supporting your mental health journey.

Catholic Care NT  
making a positive differnce in people's lives.

Anglicare services.

Mission Australia's services in Darwin.  Central Australia Region Support Services.

NTCOSS - Cashless Debit Card.
NTCOSS Submission to the Senate inquiry on the Social Security (Administration) Amendment (Income Management to Cashless Debit Card Transition) Bill 2019. To view the submission. 
ShelterMe provides information for those seeking accommodation and support services in the Northern Territory.

National information

Australian Indigenous health Bulletin.
The latest articles and information.

Lifeline via text: Suicide prevention pilot reaches young people who won't call for help.
A new text helpline by Lifeline is reaching young people aged under 25 at risk of suicide at an unprecedented rate, with four times more texting a counsellor compared to calling. Suicide is the leading cause of death of young people aged 18 to 24, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, yet this group accounts for only 7 per cent of the million contacts to Lifeline's crisis and suicide prevention telephone hotline and other services.

Our Turn to Speak a national survey that seeks to understand the life experiences of people living with severe and complex mental health issues in Australia. This confidential survey is open to any adult aged 18 and over, residing in Australia who has been living with severe and complex mental health issues over the last 12 months.

Connections: Vision 2030, have now consolidated the input from communities to form the key concepts of the Vision 2030 for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention. Feedback is welcome as Connections work toward the delivery of Vision 2030 to Government before the end of this year.

TheMHS Awards are now accepting submissions for the Service and Program categories for submissions in the following categories: Service and Program AwardsExceptional Contribution AwardEarly Career Research Award and the Tom Trauer Research and Evaluation Award . The Awards will be presented at the 2020 TheMHS Conference in Perth, Wednesday August 26, 2020.

Mental Health Coordinating Council NSW -  Trauma-informed Care and Practice Organisational Toolkit (TICPOT) Stage 4. A FREE quality improvement audit and implementation resource for developing a trauma-informed organisational and practice culture.

Social Impact Tool.   A toolbox that empowers organisations to evaluate their social impact in a way that is reliable, accessible and Free.

New Report: Can we talk? A Seven year youth mental health report 2012-2018.
Mission Australia released a joint mental health report in collaboration with the Black Dog Institute survey findings of psychological distress experienced by young people aged 15-19. In 2018, one in four young people met the criteria for experiencing psychological distress - a 5.5% increase since 2012. 

The report examines the concerns, general well being and help-seeking behaviours of close to 27,000 participants including those who are experiencing psychological distress. The report makes policy recommendations to address the growing mental health concerns of young people.

Mental Health Services in brief 2019.  The Australia Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) recently released the Mental Health Services in brief 2019 report providing an overview of key statistics and related information on mental health services, and incorporating updates made to the online report over the 12 months to October 2019.  

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Australian children in brief.
Most Australian children are healthy, safe and doing well. However, childhood is also a time of vulnerability and a child’s outcomes can vary depending on where they live and their family’s circumstances. This report brings together a range of data on children’s wellbeing and their experiences at home, school and in the community.

Australia's Long Term National Health Plan.
A pledge to rate mental health equally alongside physical health. The Long Term National Health Plan includes: 2030 mental health vision,  A new strategy specifically for children under 12 years, a 10-year primary health care plan and continued improvement of private health insurance. A 10-year National Preventive Health Strategy and a 10-year Medical Research Future Fund investment plan.

Events, Conferences & Training

A Community Grants Hub. Disability, Mental Health and Carers: National Disability Conference Initiative. An opportunity to provide grant to conference organisers to support people with disability to participate in a nationally focused, disability related conference in Australia. Applications close 7 January 2020.

AHURI Conference, 19 February, Sydney.
Housing: the foundation for mental health. To register.

TheMHS 2020 Summer Forum. 20 - 21 February, Sydney.
The topic of Homelessness, Housing and Mental Health: Crises and Opportunities.  

CMHA Conference 30 - 31 March, Adelaide.
Third National NDIS and Mental Health: A national conversation about what comes next?  

Child & Adolescent Mental Health Conference, 30 - 31 March, Surfers Paradise.
Conference program and registrations now open.  

Training - Association of Alcohol & Other Drug Agencies NT (AADANT). 
Working therapeutically with clients (level 2). June 2020.

Suicide Prevention Australia Conference, Canberra July 2020. Once Voice - One Vision. Abstract due 6th December 2019.The five program streams are policy, research, programs and services, innovation and priority populations. For further information.   


Anglicare NT. 
Career opportunities in the community and social services sector in a diverse range of fields such as children and youth, family relationships and counselling, out of home care, refugee and migrant, corporate services, financial counselling, mental health, disability and home care, social enterprises and specialist homelessness services. 

CatholicCare NT. 
Career opportunities that include travel and the experience of working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in both local and remote community settings. 

Mission Australia. 
Career opportunities to work with vulnerable people in the community applications welcomed and encourage from skilled and compassionate people from all walks of life. 

Copyright © 2019 Northern Territory Mental Health Coalition Inc., All rights reserved.
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