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Have you recently hosted a Gaelic event? Please feel free to send a short write up with some of the highlights and a photo or two along to and we'll happily include it in the newsletter!
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Tapadh leibh!
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In this edition...

Articles, Videos and Notices:
1) Gaelic Photos
2) Name for the newsletter

Gaelic Classes, Workshops, Immersions, and Groups:
1) Halifax
2) Little Judique
3) North Shore
4) Mabou
5) Annapolis Valley
6) Boisdale

Dances and Ceilidhs:
1) Iona
2) West Mabou

Special Talks/Events/Notices:
1) Stòras a' Bhaile - Winter 2020
2) Call for papers - Rannsachadh at St. FX
3) G
àidhlig aig Obair



Gaelic Photos

Comhairle na Gàidhlig/The Gaelic Council of Nova Scotia is looking for photos/videos of Gaelic Events in NS. 

If you have any photos or videos that you would like to share with the NS Gaelic Community, please email them to If possible, please identify who is in the photo and where the event happened. 

Tapadh leibh!

Ainm airson na Litreach | Newsletter Name

Tha bliadhna air a bhi ann on a thòisich sinn a bhi a' sgaoileadh na litreach seo, is bu mhath leinn ainm a chuir oirre. A bheil beachd agaibh air ainm? Carson nach leig sibh fios thugainn an seo.

It's been a year since we started sending this newsletter out, and we'd like to give it a name. Do you have an idea? We'd love to hear from you! Let us know here.


Halifax-Sgoil Ghàidhlig Winter Session

Little Judique - Feb. 23-27

NORTH SHORE - Mondays from Oct. 28

Gaelic Classes will be held at 44667 Cabot Trail Rd at Steve and Nona’s house on the North Shore, every Monday morning from 9:30 - 12:30 starting October 28, and will run until next May.  We’ll have coffee/tea ready. Classes are free.

Gaelic Playgroup - MABOU - Mondays

Free Gaelic Playgroups
Monday mornings, 10am-12pm at the Mabou Public Library.
Welcoming families with little ones ages 5 and under. Have fun together in Gaelic!


Gaeilge sa Ghleann - Learn to speak Irish Gaelic in the Annapolis Valley! 

Tuesdays from 1 to 3 pm, alternating between Annapolis Royal (47 St James Street) and Middleton (MacDonald Museum). Contact Paul Lalonde at or

BOISDALE - Wednesdays

Come out and enjoy Gaelic conversation and tea at the Boisdale Firehall, every Wednesday morning from 10-11 am


IONA - Dec. 28

WEST MABOU - Dec. 31 

There will be no dance on Dec. 21. The next dance will be New Year's Eve, Tuesday Dec. 31


Stòras a' Bhaile - Winter 2020

Chithear a' Bheurla gu h-ìseal. | English translation below.

Tha Stòras a' Bhaile an urra ri taic-airgid gus a chumail.  Chan eilear cinnteach aig an ìre seo co dhiubh gu faighear no nach fhaighear.


Tha sibh air ur cuireadh a thighinn cruinn mar choimhearsnachd a' togail 's a' fuireach còmhla.  Bidh Stòras a' Bhaile - Geamhradh 2020 'ga chumail an am Baile na Mèinne (teann air Haileafags) 's a' Ghearran air na cinn là a leanas: DiSathairne 15mh – DiCiadain 19mh.  Bidh na seiseannan Stòrais a' falbh gach là 9:30 m – 4:00 f.  Bidh seanchas, geamaichean, céilidhean is eile ann 's an fheasgar.  Leis nach eil ann rim faighinn ach deich suidheachannan, tha clàradh ro-làimh buileach riatanach.  Gabhar ri muinntir na h-Albann Nuaidh a dh'fhuirigheas ann fad na seachdaine air thoiseach air tagraichean eile.  Tha cosgais na seachdaine cumte aig $300. An lùib na prìseadh sin, gheobhar srùbagan, biadh agus leabhaidh.


Cuirear stuth-ionnsachaidh agus fiosrachadh gu luchd gabhail-pàirt ro làimh.


Chon a'seo b'e amas nam bùithean obrach eòlas a thoirt do luchd ionnsachaidh air dualchas Gàidhlig na h-àrainn thro òrain, sgeulachdan agus aithris bheòil ceangailte ri ceòl, danns' agus làimh-chiùirdean na dùthchadh.  Tha Stòras a' Bhaile sònraichte ann a bhith ag aisigeadh cànan thron Ghàidhlig a mhàin ann an suidheachadh caidreabhach.  Tha na sgilean dùthchasach air an toirt seachad gu neo-fhoirmeil, mar a bha bho shean, a'toirt toileachas is tlachd dhan a h-uile neach 'sa còmhlan.  'S na bliadhnachan roimhe, tha an cudthrom air a bhith air sgilean - mar sheinn is aithris, cuimhne, agus stòras beulaithris 'sa choimhearsnachd - a tha bunaiteach do bheatha fhad-ùineach an dualchais, le luchd ionnsachaidh air comasan fhaighinn aig ìre ionmholta.


Às a'bhliadhna seo amach, gheobh an fheadhainn a tha gabhail pàirt brosnachadh an cuid sgilean a chur an gnìomh 's a ghabhail fos làimh a bhith na seinneadairean 's nan luchd aithris gus an saoghal 's an dìleab a chumail beò is fallain. Gus seo a thoirt gu buil, bidh na sgilean a leanas 'san amharc: 

  • fàs ann an stòras-cuimhne stuth-dùthchais (a'gabhail astaigh naidheachdan éibhinn ionadail) bho aithris bheòil, clàraidhean agus tar-sgrìobhaidhean;

  • comas air tuigsinn is mìneachadh briathrachas an stuth sin;

  • cleachdaidhean is modh a'chéilidh; 

  • eòlas air eachdraidh ionadail no choimhearsnachail an stuth agus comas air a mìneachadh; 

  • gabhail pàirt ann an còmhraidhean neo-fhoirmeil a'chéilidh;

  • togail choimhearsnachd.

Tha na h-amasan a tha shuas gus cùrsa-tréinidh tòiseachaidh a chur air bhonn do luchd-aithris na Gàidhlig 'sna bliadhnaichean a tha romhainn.  Aig a cheart àm, 's fhiach dhuinn cumail 'san amharc nach toir an t-slighe-obrach seo sian bhon fhearas-chuideachd a th'air a bhith aig cridhe nam bùithean-obrach againn.  Ri ùine, tha an dòchas ann gun tig feadhainn òga às na bùithean òigridh gu Stòras a'Bhaile gus an taic 's an tàlantan fhéin a chumail ris an t-saoghal as àill leinn.


Bidh an ceann Stòrais an trup seo na leanas: Iain Seathach, Oilthaigh Dhùn Éideann; Màiri Sìne NicLaomain, ban-seinneadair Ghàidhlig, agus Seigheag Nic'IlleMhaoil, Baile nan Gàidheal, còmhla ri luchd-eòlais Gàidhealach eile.


Tha Stòras a' Bhaile air innleachdadh mar chothrom eadar-gnìomhachail caidreabhach. Feumar tuigsinn nach bidh ach a' Ghàidhlig fhèin 'ga labhradh 's an àm.  Leughar aithisgean air tachartasan Stòras a' Bhaile a' seo.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh, cuir post-d gu Seigheag ni'n Aonghais:


Ma bhios suim agad ann, lìon a' foirm seo agus cuiridh sinn fios 'ugaibh.


Stòras a' Bhaile - Winter 2020 will only proceed if the application for funding to subsidize costs is successful.


Living and learning together in community, you are invited to join us at Stòras a’ Bhaile - Winter 2020, a five-day residential Gaelic Immersion Folklife School.   Stòras will be held in Mineville (near Halifax) Saturday to Wednesday:  February 15-19. Sessions will run from 9:30 AM to 4 PM daily. In the evening, there will be seanchas, games, visits and more.  Due to space constraints, pre-registration is necessary, as the program can only accommodate a maximum of 10 participants. Priority will be given to Nova Scotia residents who commit to stay on site for the duration.  Admission for Stòras a' Bhaile is $300 for the week.  Teas, meals and accommodations provided.  


Learning materials and information will be forwarded to registrants prior to sessions. 


To date, the workshops have aimed to introduce participants to the regional Gaelic oral tradition through song, storytelling, and the verbal associations with other traditional genres such as music, dance, and domestic crafts.  Stòras a’ Bhaile distinguishes itself by hands-on language activities and social time conducted entirely through the Gaelic language.  The sessions have centred around the acquisition and appreciation of such traditional cultural skills within a Gaelic social context.  Care has been taken for skills to be introduced and transmitted in an informal setting as a part of traditional practice, to be enjoyed by all.  Skills central to long-term transmission, including language skills, performance, memory, and the building of a personal or community repertoire have been encouraged and developed in previous years, and participants have gained an active competence in their Gaelic traditions. 


From this year on, workshop participants will be encouraged to become active tradition bearers in order to ensure the survival of the region’s living Gaelic tradition in the long-term.  Workshops in previous years have provided a firm foundation of oral tradition to build on. A wide variety of songs are already in the active repertoires of participants, and stories ranging from short anecdotes to longer traditional tales from community storytellers have been performed in the informal style of the region’s Gaelic communities. Developing transmission and performance skills for future active tradition bearers in the workshops will include:  

  • acquiring an increased repertoire of traditional materials (including humorous local stories) from oral performance, recordings and transcriptions; 

  • understanding and explaining the vocabulary encountered in the oral tradition;

  • céilidh practice and etiquette; 

  • explaining the community or historical background of an item sung or recited; 

  • and participating in informal discussions;

  • building community.

The direction described here is intended to serve as a preliminary training program for future Gaelic tradition bearers.  At the same time, it is important to keep in mind that the training aspects should not detract from the sense of social participation and enjoyment that has characterized the workshops in years past.  The overall emphasis, as in previous years, is on passing on community skills to promote cultural continuity. In time, groups of younger participants in associated programs already possessing some skills will be ready to join the workshops and provide the support necessary to maintain and promote the traditions at the centre of Gaelic Nova Scotia.


Guest leaders and facilitators for Stòras a’ Bhaile will be Dr. John Shaw, University of Edinburgh, Gaelic singer Mary Jane Lamond, and Shay MacMullin, Baile nan Gàidheal, along with Gaelic speaking friends.


Stòras a’ Bhaile - Winter 2020 continues an annual series of workshops designed for social interaction through language immersion, and offers the first residential opportunity using this model.  Please note that this is a Gaelic only event. Reports for previous Stòras a' Bhaile events are available on the Baile nan Gàidheal website here.


For more information, or to register, email Shay MacMullin:


If you are interested in participating, fill out this form and we will be in touch.


Le deagh dhùrachd,

Sgioba Stòrais | Stòras a' Bhaile Team

     Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 2020      St. FX Celtic Dept. - call for papers

Bidh Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 11 aig Oilthigh Naoimh Fransaidh Xavier anns an Iuchar 2020. Faicibh gairm phàipearan an seo:

The Dept of Celtic Studies at St Francis Xavier University will be hosting Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 11 in July 2020. See call for papers here:

Gàidhlig aig Obair - Gaelic at Work
Call for interest

Dear members of the Nova Scotia Gàidhealteachd. My name is Joe MacGillivray and I am Nova Scotia Branch secretary of the Celtic League in which I am also a journalist. I am also a singer-songwriter and poet in which I include Celtic themes.

I would like to enquire a call for interest in the Gàidhlig aig Obair initiative. It is to further encourage and promote the use of Gàidhlig in the workplace. It would be similar to programmes like Gàidhlig aig Bàile / Total Immersion Plus, only applying it to the workplace.

I would like to recruit committee members from the native and fluent speakers and learners of Gàidhlig, and professionals from different fields of study and work.

This would include surveying Gàidhlig learners in schools and those who have completed school in what fields of profession they intend to enter, and develop a programme to train them through the medium of Gàidhlig and encourage the use of it on the job. We would have a promotional programme offering their services on Gàidhlig to the public.

For examples, 

in retail stores, a GISH sign could be displayed stating that Gaelic is Spoken Here, so if a Gàidhlig speaker was in town, they know that an employee at the business has Gaelic and they could start a conversation in Gaelic.

Medical workers can display it in their offices, so if a Gàidhlig speaker would like to communicate in Gaelic, it is there.

It is a way of letting speakers and learners who want to improve their skills aware of professionals who can communicate in Gaelic or learning themselves and to encourage a stronger presence of the language in our communities.

Those who are interested can email me at the following addresses:

Ceud mìle tàing agus beannachte,
Eòs MacGillebhràth
An Comann Ceilteach - Alba Nuadh
Copyright © 2018 Comhairle na Gàidhlig, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
51779 Cabot Trail
P.O. Box 80
Englishtown, NS  
Canada  B0C 1H0

Thanks to the Office of Gaelic Affairs of NS and the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage for supporting this newsletter

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