January 2020
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January 2020 

Astrological Aspects and Ceremony

There’s a lot of chatter about the upcoming eclipse on January 10th and the Saturn/Pluto conjunction on January 12th. These strong planetary aspects and the others throughout 2020 will be stretching us, pulling us, pushing us, or perhaps it might feel like they’re forcing us to make changes in our lives.

For some it may feel like a wrecking ball and for others, like a long awaited and welcomed shift. Either way it's a launching pad for a new way of being.

Whichever it is, it’s best if you can remember to flow with it. Resisting won’t change the outcome but it will make the process more difficult.
Let’s also try to remember we're participants not victims.

We are after all, co-creators with God. The Divine works with us and through us for our highest good. Focus on God not on your problems, or how crazy you’re feeling, or what the planets may be doing. (Trust me, I know, it's easier said than done. But do try.)

Make a conscious effort to focus on the Divine.
When we allow ourselves to tap into the quiet of our heart space and center our thoughts on the Divine, we open ourselves to positive change. We are better able to offer over what isn’t working….and even what is working….so we can live our lives more fully connected to the Divine.

I love the prayer, “Use me as the highest expression of You, help me help You.”
If you're struggling, perhaps your prayer needs to be, “Change me into one who can offer this over.” Or “Give me the ability to do the personal work necessary to embrace the change.”

Rhonda Byrne from "The Secret" offers this advice for New Year's resolutions:
Be positive!  
Make a promise to yourself to be as positive as you can possibly be.  Make a promise to yourself to be more positive than you’ve ever been in your life.  At the beginning of each day promise yourself: “Today, wherever I go and whatever I’m doing, I will be positive!”
Choose to act lovingly, especially towards yourself. Connect more fully with the Divine (however you do that) and offer your hopes, desires, worries, and concerns over to Spirit. Create space (even 5 minutes) in your day and allow time for stillness to listen to the still small voice within.

Follow the guidance, even if it that guidance makes you a bit uncomfortable. Meet the Divine half way by acting on the guidance given, even in the face of fear.
I’d like to encourage you to do one of my favorite rituals at this time of new beginnings and change. It’s called the burning bowl ceremony. In shamanic terms, it’s really a fire ceremony.

As we come up to the full moon eclipse on the 10th, it’s the perfect time to do a fire ceremony. (who am I's always a good time for ritual and ceremony)
Burning Bowl Ceremony:
You prepare for the ceremony by creating sacred space. Light a candle, have a beautiful vase of flowers present, and then say a prayer to protect and open the space. After the ceremony, make sure you close the space by saying a thank you prayer.
To begin after the space is open, just sit for a few minutes and be quiet. Allow the quiet to encompass your soul. Then ask, what needs to be released?
The idea is for you to no longer carry these burdens, to offer them so you can move forward with ease and lightness into the next chapter of your life.

You will be guided as to what needs to be released. It could be doubt, fear, negativity, clutter, disorganization, excessive drinking, or poor dietary choices, toxic relationships, debt or overspending, too much screen time, or unproductive busy-ness, controlling behavior, neediness, resentment, anger, or shame.

Whatever it is, write each one down on a separate piece of paper. If nothing comes to you, then write down…"let whatever needs to go, go."
You can use a non-seamed metal bowl (like a mixing bowl you find at the grocery store) to have a small alcohol fire in (Epsom’s salt on the bottom of the bowl and rubbing alcohol to cover the salt), or you can use a fireplace or backyard fire pit. Just make sure you’re careful and responsible when lighting your fire.
Light the fire. As you watch the fire burn, offer each item, one at a time, to the fire, blessing it and saying “I release you.” Pay attention to what feelings come up for you as you offer each burden.

Don’t rush this process. If one item/burden takes a little longer, stay with it. Maybe it will need to go into the fire more than once.

Watch the paper burn and allow yourself to feel the emotions attached to each burden. Have paper and pen handy to write down any insights.
If you are doing this with others, take turns going to the fire. As one person is at the fire, the others hold space. Shamans use rattles, drums or sing specific songs as they hold space.
Taking something (offering it) to the fire converts it into energy and lets it go back to the Spirit realm. We are actually doing energetic work with this offering. Yes, it’s symbolic and you can feel it move through your emotional and physical body.
Once all the release items have been offered, do two more offerings with two small sticks (toothpicks will work). One stick represents a thank you for all that you already have and all the lessons the released items have brought you. The last one is an invitation for all the positive goodness and blessings you have yet to receive; the Divine’s will. Blow into each stick before you place it in the fire. Watch it burn.
Fire ceremonies are powerful. Take time after the ceremony to be with all that transpired, observe how you’re feeling (lighter, sad, hopeful, tired). Allow yourself time to be quiet and process.
2020 will be a big year filled with movement, shifts and surprises. As we offer everything over to the Divine Beloved, Divine Order will be established. It is the way.
May the Divine bless you today and all the days that follow.
Happy New Year!

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