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the beautiful worst

1.7.20 vol. 6 - issue 1

Happy New Year! In this issue of The Beautiful Worst, Rosemary Barria returns with 2020 "tarotscopes," tarot-based horoscopes for each astrological sign.

Rosemary is an Intuitive Mentor and Teacher hoping to disrupt the hierarchy of healing by supporting people to hear their own intuition and feel their own power. She uses tools such as tarot, energy work, movement, and breathwork to help facilitate transformation with her clients. She works best with hopeful idealists with big dreams and prides herself in being able to help dreamers become emboldened in their purpose and their own healing.

This year, Rosemary is offering a workbook that includes several guided rituals, tarot spreads, and intentional pages for the whole year. She has also partnered with Elated Earth who has made a flower essence specifically for the energies of our year card, The Emperor.

Wishing you a healthy, happy new year,

2020 A Year of Power

The collective year card for 2020 is the Emperor. Collective cards give a general idea of the energy of the year by adding up the year number and assigning it to the corresponding Tarot card since they all have numbers. Last year we were in a year of delays, waiting for something and maybe not too big of expansion. It was a year of planting seeds and visioning and lots of waiting. This year we expand and actualize. This year we learn what our power is and use it for our greater purpose. It is a year of knowing that our power does not diminish the power of others. It is a year of knowing that when we are in our power, we can help those around us be in theirs and this creates big shifts.

2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 4

4 is the Emperor

As you look at your readings, think of your sovereignty and how you can greater be in your power. All of the readings are for your astrological signs with each card representing a certain sign. If you know your Rising sign and Moon sign, look at those too! Your Sun is the general outward expression, the Moon is the seeds you need to plant behind closed doors, and your Rising is the emotional support you need. If you only know your Sun sign then just look at that. The Emperor pictured is from the Many Queens Tarot. Below I am using the Neo Tarot and Vessel Oracle for your readings. Enjoy!

2020 Tarotscopes

Aries the Emperor: Connect
Aries - March 21 - April 19

Aries, you have the tendency to be very independent and hard working for what you want. This year as you learn more about your power and what it means to lead, think about your connection with others. Do you have to do it all alone or might you benefit from connection to others? You might find that others enhance your vision. At the very least, you might learn that you don’t have to do it all alone and maybe have a little more fun. Aries is connected to their inner child and you might find that others can help bring out your playful side. Leaning on others more might help you have more time for fun. This is where your innovation resides.

Mantra: When I connect to others, I deepen my connection to myself.

Taurus the Hierophant: It Gets Better
Taurus - April 20 - May 20
Taurus, this is a year to deeply focus on your healing. Anything that haunts you can be transmuted into your power. Take the time to dive deep and really feel into the things that might sting and see if you can let yourself feel them, not just brush past them and strong your way through them. That isn’t power. Power is looking at that pain and letting ourselves feel it, look at it, and let it be processed. When we allow ourselves that journey, we evolve into a more free being. Healing is not linear, but you sure can have big awakenings, big sighs of relief. This year is a sigh of relief.

Mantra: Healing is possible and when I allow healing, I transmute my pain into power.
Gemini the Lover: Change
Gemini - May 21 - June 20
Gemini, you thrive in change and it actually comforts you for things to change. That is, if your beautifully analytical mind doesn’t get in your way. This year you can learn to go with the flow a bit more and not having to know what ten steps ahead it. Your power resides in leaning into change without stalling your own progress with your mind. Have fun with not knowing exactly what is next. This will amplify your power. It is a rite of passage to move without knowing exactly what is next. You might be surprised how much more life has to offer.

Mantra: I lean into change and am open to surprises.
Cancer the Chariot: Move On
Cancer - June 21 - July 22
Cancer, you are a sentimental being. This year it is time to move on from toxic sentiment. You know what I’m talking about. You have to let go of what could have been and embrace what can be. You are here to love and nurture and you are good at it, but this year you learn what you need to move on from to love and nurture yourself. It’s a big year of healing for you, but you will emerge powerfully. Get some support. Really look at the truth and then move on. When you create space by clearing, you make room to create the life you greatly deserve.

Mantra: I move on so that I can create.
Leo Strength: Fire
Leo - July 23 - August 22
Leo, sometimes you are very shy because you have been conditioned to tone yourself down. You are not here to make a quiet passing through life. This doesn’t mean you are a loud person, but your impact is louder then you may be allowing. This is a year of throwing smallness, tameness, creative block, any of it, all of it, into that fire. It’s a year of allowing yourself to be brighter and for your work to be fully yours. There is this habit shiny people have of false humility. It does no favors to the work you are bringing into the world to package it to not offend or create jealousy. Just go for it.

Mantra: No more shrinking.
Virgo the Hermit: Abundance
Virgo - August 23 - September 22
Virgo, the deep work that you are so good at is paying off this year. You may find that more opportunities are coming your way. You may find creativity just pouring from you and you may find that you are getting rewarded for creating. This may mean literally with money, but look for gifts from all over and in many different forms. It’s funny though when things start working out, that we get afraid and start predicting the worst. Don’t do that. Enjoy this time. You deserve it and you will not be punished for things going well in your life.

Mantra: I allow myself to enjoy the fruits of my labor.
Libra Justice: Movement
Libra - September 23 - October 22
Libra, you have a reputation for being ungrounded. This year do not see that as a flaw for once, but as something great that you have to offer the world. For a lot of us this year, it is coming back to who we really are. It is a year like that for you, too. Don’t feel guilty when your life doesn’t match those around you. Don’t try to match the calm regime of those around you either. This is a busy year for you and you need to ride the wave. This is actually your self care, to move and to enjoy your work. You living in that gives others permission to see that self care is not always away from our work, sometimes it is our work.

Mantra: My work is a spiritual act and an act of self-determination and care.
Scorpio Death: Choice
Scorpio - October 23 - November 21
Scorpio, you really do have a choice and this is how you feel your power this year. Sovereignty is ultimate power and ultimate power is knowing you always have a choice. There is a choice to think that life has it out for you or to see how you are growing and learning through every experience. There is a choice to even embrace what is going well, rather than how it could be going better. There is a choice to feel your feelings, even happiness. Choice is power. Choice is sovereignty. You have a choice.

Mantra: I choose the way I see things.
Sagittarius Temperance: Light
Sagittarius - November 22 - December 21
Sagittarius gets the reputation for being fickle and too light hearted for their own good, but this is your power, non-attachment. People work years to take things as you take them, so now it is time for you to see this as a gift and to be a wayshower to others. Coming back to your power is to embrace your light. Things don’t have to be dark to be powerful. Power can look like play. Lightwork is empowerment. So let yourself be you this year. It gives others permission.

Mantra: I am powerful when I am light.
Capricorn the Devil: Make
Capricorn - December 22 - January 19
Capricorn, you are a hard worker and some would shame you for that, but this year when you align your desires with your hands, you can make something beautiful. This is your power, to make. You can work as hard as you want and be happy doing it, if you are sure it is the work you want to be doing. By seeing things created that you dreamt of, you feel powerful. Creation is your reassurance that you can get what you want and it is your reassurance of your purpose.

Mantra: What I create is powerful.
Aquarius the Star: Healing
Aquarius - January 20 - February 18
Aquarius your card, the Star, is the card of a Healer. You have deep insight into the problems in this world and often times you are pretty vocal about them, but this year look inward a bit more. What do you need to heal from? Start with knowing that it is possible to break patterns and then start looking into yourself with the same incredible insight you have for the world. It starts with you and then your healing pours outward into those in your circle of influence. Look deeply and take the time you deserve.

Mantra: My own healing pours outwardly into those I care about. I start with me.
Pisces the Moon: Trust
Pisces - February 19 - March 20
Pisces, as an emotional being, it might be hard to find your ground. This is why it is easier for you than most to connect spiritually, but it isn’t always easy for you to actualize on the Earth. This is exactly your strength. It’s time to see your supposed ungroundedness in a different way and to acknowledge your deep spiritual connection as a power. You feel more. You are softer. You love more. All of these are versions of power not always celebrated, but you can show the way. Your power is in your emotional and spiritual capacity. Now it is time to trust what you know that is beyond words and own it.

Mantra: I trust my feelings and they are a portal to power.
 To learn more about Rosemary and her services,
visit her website or follow her on Instagram.  
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