
 Welcome to a new year and new art.
Our December meeting was a paint around with everyone getting a chance to work on a watercolor, an acrylic, and an oil painting.  We also had some holiday snacks and our mini-show is back.

Our January demonstrator will be Christina Ramos for:

The GOLDEN "A to Z" of Acrylics
This lecture packs in a ton of valuable information about acrylics, guiding listeners through the basics while opening up new possibilities. Gain information about mineral and modern pigments and how this relates to clean color mixing, glazing and the creation of fabulous new colors. Learn the unique properties of Fluids, Heavy Body, Open and High Flow Acrylics. Discover Interference and Iridescent paints for unusual effects. Get a comprehensive overview on the many Gels & Mediums and how they can change texture, saturation and intensity of color, used for sculptural effects and more. The lecture includes a review of grounds that create truly, contemporary surfaces for painting, drawing, pastel, digital printing and mixed media. Each lecture includes an array of examples of these materials put to use. Attendees leave the lecture enthusiastic to explore the extensive potential of acrylic painting! The lecture also includes a brief introduction to our non-acrylic products, Williamsburg Handmade Oil Colors and QoR Watercolor.

Above are two of our December participants for our City Windows display at 123 Artsakh Ave. Jasmine on the left with 2 of her works, and Vivianne on the right with one of her works. This display is holiday themed and will be changed on January 6th.  We are changing how we organize this display as of January. 
                 SEE the INFORMATION BELOW.

***GAA has also been offered a week to have a formal exhibition in the first or second week of March, so start painting a few new pieces and the GAA board will meet and decide on the details.  It will be at 127 Artsakh Ave very close to our City Windows display. Time to get excited about new work!
January 9th GAA Meeting begins at 6:30pm till 8:30pm
At: The Maker Space
Glendale Central Library
222 E. Harvard St.
Glendale, CA. 91205
Mini show winners for December 2019.
Dick H. - Second place
Shree H. - First place
Caryn B. - Third place
Vivianne B.
123 Artsakh Ave

This is our sign up list from January till June.  We will feature 4 artists with 5 pieces of art work each month on a specific topic as follows.  A Couple of the topics are already filled. Please sign up soon so you have your opportunity to display your work to the public. Our November display had a sale. Call Diane at (818) 397-4478 or Jasmine at (818)641-6802    or
email to 

#9 January 6th - Landscapes
1.Kris K. Reinke
2. Shree Hingnikar
3. Vivianne Bowman
4. Caryn Bontems

#10 February 4th? - Portraits and figurative
1. Diane M. Carter

#11 March 3rd?  -  Animals
1. Helena Julin
2. Diane M. Carter

#12 April 3rd?  -  Still Life
1. Archy Garibian
2. Jasmine Kazaryan

#13 May 4th?  -  Abstract
1. Dick Heimbold
2. Archy Garibian
3. Yvonne Jongeling
4. Katherine Arion

#14 June 2nd?  -  Ceramics, Collage, sculpture & other
1. Marie Bezjiam
GAA member Vivianne B. displayed many of her creative, colorful, fluffy scarves at La Galeria Gitana this past holiday season and many were sold there. Congrats to Vivianne!
 HI HO, HI HO, IT'S OFF TO WORK WE GO!  We always have something to do so it makes everybody's life easier if we share the work.
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