
Jan 23, 2020
Is Duty-Free Dead? On the Trail of Travel-Exclusive Unicorns
Illustration: Silvia Tack

If you waste your days trolling the same online whiskey forums where I waste my days, then between people futilely searching for Pappy and posting more of the same #bourbonporn, you’ll notice near-constant questioning about duty-free liquor shopping across the globe.

“Anyone been through Cancun’s duty free store recently?” starts one post on a private Facebook bourbon group. “Dubai duty free?? Amsterdam duty free?? Friend flying back, would like to give him a few things to look for,” reads another. “Any good duty free shops flying out of Porto rico?” [sic] The wealth of misinformation from other commenters in these posts is as common as the misspellings.

Three Theories for Why You Have No Time
Photographer: Thomas Mukoya / Reuters

One of the truisms of modern life is that nobody has any time.

Everybody is busy, burned out, swamped, overwhelmed. So let’s try a simple thought experiment. Imagine that you came into possession of a magical new set of technologies that could automate or expedite every single part of your job. What would you do with the extra time? Maybe you’d pick up a hobby, or have more children, or learn to luxuriate in the additional leisure. But what if I told you that you wouldn’t do any of those things: You would just work the exact same amount of time as before.

The Atlantic
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