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Fraternal Salutations


Almost in the blink of an eye one fifth of the Twenty-First Century has passed us by and we now look forward to the next decade with all of its promise of an exciting and stimulating future for the Province of Hertfordshire.
I send to all of you and your families my very best wishes for a happy and peaceful new year – may your hopes and dreams be accomplished and may you continue to enjoy your involvement with this happy Masonic family of which we are all so proud to be members. May God Bless you all.

Yours sincerely and fraternally,

R W Bro Paul Gower
Provincial Grand Master

Helping the Herts Young Homeless

W Bros Ali Osman and Tony Reffold, members of East Hertfordshire Lodge and Chapter No 3748, were delighted to be able to visit the Herts Young Homeless in Hatfield on 12 December to hand over a cheque for £465.

The donation, which was raised at the Lodge and Chapter’s most recent joint annual charity quiz and supper, was presented to charity Chief Executive, Helen Elliott, who thanked the Brethren and Companions for their generosity.

To find out more about the excellent work the Herts Young Homeless do, please click here

Prostate screening in Hertfordshire

Taking Care of Your Prostate

Are you aged 40 or over and do you know the health of your prostate? Don’t know? Then why not come along to the The Cloisters, Letchworth on Saturday, 21 March between 11 am and 2 pm where the Graham Fulford Charitable Trust, who support prostate cancer awareness and early diagnosis through PSA testing, in conjunction with the Provincial Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Chapter of Hertfordshire, are offering free advice about prostate health and complimentary prostate testing. The tests only take 20 minutes (subject to availability) and there is free parking and complimentary tea available. Given that prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men and affects 1 in 8 of us, it can’t hurt to come along and find out more.

For more information, please contact E Comp Phil Masters at or, alternatively, click here

Happy 40th Birthday!

On 11 November 2019, Dyrham Park Lodge No 8906 celebrated the 40th anniversary of its Consecration.

The 160th Regular Meeting contained a full programme of work and a spirited Festive Board, enjoyed by both the Past Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Colin Harris and Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro Dick Knifton; together with over 65 members and their guests.

A commemorative booklet detailing the Lodge’s history and achievements, prepared by Lodge Secretary, W Bro Alan Topper, will hopefully act as a permanent record to inspire generations to follow.

Partying with King Henry

Shortly before Christmas the Brethren of King Henry VIII Lodge No 1757 joined with their Companions in King Henry VIII Chapter to host a wonderful Christmas party for the young relatives of Freemasons in Hertfordshire.

The excited guests each received a present from Father Christmas (alias Bro Steve Day) and were treated to party entertainment including a fabulous children’s entertainer, face painting, disco, refreshments and a party bag to take home. All the costs of the party were met from the pockets of generous Freemasons and all donations received will go to the Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys (as part of the Masonic Charitable Foundation) and the Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society.

W Bro Rob Gurney, of King Henry VIII Lodge, said, 'This year’s party was the biggest ever and we are immensely grateful to our sponsors and all of the volunteers and families that make these parties happen'. He added, 'Modern masonry is very much about looking after our families and we were delighted that anonymous benefactors enabled children to enjoy a fabulous Christmas party. The added ability to make significant donations to charity made the event even more worthwhile'.

The Masonic Charitable Foundation gave grants totalling over £200,000 in Hertfordshire in 2019

Keep up the Good Work!

The Masonic Charitable Foundation have released a handy infographic (above) which shows the work they have undertaken in our Province over the last year - work that has been made possible by the generosity of the Brethren and their family and friends. Here's to helping as many people as we can in 2020!

Discovering Minerva Talks!

Last January saw the launch of Minerva Talks; a YouTube-based show featuring two Freemasons from Hertfordshire. The aim of the show is to discuss general 'mysteries' at an entry level, so that viewers can then go away and do their own research; helping people achieve that 'daily advancement'.

The two hosts, Dan O'Connell and Duncan Burden, have been fascinated with mysteries for many years but often sit on different sides of the fence; referencing both Freemasonry and their own personal experience throughout the shows.

Shot in Hertfordshire's Masonic centres, the monthly shows cover such wide-ranging topics as the Knights Templar Tunnels in Hertford, the Illuminati (and its Masonic origins), Renne Le Chateau in France, Cicada 3301 (a modern secret society) and the Royston Cave. The show now has a loyal following which continues to grow with each release. Click Here to see the channel, or below to see their recent video on the Skull and Bones Society.

What’s Happening in the Province?

Do you or your Lodge have any events or news that could feature in this newsletter? We are keen to feature as much of the goings-on in Happy Hertfordshire as we can manage, so please send your stories to

All stories should be between 100-300 words and we would love it if you could include a photograph too. We look forward to hearing from you!
Copyright © 2020 Provincial Grand Lodge of Hertfordshire, All rights reserved.

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