
January 2020 Roller Skate Life Newsletter.

This newsletter is presented by the Es Quint Foundation following one her credos `Knowledge adds value to skill`.

Stay informed on the Es Quint mission, updates, activities, relevant scientific data and all collaborating partners and ventures.

Thank you for supporting our goals and activities. In case you just joined in, welcome on board and may your journey through life be a soulful one!

Every day all day resolutions!

You have made it into the year 2020. Preferably in good health, with a clear mind and a nice set of goals, ready to crush them to pieces!
If not, then you need to get off your ass and jam.

Sooo, how about those new year's resolutions. Do you have any? What happened to the one(s) you committed yourself to a year ago; did you pull through or did they disappear in thin air in a matter of days?

Now, there is a ton of scientific research on habits, consistency, failure etc. and even more theories on how to stay on message, keep focus and all that.
But theory and data is just what it is, a lot of words and even so more numbers.

To extract valuable and workable information from all that output is a delicate art in and of itself and who has time for that, right! It's much easier to have it done by others and then follow their lead.

Well, there is a slight little problem with that. There is unfortunately a whole lot of misinformation being spread around, for a variety of reasons.
Unsubstantiated, unverified, hoaxed and cooked up mambo jambo; from very plausible, legitimate looking and sounding advice, to the most rediculous failure-proof methods, to better your health and life.
And mind you, ridiculous is one thing; dangerous and life-threatening is another.
Even (so called) professionals are subject to that practice!

Just to give you a small example of how information can go astray:


So what has all this got to do with new year's resolutions you might say?
Well, most people put health on top of their list and so they should!

But how in the world do you know what to do, what is safe and who to trust?
In today's world with all day every day bombardments of information everywhere you go, it is indeed almost impossible to keep a clear vision; almost, that is.

Throughout 2020, we will share stories and information, concerning various health issues, to inspire and motivate you to make sensible choices to improve health.

Because we get a lot of questions from people, on how to exactly be or get better in what ever it is they are doing.
When it comes to roller skating for example, there might be other things going on as reasons, for not improving or getting the results you want. Simply adjusting the training regimen or frequency is perhaps not the appropriate or the only way to change for the better. 

Feeling great and being fit depends on several factors. Each factor has an impact on all the others, but they should all be adressed in fair turn for overall fitness, in terms of physical stamina and mental clarity!

Our stories will give you options to think about, so you can make up your own mind, on what suits best in your situation.

For now, the only straight forward suggestion we will do, is to put on top of your priority list:

The city of Jakarta under water.

A very unhappy and concerning message to start the first newsletter of 2020 with, but we need to.
As different parts of the world are in turmoil, with the extreme fires in Australia still going on, also large portions of the Indonesian capital Jakarta, are experiencing the worst floods and lanslides in years since New Year's Eve, devastating entire communities. One of those communities effected by the floods, is the orphanage Pa van der Steur (named after its initiator). Although based in the Netherlands, where we practically live below sea level, for the Es Quint Foundation, the news is a little too close to home, as the orphanage has been the top target of charity goals of Es Quint, since her conception as a foundation in 2012.

The expectations are sadly nowhere near anything positive in the years to come, as Jakarta is recently recognized by scientists as one of the world's fastest sinking cities. 

For a recent update on matters and status of the orphanage, feel free to contact Linda of the Es Quint Foundation at 

In upcoming newsletters, we will elaborate some more on the link between Es Quint and the orphanage.

For an impression of the facility check out this little video, spoken in Dutch language, with english subtitles.
Roller Skate Parties Coming Up.
Work in progress!

Knowledge adss value to skill, so why not dig a little deeper into what really makes you move!
Often times, when you're experiencing back problems or knee problems for instance, the problem may very well not be in the area you're sensing the pain or discomfort. Compromising posture and movement is very common and often understated, thus not being effectively approached.

The more you know, the more you can grow, so stay tuned!

Kids Roll Power!

Kids Roll Power trainer Mariska is ready and fresh to spice up the first session of 2020, Saturday January 11th.

Totally Soulful Kidness from 11.00h - 12.00h

The Es Quint Foundation is specialized in roller skate training for all levels, all ages and all disciplines.
All life begins with motion and discovering possibilities and expanding capability.

Roller Skating is a highly effective form of triggering sensory exploration and developing coordination and strength. The brain is built from the bottom up, so the sooner the learning process starts, the better. Improving and processing motor and sensory detection is essential before any other form of higher learning (behavioral or academic) can actually develop in a proper manner.

The youngest trainee at the Es Quint Foundation, Pranitha Jayabalan, started at two years old and developed a remarkable sense of balance and skill set within 6 months, just by watching and copying her big sister Pravisha who started at age 4 from scratch.

Posture Correction.
Posture correction for basic roller skating exercises, in upright position.
Narrated by Brian, developer and senior trainer of the Soulful Fitness Roller Skate Training system.

When not dealt with properly, practicing without a mirror or sparring/training partner can come with some awkward disadvantages. Looking down in a manner that brings the body in a compromising position, can be more harmful and counterproductive along the way, than one might realize.
Prolonged hours of deskwork, extensive cellphone use and sedentary lifestyle in general, has a decreasing effect on the potential of the human body. Adaptation happens in the form of limitations in range of movement, decreased muscle strength and overall stamina. What applies here is the good old saying 'use it or lose it'.

Leaning forward for longer periods not only causes excessive pressure on the kneejoints, it also plays right into the hands of many different inconveniences, such as Janda's Uppercrossed Imbalance Syndrome; a posturing situation that can easily manifest itself, due to forementioned daily habits and lifestyle.

There are however, good ways to counter compromising posture and nonproductive habits. Consistency and awareness are key factors, to better posture, good health and continuous incremental improvements.

Discussed in this snippet is the very commonly seen Uppercrossed Syndrome, insight in its manifestion and how to deal with it. Wrong posture messes up your balance and can cause serious injury over time!

Check out more on the Bfunkphenomenon Youtube  channel!
Mainz 2020 was a blast!

Soulful Fitness Roller Skate Training 101.

Live Skype Training, individually or small group training.

Bookings accepted starting midway January 2020!

Soulful Fitness Roller Skate Training Weekend Seminar
at the Es Quint Foundation Training Center, House of RollaGanza.
Riffs & Routines, February 7-9, 2020

All regular backers of the Es QUint Foundation have free access to all training sessions!

Our motto for this Seminar : "Don't be impressed, be inspired."
So, our mission is to inspire you to shape your own flow and dig into your own unique potential."

Thursday Regular Training 20.00 -22.00 (Free for all Seminar attendants)
Friday Training 13.00 - 22.30
Saturday Training 12.00 - 16.30
Saturday JAM Party 19.00 - 23.30 @ Poppodium Duycker
Sunday Training 12.00 - 18.00

Important Note:

As we have already received a lot of messages, about what seems to be conflicting information on our regular February event and the Amsterdam Skate Event 2020, here's a little clarification:

Our Riffs & Routines event will be fully and totally in the Hague at Es Quint Foundation headquarters, as usual!!!!
The only formal crossing point with the Amsterdam Skate Event 2020, is on Saturday Night at Poppodium Duycker. This is also the main feature where the collaboration is initally based on.

Our registration link will only provide booking for the Riffs & Routines Roller Skate Seminar February 2020, with the Saturday Night Special included.

Brighton UK Spring Roll Call.

The guerilla division of the Es Quint Foundation is planning to drop some groove warriors overseas for a Soulful Jam. Details are still in process and will determine the scope of the event, from just a short and simple sight-seeing stay to a full blown mini seminar!
Recon mission set and locked.
Mission date - January 25
Mission name - Teslanian Devil's Ride
Mission assignment - Finalizing March Spring Roll Call & visit to Roller Nation London UK.
Es Quint Foundation
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