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Begin Again

Happy New Year to you and yours. Perhaps you’re one of the lucky ones who has already begun to nail your new year resolutions… or maybe you’re not!
Begin mug
Maybe, you’re like most of us and January is a bit of a slow start with very little routine until the kids go back to school. And that’s okay, once you ignore the hype that surrounds New Year and instead begin again when it’s more likely you have the headspace and time to make it happen.

With all that hype, it’s easy to believe that it’s simply a matter of starting and then you’ll reach your goal – just like that. The reality is often a very different story – one that includes starting, messing up, starting again, falling off the wagon, trying a different way, succeeding a little, getting disheartened, being encouraged by a friend and starting again and again and again until you get the hang of it and it becomes part of your everyday.
Once you know that your slip up doesn’t mean you’ve failed, only that you’re human, it’s easier to begin again.

So, this newsletter is a gentle reminder to begin again, no matter how many times you’ve begun before. Your hopes, dreams and plans deserve another chance so make sure you give yourself one.

If you’re struggling to take the first step or to begin again, do get in touch. I can help you get your dreams, plans and Mojo back on track.

P.S. My January health tip is to open the cupboard door and begin to take those supplements you bought months ago – they only work when you swallow them!

Ashleigh xx
"Although no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start now and make a brand-new ending."

~ Maria Robinson

Make What Matters, Matter EVERY day - Workshop 2020

Do you know deep down that you really should get your health sorted this year?

Could your relationships do with a little TLC?

Have you promised yourself several years in a row that you’ll start an exercise programme and get fit, but it’s always fallen by the wayside?

It’s not always easy to make what really matters to you, matter every day

Make 2020 the year that you do it differently. Join me at my one-day workshop on Saturday 18th January in the Glenview hotel, Wicklow

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"The workshop was brilliant – a perfect blend of motivation and reality. I learned loads and have already put some of the actions into place. Thank you for a great day – highly recommended"

P. B. - Wicklow

Clinic News...

Throughout 2020, I will continue to work more intensely with fewer clients as my health and energy levels permit.

This new approach will mean that I will not be able to facilitate everyone but ensures that I can continue to do the work I love, without burnout.

The clinic is always heavily booked and therefore I advise scheduling well ahead to ensure your preferred appointment date and time as last-minute availability is only possible if there’s been another client cancellation.

If you haven’t done so already, you might like to check out my new packages on Time For Busy Women.  
You can also keep up to date with news on my new Facebook page – A Life that Makes Your Heart Sing.
"What really matters is what you do with what you have."

~ H.G. Wells
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