
One of the reasons my TrueFire Chord Navigator: CAGED courses seem to have struck a chord (pun intended) is that we guitarists play rhythm most of the time and get fed up playing the same old chord shapes, but forget to learn new ones!

With that in mind, here are a couple of ways to breathe new life into a simple I-IV-V chord progression in the key of E  (E-A-B).

Figures 1-3 show E, A and B chords based around the open position. Note that the B chord (Fig. 3) is played using the A CAGED shape (Fig. 2) moved up with the B root note located on the 2nd fret, A string:

Now let’s move up the neck and locate another E chord voicing, this time using the C CAGED chord shape, as shown in Figure 4. Play just the ADG strings and you have the E root triad (E-G#-B), play the DGB strings and you’ll hear a 1st inversion triad, (G#-B-E) an E chord with the 3rd (G#) in the bass. Play just the GBE strings and you get a second inversion triad, (B-E-G#) with the 5th (B) in the bass. You can just think of these all as an E chord.

Let’s play the 1st inversion E triad using the DGB strings only, as shown as the black dots in Figure 5. Pluck the 3 strings with your fingers, notice how this triad has a warm tone. 

For our A chord let’s remain in the same neck position on the neck and use the E CAGED chord shape to find the chord as depicted in Figure 6. Again play only the DGB strings of this A chord to maintain sonic continuity with our E chord, as shown as the black dots in Figure 7:

For the B chord we can extract the DGB strings from the A CAGED chord shape we used (Figure 3) or think of the DGB strings triad as part of a G CAGED chord shape, as the two shapes overlap. Play just the DGB strings, shown as the black dots in Figure 8. This is a 2nd inversion B triad (F#-B-D#) with the 5th (F#) in the bass, but again you can just think of it as a B chord:

Play the triads E, A and B on the DGB strings (the black dots only from Figures 5, 7 & 8). Notice how closely connected they sound, ideal for a second guitar part, an intro or a melodic breakdown section of a song. This will also help you see chord tones for lead playing.

As we are only using 3 strings there are lots of ways to embellish the chords. For example, try adding a common tone such as a B note (7th fret high E string) throughout all 3 chords as highlighted by the blue circle in Figures 5, 7 & 8. Listen to the way in which that same note ties the chords together.

Now let’s add a static bass note, let the open low E string sustain through all 3 chords as highlighted by the red circle in Figures 5, 7 & 8.  Notice how this changes the mood of the chord progression, opening it up making it sound less like a traditional I-IV-V, less blues like.

Find your own common tones and embellishments, explore all the CAGED chord shapes and make navigating the neck part of your practice, so you will never get stuck playing the same barre chord shape again!

For more on CAGED rhythm playing check out:

Chord Navigator 1: CAGED Triads

Chord Naviator 2: CAGED 7th's

Chord Navigator 3: CAGED Embellishments (Coming Soon!)

Last Weeks Email
The 4 Biggest Mistakes Guitar Students Make

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Thanks, Rob

P.S. TrueFire & the NAMM Show
No email next week as I'll be filming 2 new courses for TrueFire at TF HQ in St Petersburg, Florida then am heading to the The NAMM Show in Anaheim, CA.

I'll be roaming the floor then demonstrating new guitar plugins for RME at NAMM every day (Thursday-Sunday) from 2pm-6pm in Hall ACC North.
Synthax Booth #14702

If you're attending the show, come say hi! Cheers.
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