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Happy New Year!

"You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance." Psalm 65:11

We hope you had a joyful Christmas and are looking forward to 2020! We have been so blessed to have had you join us on our journey of following our LORD Jesus Christ in 2019! Your prayers and financial support mean so much!

We are excited about the New Year and with great anticipation we look for what the LORD has in store for us!

As always, the LORD has been faithful throughout 2019. We are most grateful for His grace and steadfast love.

Our December has been no different, as He has allowed us and our
Fearless Love team to share His love with many this month. Thank you, Jesus! Here are some highlights.

Food Distribution To Refugees

We were blessed to have served 40+ refugee families with food for the holidays. Most of these refugees were from Afghanistan, and we were able to share the Christmas story with them in their native Dari tongue. This was the first time most of them had ever read or heard the story of our Savior's birth. What a special time it was. Please join us in praying for these families!

Interestingly, one of our Muslim refugee families requested a Christmas tree from us. We gave them one (see photo below).

Refugee Christmas Celebration

Paige Frome, one of our faithful Fearless Love team members, led some of our ladies in a Christmas celebration and tea for around 12 refugee women and their children from Afghanistan earlier this month. Gifts were swapped and the meaning of Christmas and why we need a Savior was shared. What a fun day it was! (Picture below)

New Refugee Family Greeted

Right before Christmas our Fearless Love team learned about a newly arrived Afghan family who were in need. Our team stepped up big time, and several visits have been made to see the family. Team members have brought food and shared tea (Chai as our refugee friends call it) and learned more about this family's needs. A list is already being made so we can help the family more, as their apartment is virtually empty. Thank you, Fearless Love team members (see photo below). 

2019 Giving

This newsletter has been all about Fearless Love outreach and a mobilized team. Here is a reminder of what Fearless Love is all about, as we minister within the framework of e3 Partners.

"We exist to build relationships with Muslim people and help the followers of Jesus do the same for the purpose of advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ within the Islamic community both locally and globally."

With that in mind, it is not too late to make an "End of the Year" gift. Your tax deductible gift can go a long way to help us reach the Muslim world with the gospel. Would you please pray and consider partnering with us?

Giving is simple, as you can click on one of the links below to make a donation. Thank you for your consideration!

If you have questions about making a gift, please contact us. 

A Prayer Request For 2020
As we close 2019 and embark on a New Year, would you consider laying hands on the following names and praying this simple prayer over them?

"Lord, please save these souls and allow them to grow into multiplying Jesus followers in 2020. Amen."

Here are the names:

Sakina, Nasra, Hamid, Maryam, Noorullah, Mohammed Mustafa, Mohammed Aslam, Zahraa, Fawad & family, Shamis, Farhiyo, Rahim Ozbik, Jowanna and Amina.

All have received Bibles and have read or heard at least portions in the last couple of months.

Thank you!

Blessings to you in 2020!

Jay & Marsha Crenshaw
e3 Partners
Directors Muslim Outreach USA/MECANA


Crenshaw Support
Fearless Love
Paige Frome and Fearless Love team members pictured above at the Christmas Celebration with the refugees and their children. Special thanks to Laura Miller who graciously opened her home for the celebration!
One of our Fearless Love team members, Aziza Best, is pictured with the wife of the newly arrived Afghan family mentioned in the newsletter. Aziza and her father visited with the family for about 2 hours and learned more of the family's needs.
Muslim refugee family's decorated Christmas tree  pictured above.



Our mailing address is:
Jay and Marsha Crenshaw
e3 Partners
2001 W. Plano Pkwy.
Suite 2600
Plano, TX 75075

Copyright © 2019 e3 Partners.  All rights reserved

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