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A newsletter for Flutter fans by Flutter fans

Flutter Weekly #86

Hello Flutter fans!

As you may have noticed, there has no been newsletter for the last couple of weeks. Unfortunately, a badly cured ill returned (with a vengeance) and got AFK for a lot of days. I'm ok now and the newsletter will continue at the usual pace.

Thanks for all support messages during these days!

Love from Barcelona, Sergi

Articles and tutorials

Flutter Firebase Cheat Sheet!

A useful cheat sheet covering the basic usage of Firebase from Flutter.

Dart declaration-site variance

An interesting article by Kallen Tu about variance in Dart, an in progress Dart feature.

Double Sliver AppBar in Flutter

Aurimas Deimantas explains how he implemented a double sliver app bar on his application.

Exploring String methods in Dart

A detailed analysis on the String class in Dart by Darshan Kawar.

Flutter Route Animations

A deep explanation on how routes work and how to animate them in Flutter.

Flutter Web — Github Actions-Github Pages

Create your Flutter web pages and use Github Actions to automate publishing it to Github Pages.

Flutter Widget In Focus — DraggableScrollableSheet (Know It All)

Learn how to use the DraggableScrollableSheet with this article by Pinkesh Darji.

Flutter: A guide to the TextField

A well explained review of the TextField widget options.

Working with Unicode and Grapheme Clusters in Dart

Understand how Unicode and Graphemes work and how to handle them properly in Dart.

Dart extensions, generating copyWith methods

A guide to create your own implementation of a copyWith method in Flutter using code generation.

Flutter 1.12 - Biggest Flutter release of the year 2019

A wrap-up of the new features in the latest version of Flutter.

Videos and media

Advance Url Navigation for Flutter Web

This video shows the pattern to use to make your url match what's shown by your Flutter Web application.

CupertinoActionSheet (Flutter Widget of the Week)

Are you building an iOS-style app that needs to present the user with a list of options for what to do next? CupertinoActionSheet is the widget for you!

Dart extension methods

Dart is adding a new feature called Extension Methods. It's one of the features that you can live without, but it does make some things very convenient. Learn more now!

Flutter MobX Tutorial – Transparent & Reactive State Management?

Learn to use MobX for state management in your Flutter apps.

Flutter Windows Desktop App | Early Preview

How to get started with Flutter for Windows Desktop (Alpha)

Flutter's New Hot UI Tool

How to use the new and shinny Hot UI Tool introduced in Flutter 1.12.

Code and libraries

GitHub - jeremydavidfriesen/flutter-video-chat

A simple front-end combining text-messaging (using Google Firebase) and video chat (using for Flutter).

GitHub - jarekb123/dart_dataclass

Dart data class (equals, hashCode, toString, copyWith) methods generator

GitHub - oxequa/flutter_cache_image

Flutter plugin to load and cache network or firebase storage images with a retry mechanism if the download fails


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