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Hello, friends!

Our newly-updated Luna Pants pattern is now in print! With this pattern, we incorporated a whole new design and chose new packaging. (Scroll down for a link to where you can by Luna in print.)

Product design is an interesting topic to me, and since we spent so much time reconfiguring our print package when we re-launched Luna last fall, I thought I’d talk a little bit about what decisions go into creating a product like this, so I wrote a blog post about it.

buy luna in print

While I do have the occasional pop up shop so that you can purchase print patterns directly from me, I'd like to point you to the fantastic independently-owned shops that we partner with to carry our patterns alongside fabrics and other sewing supplies.

Please SHOP LOCAL or SHOP SMALL and support these shops.
Have you sewn Lunas that you'd like to share? Tag them with #lunapantspattern  and #madebyrae so we can all see!
Happy Sewing!

P.S. In my next newsletter, I'll be rounding up the helpful resources and tutorials available for Luna making on my website, including the Luna Pantsalong. Stay tuned!
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Made By Rae
514 William Suite B
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

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