
Lutz Preparatory School NEWSFLASH V8 Issue 27, Friday, January 17, 2020

  • Monday, January 20 : 
    • Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School
    • Board of Director Subcommittee Meeting
  • Tuesday, January 21:
    • 2nd Quarter Report Cards Sent Home (Elementary)
  • Wednesday, January 22:
    • 2nd Quarter Report Cards Available Online Only (Middle)
  • Thursday, January 23:
    • 1st Day for 3rd Quarter Blazing Bolts Run Club
    • K-8 Open House for Prospective Families in Enrollment Lottery (Current 5th Grade Families Invited to Attend for Middle School Presentation)
  • Friday, January 24:
    • 4th Grade Field Trip
Leader in Me:  January Habit of the Month
Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood:  I listen to other people's ideas and feelings.  I try to see things from their viewpoint (paradigm).  I listen to others without interrupting.  I listen with my ears, my eyes, and my heart.  I am confident in voicing my ideas.
2019-20 Academic Calendar
After School Enrichment Vendors
A Few Spots Still Open

Check out all the great after school enrichment vendors that host classes on our campus.  A few spots still open for enrollment. 

Click HERE to visit our website for registration links.
  • Show on the Road
  • Bricks4kidz
  • Yoga
  • Soccergemz
  • Colorexpress
Volunteer Corner
We are looking for volunteers to assist with our spring book fair.  Tons of help needed from 1/302020 - 2/6/2020.
Board of Director Meetings
Meetings are open to the public and are published in our NEWSFLASH and on the Governance section of our website.  Next Meeting:  January 30th, 2020 at 6:00 PM in the Media Center.
Important Dates

1/26:  Deadline to Order Meals for Grandparents Celebration

1/27:  January Lightning Leader Ceremony

1/27:  Board of Director Subcommittee Meeting

1/28:  1st Grade Field Trip

1/30:  Board of Director Meeting

1/31-2/6:  Scholastic Book Fair

2/3-7: Spirit Week

2/3:  Board of Director Subcommittee Meeting

2/3:  1st Day for Intramural Basketball

2/5:  Early Release:  Dismissal Begins at Noon

2/5:  Bolts of Blue Dress Down Day for Stem Level and Above or Donate $6

2/5:  2020-21 School Year Enrollment Lottery (Current K-8 Students Do Not Apply)

2/6:  Grandparents Celebration 

2/7:  Fair Day - Non Student Day

2/10:  Board of Director Subcommittee Meeting

2/12:  Kindergarten Field Trip

2/12:  All Pro Dads Meeting

2/12:  Mon/Wed Pre-Prep Cap and Gown Pictures

2/13:  Tues/Thur Pre-Prep Cap and Gown Pictures

2/13:  Spring Pictures K-8

2/17:  President's Day - No School

2/17:  Board of Director Subcommittee Meeting

2/20:  PTA General Assembly Meeting

2/21:  Father Daughter Dance

2/24:  Lightning Leader Ceremony

2/24:  Board of Director Subcommittee Meeting

2/25:  1st Grade Field Trip

2/27:  Board of Director Meeting

2/28:  Pre-Prep Field Trip

3/2-6:  Faculty/Staff Appreciation Week

3/4:  Early Release Day - Dismissal Begins at Noon

3/4:  Bolts of Blue Dress Down Day for STEM Level and Above

3/4:  Writing Interim (Grades 2, 4-8)

3/5:  End of Quarter Blazing Bolts Run Club Celebration

3/6:  2nd Grade Field Trip

3/10-13:  8th Grade Field Trip (DC & Local)

3/11:  All Pro Dad's Breakfast

3/11-12:  Hearing Screenings

3/13:  End of 3rd Quarter

3/16-20:  Spring Break

3/26:  Board of Director Meeting

3/27:  Mother & Son Event

4/24:  Finn's Fight Gala
PTA Corner
All Lutz Pre-Prep and Lutz Prep K-8 families invited to attend.

While parents are attending parent teacher conferences, dinner will be provided free of charge to all Lutz Prep students and grandparents attending the celebration. 
Please note that you must RSVP for LP students and grandparents prior to the Sunday, January 26, 2020 deadline in order to secure meal orders.

RSVP by visiting

Parking will be available in the south carline lot beginning at 3:45 PM.  Please do not arrive to our campus prior to 3:45 PM as afternoon dismissal of our students will still be in process.

Save the Date
More information coming soon....

Athletic News - Intramural Sports
We will be starting up our next round of Intramural Sports starting next week and I wanted to get the information to you as soon as possible.  Please see the following for details.  If you have any questions please contact
Intramural Basketball
Description:  Intramural basketball will focus on the basic elements of basketball.  Your athletes will also participate in fun drills and play modified basketball games.  
Coach: Coach McCaron
  • Dates: (mostly Monday and Wednesdays) 2/3, 2/10, 2/11, 2/12, 2/18, 2/19, 2/24, 2/26
  • Times: After dismissal until 4:30
  • Pickup: (by Picnic Tables outside of gym) Promptly at 4:30 or your student will be escorted to aftercare where charges may be incurred.
  • Cancellation, Changes, General Information:  Parents will be emailed by 2:00 PM the day of the event if there are any cancellations for ANY reason and session will be made up.  Any other pertinent information will be distributed via email as well.
Three requirements BEFORE attending practice: 
  1. An FHSAA Sports Physical (not the same as a regular health check up) must be on file in the school office in order for athlete to attend practice.  Drop off a COPY in the main office or email electronically to
  2. Sports Liability and Information online form (one required for each school year covers all after school sports)
  3. Registration/Payment at the school store.  

Blazing Bolt Running Club
Description:  The Blazing Bolt Running Club will be run differently this semester.  Not only will it focus on distance running and having your children be active in a fun and safe environment. But we are also going to track your students' distances and have them set goals as well as give out awards to those that perform above and beyond.
Coach: Coach McCarron
  • Dates: (mostly Thursdays) 1/23, 1/27, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27, 3/5 - End of Quarter Party
  • Times: After dismissal until 4:30
  • Pickup: (Either on soccer field or by picnic tables) Promptly at 4:30 or your student will be escorted to aftercare where charges may be incurred.
  • Cancellation, Changes, General Information:  Parents will be emailed by 2:00 PM the day of the event if there are any cancellations due to weather via email and cancellations will be made up.  Any other pertinent information will be distributed via email as well.

Three requirements BEFORE attending practice: 
  1. An FHSAA Sports Physical (not the same as a regular health check up) must be on file in the school office in order for athlete to attend practice. If you have an up-to-date one on file with LP already then another IS NOT required. Drop off a COPY in the main office or email electronically to
  2. Sports Liability and Information online form (one required for each school year covers all after school sports)
  3. Registration/Payment at the school store. 
Lutz Preparatory School is Officially on Facebook
Please click on the image to the right or social media platforms will be additional ways to keep up to date on the school wide events at Lutz Preparatory School. 

Lots of incredible pictures and video's posted on our Facebook page:
Have you checked out the postings & pictures highlighted this week?
  • Teacher Spotlight:  Mrs. Morrison & Ms. Szczepanski (S2)
  • Grandparents Celebration Meal Ordering RSVP
  • Shining Leaders Display Wall
  • Middle School Leadership Symposium
The NEWSFLASH, along with direct emails from administration and your teachers is still the primary way you will receive information from us.
2020-21 School Year Enrollment Information

A Hillsborough County Public Charter School of Choice Serving Grades K-8

Lutz Preparatory School K-8 Intent to Return for All Current K-7th Grade Students
Currently enrolled K-8th grade students DO NOT need to be entered in our annual enrollment lottery.  Parents must complete an Intent to Return Online Form  linked below.  Confirming each student's intent (to return or to transfer to another school) will allow us to accurately account for our 2020-21 student enrollment.  

  • REQUIRED Kinder to 7th Grade Families:  Click HERE to complete the Intent to Return or Transfer for the 20-21 school year.  
  • Deadline for submission is Friday, January 17, 2020 at midnight.    

Do You Have Children Not Currently Enrolled at Lutz Preparatory K-8?
Do you have additional children NOT CURRENTLY ENROLLED enrolled at Lutz Preparatory K-8 that you would like to enroll in the 2020-21 school year?  All students NOT CURRENTLY ATTENDING Lutz Preparatory K-8 must apply via our enrollment lottery.  Any siblings of currently enrolled K-8 students are defined as preferred enrolled sibling applicants in our lottery process by Florida State Statute.  Please see the Admissions tab of our website for full details.  

Please contact our lottery coordinator, Lori Toso, at with any K-8 enrollment questions.

Prospective Family Open House
Please spread the word to friends and family about our Prospective Family Open House and Enrollment Lottery for the 2020-21 school year.

Current 5th grade Lutz Preparatory K-8 students and parents also invited to attend the 6th grade informational sessions so they can learn more details as they transition to our middle grades at Lutz Preparatory School.
Leader in Me 2019-20 School Wide Initiative:  Making Kindness Count
Our school wide goal is to have 100% of our staff and students complete their Kindness Counts Bingo Boards that have different activities and ideas for showing ways to Make Kindness Count!  We are so proud of the following LP Bolts for completing their Kindness Counts initiative so far. T-shirts are issued each day during morning announcements.  

Announcing the new Lutz Prep Media Center Art Gallery
The 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders in Library Media classes discussed how they would like to improve the Media Center.  All the classes agreed – we need more color and decorations!
We have decided to ask our students to participate in the beautification of our Media Center!  All Lutz Prep students may participate.
All submissions must:  
  • Be done completely by the student and at home (not in art classes)
  • Be able to be kept for the entire 2nd semester or donated for permanent use
  • Show how books inspire them (characters, places, things from books, etc.)
  • Be ready for hanging in the Media Center (on a stretched canvas or framed)
  • Be of any art media such as oils, watercolors, crayon, colored pencils, pencil, photos, etc.
  • Be at least 9” x 11” and not larger than 22” x 34” (poster size)
If you like to have your child’s artwork displayed in the Media Center next semester, please contact Mrs. O’Sullivan by email at for additional directions.

We will use as many submissions as possible.  Students - Please join us in this project!
Yearbooks On Sale 
Please note the PRESCHOOL and K-8 School have DIFFERENT YEARBOOKS, please make sure you order the correct one. 
Lost and Found Will Be Donated at the End of The Month
Items have been gathered from around the campus so the lost and found is OVERFLOWING already.  Please make sure all items are labeled with a LAST NAME and they can be returned to your student.
Community Outreach Opportunities
Click HERE to reach the community outreach opportunities section of our website.
Bolts of Blue Business Sponsors

We are grateful to the supporters of our Bolts of Blue Campaign.  Thank you to the following businesses that have invested in the success of our students and school.  We encourage our LP community to look to these businesses when you are in need of goods or services.


Core Home Loans
Cox Fire Protection
Dental Studio 4 Kids
Dynamic Heating and Cooling
Edward Jones Investments
Jennifer Dobbs-Realtor
Jim Browne Chevrolet of Tampa Bay
Long & Associates Architects/Engineers, Inc.
McDannold Law
Pediatric Dentistry of New Tampa
Plantation on Crystal River
Ronald Christaldi - Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP
Scotch Institute of Ear Nose and Throat
StoreRight Self Storage
Vitale Ear, Nose & Throat 
Winters & Yonker
Caliber Home Loans
Anderson & Chhabra Eyecare Center
Believe it and Achieve it
Chick-fil-A at Cypress Creek Town Center
Dancemakers School of the Dance
DC Accounting Services 
Discover Tampa Homes
Douglas Dentistry
Dr. Duga, Dr. Feeney & Associates
Holly Gordon, Realtor
Hsi Engineering, LLC
Image360 - North Tampa
LaTazza Drinkware
Metz Orthodontics
Misty Revelia, Realtor
New Tampa Pain
Newmark Knight Frank
Next Path Career Partners
Paladino Public Affairs
Pat McCullough, Realtor
Premier Heart and Vascular Center
Rice n Beans Puerto Rico
The EyeDoctors of New Tampa
Thomas Hobson & Company, PLLC

360 Dermatology
Accurate Advisory Group
Bob Sierra North Tampa YMCA
Butler Weihmuller Katz Craig LLP
Cason Photography
Caspers Company
Culvers of Wesley Chapel

de la Parte & Gilbert, PA
Feldman Orthodontics - Blue Wave Orthodontics
Florida Manatee Adventures
Jeremiahs Italian Ice of Carrollwood
Maid to Be Clean Cleaning Service
Native Tampa Bay Agent
PRP Wine International
TPC Tampa Bay
Twistee Treat
Young Chefs Academy
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