
Coaches and Club Leaders:

I saw many of you at Senior Nationals. The Houghton Community again put on a great event! Many thanks to their organizing committee for giving our athletes an opportunity to race at home.

At SR Nats, we also had qualifying for U18 Scando, World Junior, and World U23 Championships.  Congratulations to Mara McCollor (MSC/Dartmouth), Zak Ketterson (LNR/NMU) and Amanda Kautzer (LNR/MTU) for making your respective USST.  

Regionally, we had a goal of 6 athletes to these teams. We fell short with some near misses. Next year as a community let's work to get to 6. This needs to start at the U18 Scando level.  

In Jerrico, VT, our region also had 3 of our CXC members make the USBA World Juniors with Gerrit Beckrich (Mt Itasca), Emma Stertz (Mt Itasca/CSS), and Sam Stertz (Mt Itasca).

Good luck to all these athletes who will represent their home clubs internationally!

Making these teams also auto qualifies Gerrit, Emma, Sam, and Mara for JNs. The top 20 on the JR World's list also auto qualify for JNs. This list includes:  Anders Sonnesyn (Wayzata Nordic/UNH), Lucy Anderson (LNR/UNH) and Libby Tuttle (LNR). Both GLD and MW also prequalify athletes between 21-30th place on this list. These athletes will be counted against the divisional quota. Athletes meeting this standard are:  Anabel Needham (Copper Country/MTU), Molly Moening (MSC), Lauren McCollor (MSC), Gus Schatzlein (LNR/CSS), and Adam Wikowski (MTU).

Congratulations to each of these athletes and race fast come March!


Joe Haggenmiller | Sport Development Director
U.S. Ski & Snowboard – Central Cross Country Skiing

Phone: (906) 281-1214

Where Olympic Journeys Begin
Central Cross Country Skiing (CXC)

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