

New idea: Static Memes Are About Social Dynamics.

I made an outline of Atlas Shrugged.

Read examples of second-handedness.

The Fabric of Reality discussion archives now available.

Read my extended discussion about Critical Rationalism.

A way to get started with not overreaching on the FI Discord by Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum.

From the archives: Indirection. This is a major difficulty people have with complex, multi-part projects, such as learning philosophy.

Tucker Carlson Defends Free Speech and Individual Thought


“[…] So some leftwing activist group will show up and say ‘you’re no longer allowed to say X.’ I don’t know what it is, just pick something. Out with ‘the Orient,’ in with ‘Asia.’ Maybe that’s okay, maybe it’s not okay. Maybe it’s a good change, or maybe it’s a bad change. But the fact is they [the left] decide unilaterally what the changes are and then everyone else kind of has to go along with it. There’s no vote. It’s like the left decides what you’re allowed to say. […] it’s almost like the left is trying to see how ludicrous they can make it. You send out a tweet saying ‘men can menstruate too.’ Anyone who laughs is punished. When that happens, they’re challenging us. They’re basically saying ‘we can make you,’ this is 1984, this is Winston Smith, ‘we can make you say this. And then we can make you believe it. Watch us.’ ‘Repeat after me: Men can menstruate too.’ Then after a while you’re like ‘yeah, men can menstruate too, for sure.’ That’s when you’re a zombie. That’s when your soul is gone. That’s when they’re fully in charge of you. You’re just hunk of flesh, and you’re like a ventriloquist dummy at that point. That’s what happens.”

By Elliot Temple. I write philosophical essays and a blog.

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