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I leave to Estonia today. Why?
To share God's Word.

Well… the long awaited day has come. I’m heading to Estonia! Sorry for the lack of details, but there has been a bit of resistance to having a meeting in that area which will inevitably break up the foundation of traditions long held about the trinity. 


There are some who haven’t been with us long—as some of you have recently joined this newsletter—so let me give you a bit of a backdrop for stating the above. I’ve been a pastor many years in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and was a company man (not needing to be otherwise for the most part), until I studied what the Bible says about God. Whew! The rest has been i.n.c.r.e.d.i.b.l.e!

Here are a few Bible studies and a few questions from the RwD website which should help show what the Bible says generally about God, His Son, and His Spirit. 

Then you might be interested to go through these 50 Bible questions about the trinity:

With these above thoughts—and MANY more—it has lead me to renounce my former faith as a trinitarian, to share with people--like you--the truths found in God’s Word in their simplicity.

I mentioned in an online video on Facebook a short time ago that while I was in Kenya the locals and I talked about Gospel Sounders Ministry presenting the book of Revelation for the people there that speak Swahili! Praise God, they are already finished with many parts!  If you know someone who speaks that language, be sure to send the playlist linked above to them!

While in India, I asked another friend, Naik, to do the same thing. He has started presenting the book of Revelation in one of the many languages spoken there in India… and what a blessing it is to work together to spread God’s message! Please share with those who speak the Telugu language. 

Speaking with people in SO many countries (many of them being cast out of the synagogue for Christ’s sake), I just received this message while preparing this newsletter, “Good afternoon my brother. I am pastor ___________ from ___________. Please pray for me I have been in the ministry for 35 years and will soon be removed from the ministry because I believe that Jesus is the Divine Begotten son of God which is contrary to the teaching of the trinity.


I know how that is, but this is the beginning for him, not the end. May God bless him and the many others who are facing similar situations (just because of believing differently from the trinity tradition). 

There are many more audio files up on the RwD site than there has been in the past, please find them here and share. =)

At the end of January, I’m heading to Nepal for a week, then heading to India for a week from there. In BOTH places I have the great HONOR or teaching pastors from various denomination about the books of Daniel and the Revelation. Please, in the name of Jesus, pray for these events that God’s truth will prevail and will not be hindered or interrupted. 

One of the audio books I love to hear is "The Desire of Ages." Please listen here.
Another of the audio books I love to hear is "The Great Controversy." Please listen here.

Prayer Request

Please fast and pray that God will bless and use our efforts in all the places we've been able to minister together for His glory, bringing souls into truth rapidly to spread the gospel far and wide in preparation for the close of probation for this world!

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