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Actors (left to right): Zoe Anastassiou, Jason C. Brown, Elliot Frances Flynn, Lolita Foster, & Susan Ly
Set Design: Keena Suh & Marcus Waschewsky; Lighting Design: Robyn Warfield

It's 2020 ALREADY!?

Dear <<First Name>>,

How in the world is it the year 2020 already? And where are the flying cars!? : )

We hope this email finds you well and feeling the fresh start opportunities that many feel at the new year.

As most of you know, when CiC is not in project mode, it is I who do the engaging, fundraising, planning, grant writing, social media-ing, etc. As such, I wanted to start this year by letting everyone who supports, and has supported, CiC know why you haven't heard from me/Classics in Color in over a year.

The sad news:
The very short version is that shortly after our 2018 production of "Much Ado" closed, one of our founding members, one of my best friends, Mimi (Miranda) Moss, passed away after a three year battle with breast cancer. Shortly thereafter my mother was diagnosed with her second bout of breast cancer and at the end of 2018 I went to fight the battle with her. What was meant to be just a few months turned into a year due to challenges and complications. While I was there, my father was diagnosed with lung cancer. Unfortunately his disease took hold of him quickly and just two months ago, my half siblings and I held our father's hand as he drew his last breath.

Needless to say, it has been a rough year and a half.

The good news:
While I learn to process loss and grief (as I know we all must), I also celebrate my mother's return to health and work. I celebrate my return to the East Coast, acting work on the horizon, and planning for CiC in late 2020 and beyond. And I celebrate each of you for your continued support of the arts.

We at CiC are thinking of each of you and sending love to you now and always. We hope that you find time to care for yourself and find joy in even the smallest things. YOU are part of what brings all of us at CiC joy. We are grateful for YOU.

Thank you all for all you do, and your continued support. It is why we're able to make art that matters and represents us all.

Sending you love and light,

Nafeesa & the company of Classics in Color: An INclusive Theatre Company

You can always #ChooseINclusion by donating here:

Click here to make a tax-deductible donation (monthly or one-time only) to Classics in Color's core programming!
For those that like to cut and paste, here's the exact link:
Find a #CiC product HERE! All proceeds support CiC's core-programming, including productions, Classics OUT LOUD!, and classes. Exact link:
I am so grateful for this company Grief Warrior ( that provides helpful, useful, & healing items to help those grieving acknowledge and process their loss. A box was gifted to me and has been such a help, especially on the hardest days. I thought I would share their information as I know we often are at a loss of what to do when a loved one is grieving.
Copyright © 2020 Classics In Color: An INclusive Theatre Company, All rights reserved.

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