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In a spirit of wonder and with courageous love, we connect, grow, and act.
UUCM Friday Update | 1.10.2020

In the Interim

Each week, the interim ministry team will share a reflection on the Soul Matters monthly theme, the state of the church, or the state of the world. This week's post is offered by Arif Mamdani.

What exactly does it mean to be a people who care about integrity? A people who endeavor to live lives of integrity? The dictionary says that integrity has something to do with honesty and strong moral principles, and suggests that integrity conveys a sense of wholeness, a certain unity of value, principle, and action. That all sounds pretty good, but also perhaps not that hard, right? Act in line with your beliefs, speak what is true – what’s hard about that?

As in all things, what seems easy from a distance gets more complicated up close. As Unitarian Universalists, we believe in the inherent worth and dignity of all people, and yet even the smallest glance at the contents of most of our wardrobes would reveal clothing almost certain to have been made in conditions oppressive of the workers making that clothing. Or we believe in the acceptance of one another and encouragement to growth in our congregations, yet bristle if metaphorical language for the unknowable mystery of the universe steps too far or too frequently into terrain that triggers us. Intentionally or not, the message conveyed is that acceptance has boundaries and growth is for others. >>
Read the rest of Arif's message on UUCM Happenings.


Beets, Carrots and Kohlrabi

10:00 AM
Worship Leader: Rev. Terri Burnor
Worship Associate: MaryAnn Wiborg


Synopsis: We strive to live lives of integrity, of practicing and not just professing our values. Yet sometimes we react in ways that derail us — especially when the shame button is pushed. What do root vegetables have to do with shame? Come Sunday and find out!

* * *

RE Classes in Session

After the Service
Feeling shy?  Overwhelmed?  Can’t hear or stand up easily?  New here?  If coffee hour is too much for any reason, consider joining the quieter version — come to the front of the sanctuary and chat quietly with a few people!

Red and Teal Cup Greeters
Find the colorful coffee cups after the service each Sunday!
Those holding RED coffee cups are especially available to orient newcomers, answer questions and offer helpful resources. Folks holding TEAL coffee cups know all about social justice work at UUCM and would love to connect with you.

January's Social Generosity Recipient:
Minnesota Foundation, and specifically their efforts to support survivors of the recent Drake Hotel fire. So far, the Minneapolis Foundation has distributed $133,000 from the Minnesota Helps – Drake Hotel Fire Recovery Fund. Visit to learn more and check out this article in the Star Tribune.
Note: All cash placed in the Sunday collection, as well as checks to “UUCM” with “Social Generosity” in the memo line, will go towards the Social Generosity cause for the current month. NEW: Donate by PayPal or credit card at You may also use the basket to make other contributions to UUCM. Simply make your check out to "UUCM" with instructions in the memo line.
11:15 AM – Path to Membership Class: Exploring UUCM (Maple "Youth" Room)
11:30 AM – Spring RE Teacher Training (Oak Room)
3:00 PM – UU the Vote Launch Event (Sanctuary)

Monday, January 13
7:00 PM – Women Who Read Book Club (Community Room)

Tuesday, January 14
6:30 PM – CYRE Team Meeting
7:00 PM – Men's Book Club (Oak Room)

Thursday, January 16
6:30 PM – Worship Arts/Music Ministry Meeting
Click for Social Justice Action Updates
Sunday, January 19
10:00 AM – Worship Service: Integrity: The Content of Our Character
Synopsis: In his famous "I have a dream" speech, Dr. Martin Luther King stated, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." How's that dream being lived out for Dr. King's children, grandchildren? Reflections on integrity and race by Joyce Lyons Tregaskis and Meg Riley.
Worship Leader: Rev. Meg Riley
Worship Associate: Joyce Lyons Tregaskis

Monday, January 20
11:00 AM – Monday Morning Book Club (Community Room)

Wednesday, January 22
7:00 PM – Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

Friday, January 24
6:30 PM – UUCM Game Night (Community Room)

Saturday, January 25
7:30 PM – Performing Arts Series: Artaria String Quartet (Sanctuary) Tickets on sale this Sunday!
NEW One (or two) More Teachers or Helpers Wanted
We're very close to having a full line-up of leaders for our spring session of RE. If you can commit to five Sundays Jan. 19 - May 10 as a Teacher or Helper, please contact Jennifer at, & make a difference in the lives of some wonderful young people.
NEW Child and Baby Dedication at UUCM
Sunday, February 9 at 10:00 AM

We will be welcoming children and babies with a Dedication on February 9 during our worship service.  If you have a child or baby whom you would like to be celebrated in this way, please contact Meg Riley,  UUs don't christen or baptize children; instead we dedicate ourselves to them and honor the gifts they bring into the world.
NEW Volunteer Opportunity - Worship Arts Ministry
If you would like to help with worship, either through reading, researching, or creating slide shows, please be in touch with Meg Riley,  Slide shows addd a wonderful visual element to the services; Stephanie Bell-Egge, who has been blessing us with many of these, is ready to hand the reins over to someone else!
NEW Interested in Climate Justice?
Want to wok towards making UUCM a Green Sanctuary? Members of the Social Justice Ministry are forming a climate change subgroup, and we are looking for members to join us in our goal of "greening" our church. If you are interested in being a part of this please contact one of us. Our next meeting will be Feb 4 at 10:00am in the Oak Room. With questions or to learn more, contact: 
Sue and Richard Asinger, 612-703-2297,
Frank and Ginny Meuers 763-557-6588,
Nancy Murnane 763-544-2142,
Jackie Smolen 612-581-5731,
UUCM Alert: Phishing Scam Targeting Churches
We’re writing to let you know about a phishing scam that seems to be targeting churches, including UUCM. Whether via text, email or other communication, the fraudulent message claims to be from one of our ministers or other church members. The sender often asks the recipient to purchase gift cards or send money to help those in need. 

This is a reminder to always speak to the alleged sender directly BEFORE giving money or purchasing gift cards of any kind. If a message appears to be “fishy” please do trust your instinct and call the person who sent it to verify that they did indeed send it. For more information, visit UUCM Happenings and feel free to let Rev. Meg, Rev. Terri or Arif know if you have any questions.

The UUCM Interim Ministry Team

NEW UUA Webinar: Whose History Is It Anyway?
Mondays, January 27-February 24, 2020 at 6:45 pm
Explore the history of Unitarianism, Universalism, and Unitarian Universalism through an anti-colonialist, multicultural lens. This 5-week webinar series will look beyond the traditional, dusty facts of history and examine to see how our faith was born and how it has developed and evolved over the years. The congregational group rate is $12/person. For more information and to register, visit UUCM Happenings. Registration deadline is January 19. 

UUCM Pledge and Donation Summaries
If you made a donation to UUCM in calendar 2019, you will receive a summary of those donations by mail in January. If you have questions, please contact Fred Hulting.

Churches, Politics and the Electoral Cycle
This coming election year is a big one, and UUs across the country are being encouraged to boldly engage our values in the electoral cycle. But it can be confusing to know what is appropriate for non-profits including churches like UUCM. The short answer is there's a lot we can do as long as we are not partisan. This means no work/communication can be done for a specific political party, as an endorsement of a specific candidate, or to impact whether or not a particular candidate wins an election. However, there is a lot more we CAN do. See UUCM Happenings for more details.

North Wall Artist: Linda Snouffer
The work of botanical print-maker, Linda Snouffer, will be displayed on the North Wall Gallery Space from January 2 – February 9. Linda’s show, “Off Road Journey”, is inspired by Minnesota’s prairies, nature preserves and waterways. She celebrates her relationship with nature by creating delicate, intricate prints of ephemeral natural material.  There will be a “meet and greet” with Linda in the sanctuary on Sunday, February 9th following the worship service.  Small originals, reproductions and cards will be available for sale on that date. If you have questions or wish to purchase any of the works, please contact Christy Dachelet at

Path to Membership Class: Exploring UUCM
THIS SUNDAY, January 12 at 11:15 AM in the Maple (Youth) Room

This class is one of two classes offered on the path to membership at UUCM. In this class, we will respond to your questions, explore information and opportunities about our particular church, and discuss how we relate to the wider UU Region and the Unitarian Universalist Association. Visitors and friends who have attended both of these “Exploring UUism” classes are eligible to become members of UUCM. Childcare will be available for this class. Current members and friends are very welcome to join in as well! Facilitated by Christy Dachelet, Membership Ministry.

UU the Vote Launch Event
THIS SUNDAY, January 12 from 3:00-5:00 PM
In moments of moral crisis, Unitarian Universalists know we are called to show up. And 2020 is one of those moments. Not all of us can vote, but all of us can be part of organizing to help move the country to #VoteLove and #DefeatHate. On Sunday, January 12, UUs from across the country will gather as a virtual community for the UU the Vote Launch Event. Join us at UUCM in the Sanctuary for the watch party (through Zoom video conference). Afterwards, we'll have a brief discussion on how UUCM can support the campaign. Learn more at

NEW UUCM Game Night
6:30 PM on Friday, January 24 in the Community Room

Calling all friends and members of UUCM to our next UUCM Game Night, where we get to spend a couple hours together to have fun playing games with each other. Those of any age, families of all sizes, single people, ALL are welcome. Bring a game (board, card, etc.) to play and a snack to share. Contact Amy Schneider at with any questions. 

Performing Arts Series: Artaria String Quartet
Saturday, January 25 at 7:30 PM - Tickets on sale this Sunday!

Described as an “exceptional ensemble with impressive confidence in its interpretations” and “Minnesota’s foremost teaching and performing string quartet”, the Artaria String Quartet recently celebrated its 30 year of chamber music concerts. Artaria’s refined and thoughtful playing has brought them to major venues throughout the United States and Europe, on national television and public radio stations, and at top summer festivals. Artaria has earned numerous awards and are founders of the Saint Paul String Quartet Competition, which showcases the nation’s top high school age string quartets each April. Tickets $20 each, available after Sunday service, on Eventbrite and at the door. 

Parking at UUCM - We Need Your Help!
As UUCM welcomes more and more people, our parking situation can be challenging on Sundays. You can help! Bring one car per household, or carpool with friends. Also, consider using the offsite parking on Wayzata Blvd east of Crosby or in the designated area to the west of the church. For more ideas, please visit the UUCM Happening Page
The weekly submission deadline for Friday Update and order of service announcements is Thursday by 5:00 PM. Submissions can be emailed to Thank you!

Sign the Interfaith Climate Emergency Petition
From Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light: Hundreds of cities around the world have declared Climate Emergencies, and it is time for our local Minnesota officials to do the same. As people of faith and conscience, we have a unique voice in calling for moral leadership from decision-makers. MNIPL invites members of area congregations to sign their interfaith petition urging officials to declare a Climate Emergency.
In the Community
You are welcome to share events that are important to you and align with our values. If you would like to submit and event, email with a short paragraph outlining the event and where to go for more information. Thank you!

Church Closure Policy for Inclement Weather
In the very rare event of a need to cancel Sunday services because of inclement weather, you can find out whether church is open by:

  1. Watching for an email message from UUCM announcing the cancellation/church closure.
  2. Looking at the UUCM website after 9 AM on Sunday. A special alert will be posted if church is cancelled.
  3. Calling the main church phone at (952) 473-5900 after 9 AM on Sunday. A special voicemail recording will be available if church is cancelled.
UUCM Happenings
UUCM Website
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