English - Word of the day - Word of the Day - 11, January 2020



(v) theician, theihna nei, athu mankhia
Language: Tedim/Zolai

(v) fiang teih theihthiam. Telhcih.
Language: Laizo/Falam

(v) thumsak, yamingciim, a caih la a ming.
Language: Matu

(n.): hngalh; e.g. He apprehends (comprehends) what he reads = A relmi kha a hngalh.
Language: Hakha

(v.): (formal) (often in negative sentences) နားလည်သည်။ သဘောပေါက်သည်။
Language: Burmese

Best Regards,
Tual Khan Khai(Thomas Khaipi)


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