
Lutz Preparatory School NEWSFLASH V8 Issue 29, Friday, January 31, 2020

  • Monday, February 3: 
    • SPIRIT WEEK:  Twin Day (two students or a group of students)
    • Board of Director Subcommittee Meeting
    • 1st Day for Intramural Basketball
  • Tuesday, February 4:
    • SPIRIT WEEK:  Sports Team or Athlete (Standard Uniform Bottoms Required)
  • Wednesday, February 5:
    • SPIRIT WEEK:  Crazy Sock & Hair Day (Standard Full Uniform Required)
    • Early Release:  Dismissal Begins at Noon
    • Bolts of Blue Dress Down Day for Stem Level and Above or Donate $6
    • 2020-21 School Year Enrollment Lottery (Current K-8 Students Do Not Apply)
  • Thursday, February 6:
    • SPIRIT WEEK:  Wear a Shirt the Color of Your Grade (Standard Uniform Bottoms Required) - See Flyer Below for Grade Level Color
    • Board of Director Meeting at Noon
    • Conference Night
    • Grandparents Celebration 
    • Boys Flag Football Pre-Season vs Corbett Prep - Away Game at 4:00 PM
  • Friday, February 7:
    • Fair Day - Non Student Day (Student tickets will be distributed next week with additional information)
2019-20 Academic Calendar
Parent Notification Letter for Out of Field Teachers
All educators in Florida are monitored to ensure they meet certification and training requirements as mandated by law.  Per Florida Statute 1012.42, when a teacher is assigned teaching duties out of the field in which the teacher is certified, the parents of all students in the class shall be notified in writing.  Please click HERE for a letter from Mrs. Guertin dated Friday, January 31, 2020.
Important Dates

2/10:  Board of Director Subcommittee Meeting

2/12:  Kindergarten Field Trip

2/12:  All Pro Dads Meeting

2/12:  Mon/Wed Pre-Prep Cap and Gown Pictures

2/12:  Family Spirit Night 5:00-8:00 at Tijuana Flats

2/13:  Tues/Thur Pre-Prep Cap and Gown Pictures

2/13:  Spring Pictures K-8

2/17:  President's Day - No School

2/17:  Board of Director Subcommittee Meeting

2/20:  PTA General Assembly Meeting

2/21:  Father Daughter Dance

2/24:  Lightning Leader Ceremony

2/24:  Board of Director Subcommittee Meeting

2/25:  1st Grade Field Trip

2/27:  Board of Director Meeting

2/28:  Pre-Prep Field Trip

3/2-6:  Faculty/Staff Appreciation Week

3/4:  Early Release Day - Dismissal Begins at Noon

3/4:  Bolts of Blue Dress Down Day for STEM Level and Above

3/4:  Writing Interim (Grades 2, 4-8)

3/5:  End of Quarter Blazing Bolts Run Club Celebration

3/6:  2nd Grade Field Trip

3/10-13:  8th Grade Field Trip (DC & Local)

3/11:  All Pro Dad's Breakfast

3/11-12:  Hearing Screenings

3/13:  End of 3rd Quarter

3/16-20:  Spring Break

3/26:  Board of Director Meeting

3/27:  Mother & Son Event

3/30:  Lightning Leader's Ceremony

4/24:  Finn's Fight Gala

Scholastic Book Fair
Our Scholastic Book Fair will be in the gymnasium Friday, January 31st through Friday, February 7th.  Each classroom has a set time they will walk through and purchase books (please contact your teacher for details).  In addition, STUDENTS may walk through the book fair before school from 7:30-7:55 AM.

The book fair will be open for PARENT walk through Monday through Thursday 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM and Friday 8:30 AM until approximately 10:30 AM.  In addition, the book fair will be open during the Grandparents Celebration so that attendees at the event may browse through and purchase books.

Visit the Book Fair Home Page for information and purchase books online.  
Digital payment option for students is eWallet.  Parents can create a eWallet for their children to purchase books thru your credit card (with a preauthorized limit).  Send your student to shop the fair without handling any cash.

Volunteer Corner
Must be 2019-20 APPROVED Volunteer through the Hillsborough County School Volunteer screening process. 
  • Book Fair Volunteers:  Tons of help needed from 1/302020 - 2/6/2020.
    • Click HERE for the sign up genius. Lots of volunteers needed to assist!
  •  Grandparents Celebration:  We are looking for several volunteers to make our Grandparents Celebration a HUGE success! 
    • Click HERE for the sign up genius.
Reminder:  Early Release Day
Dismissal Begins at Noon on Wednesday, February 5th, 2020.

Bolts of Blue Spirit Sponsorship Levels of STEM ($300) and Above OR Students May Donate $6 
Please read carefully, this is NOT AN ALL STUDENT dress down day.  

Thank You to Our STEM Level Sponsors and Above

Students whose sponsorship levels reached the STEM Level ($300) and above have a non-uniform day on Wednesday, February 5th.  Homeroom teachers will be given rosters to validate those students who were awarded this non-uniform day.  

Additional Students May Still Participate!
Any student(s) still wishing to participate in this non-uniform day can turn in their donation of $6.00 to their teacher on Wednesday, February 5th.  Funds will apply to Bolts of Blue Campaign.
Board of Director Meetings
Meetings are open to the public and are published in our NEWSFLASH and on the Governance section of our website.  Next Meeting:  Thursday, February 6th at noon in the Media Center.
Leader in Me:  February Habit of the Month
Synergize:  I value other people's strengths and learn from them.  I get along well with others, even when they are different than me.  I work well in groups.I seek out other people's ideas because I know that by teaming with others, we can create better solutions than what any of us could alone.  I look for Third Alternatives.

TIP OF THE WEEK:  Celebrate each other’s differences to help create a successful environment.
Lightning Leaders for the Month of January
Congratulations to our Lightning Leader this month!  Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
  • Kindergarten:  Isabelle A., Fisher D., Sienna H., & Bella P.
  • 1st Grade:  Marley B., Lucian M., Lucas L., Alyvia S., & Harlow N.
  • 2nd Grade:  Effy P., Emery J., Charlotte G., Avery H., & Gavin Y.
  • 3rd Grade:  Braden D., Elizabeth W., Leah M., Daniella M., & Evan M.
  • 4th Grade:  Ava T., Adelynne F., Ahava E., & Sloan S.
  • 5th Grade:  Addison S., Nola D., Peighton A., & Cora S.
Middle School Strike Zone
Congratulations to our Second Quarter Middle School Strike Zone students.  The Strike Zone Award is for students who achieve a 3.75 GPA or higher (no more than one B) on their report card, no more than three absences, and no behavior infractions during this quarter of the school year. 

PTA Corner
All Lutz Pre-Prep and Lutz Prep K-8 families invited to attend.
Please note that food ordering has closed. 

Parking will be available in the south carline lot beginning at 3:45 PM.  Please do not arrive to our campus prior to 3:45 PM as afternoon dismissal of our students will still be in process.

Young@Art Exhibit
Congratulations to Disha A, LP 5th Grader, for her Coat of Arms Collage artwork on display at the Tampa Museum of Art as part of the Young@Art Exhibition going on now through February 3rd. For more information on the exhibit, please visit…/young-art-exhibition-reception/ Go Bolts!

Yearbooks On Sale 
Please note the PRESCHOOL and K-8 School have DIFFERENT YEARBOOKS, please make sure you order the correct one. 
Athletic News
Coaches Needed

The TCAL Competitive 5th-8th grade Coed Track and Field, Girls Hockey, Boys Hockey, and Girls Flag Football seasons are coming soon - be on the lookout for registration and tryout information that will be published soon.

We are in desperate need of coaches for BOYS HOCKEY and COED TRACK AND FIELD that begin at the end of February (we have girls flag and girls hockey covered).

If you can help out please contact our Athletic Director, Chad Mollick, as soon as possible for details and mandatory requirements for coaches. Unfortunately, if we do not have coaches for these teams we will not be able to have these sports this season.  

Intramural Sports 1st-5th Grades
We will be starting up our next round of Intramural Sports starting next week and I wanted to get the information to you as soon as possible.  Please see the following for details.  If you have any questions please contact
Intramural Basketball:  1st-5th Grades
Description:  Intramural basketball will focus on the basic elements of basketball.  Your athletes will also participate in fun drills and play modified basketball games.  
Coach: Coach McCaron
  • Dates: (mostly Monday and Wednesdays) 2/3, 2/10, 2/11, 2/12, 2/18, 2/19, 2/24, 2/26
  • Times: After dismissal until 4:30
  • Pickup: (by Picnic Tables outside of gym) Promptly at 4:30 or your student will be escorted to aftercare where charges may be incurred.
  • Cancellation, Changes, General Information:  Parents will be emailed by 2:00 PM the day of the event if there are any cancellations for ANY reason and session will be made up.  Any other pertinent information will be distributed via email as well.
Three requirements BEFORE attending practice: 
  1. An FHSAA Sports Physical (not the same as a regular health check up) must be on file in the school office in order for athlete to attend practice.  Drop off a COPY in the main office or email electronically to
  2. Sports Liability and Information online form (one required for each school year covers all after school sports)
  3. Registration/Payment at the school store.  
Lutz Preparatory School is Officially on Facebook
Please click on the image to the right or social media platforms will be additional ways to keep up to date on the school wide events at Lutz Preparatory School. 

Lots of incredible pictures and video's posted on our Facebook page:
Have you checked out the postings & pictures highlighted this week?
  • Teacher Spotlight:  Mrs. Moore, 4th & Mrs. Jeffers 3rd 
  • Strike Zone - Middle School
  • Lightning Leaders Elementary
  • Leader in Me:  Tip of the Week
  • 5th Grader Disha A. Young@Art
The NEWSFLASH, along with direct emails from administration and your teachers is still the primary way you will receive information from us.

Do You Have Children Not Currently Enrolled at Lutz Preparatory K-8?
Do you have additional children NOT CURRENTLY ENROLLED enrolled at Lutz Preparatory K-8 that you would like to enroll in the 2020-21 school year?  All students NOT CURRENTLY ATTENDING Lutz Preparatory K-8 must apply via our enrollment lottery on Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at 1:00 PM

Please see the Admissions tab of our website for full details.  

Lutz Prep Band Apparel on Sale Through February 16, 2020
Show your LP Band Pride!

Community Outreach Opportunities
Click HERE to reach the community outreach opportunities section of our website.
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