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28 January 2020
Welcome to Market Brief, the Electricity Authority’s weekly update on regulatory and market developments.


Input into Authority strategy development

We are currently refreshing our strategy. We have developed some working draft themes for the new strategy and we will publish these for feedback on 7 February. 

We will be holding three workshops to gather feedback and input from stakeholders on the emerging themes:
  • Christchurch, Monday, 17 February, 2pm-4pm
  • Wellington, Tuesday, 18 February, 10am-12pm
  • Auckland, Friday, 21 February, 10am-12pm
If you are interested in attending one of the workshops, please email us at Venues will be confirmed once numbers are clear. 

If you are unable to attend any of the workshops, we will provide details of how you can feedback on the strategy when we release the draft document.

EIEP1 standardised reporting methodology – decision paper released

As part of the Authority’s operational review of the Electricity Information Exchange Protocols (EIEPs), we have decided to make further changes to EIEP1, and subsequent changes to the overview document and EIEPs 2 and 3.

The decisions include:

  • replacing the term NHH ICP with MM ICP (mass market ICP) and amend the ICP classifications for the purposes of EIEPs 1, 2 and 3 to improve clarity and remove the opportunity for different interpretations
  • making ‘replacement RM normalised’ the single standardised EIEP1 reporting methodology for billing and volume information for MM ICPs for both conveyance and interposed arrangements 
  • retaining EIEP1 as billed reporting methodology for reporting of billing and volume information for HHR ICPs.
Read decision paper

Expressions of interest: Wellington briefing on the High Standard of Trading Conduct discussion paper

The Market Development Advisory Group (MDAG) plan to release a discussion paper on High Standard of Trading Conduct in February. The MDAG will hold a stakeholder briefing in Auckland planned for the first week of March, with the option to dial in. 

We will run an additional briefing in Wellington if there is enough interest. Please email to register your interest.

We will confirm the dates of all briefings in a future Market Brief.

Reminder: Call for nominations for the Security and Reliability Council

We are calling for nominations for three members of the Security and Reliability Council (SRC). The SRC gives us independent advice on reliability of supply issues, and on the performance of the electricity system and the system operator. The SRC comprises senior members of the New Zealand electricity industry, including consumers.

We are particularly interested in nominations from people who can credibly represent the interests of commercial and industrial businesses, especially businesses connected directly to Transpower’s grid residential consumers and/or small- and medium-enterprises. Experience in electricity transmission, distribution and demand-side management is desirable.

We intend to appoint the successful nominees in March 2020 for an expected term of three years.

More information is available on our website.
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Energy Trader Forum: System resilience to climate changes

The Energy Trader Forum is hosting its quarterly meeting at Te Wharewaka o Poneke in Wellington on Thursday, 13 February from 1.30pm to 6pm. 

Meridian Energy (Dr Jen Purdie – Climate and energy modeller) will dive deep into the effects of a climate shift on supply and demand. Briony Bennett (Senior Policy Advisor at MBIE) will provide an opportunity for feedback on the Government’s Renewable Energy Strategy work programme. 

The meeting will also include a special presentation from Quintin Tahau on ‘Project Iceberg’ and the quarterly Market Updates session. 

Subscribe to the Energy Trader Forum newsletter to receive full updates or visit the webpage to register to attend the February meeting. 
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Follow us on social media for the latest Authority news

Market Brief is our weekly newsletter and the main channel through which we provide updates about regulatory and market developments. It’s distributed by email on a Tuesday and then published on our website. Anyone can subscribe through our website and we encourage you to forward this email to anyone you know may be interested.

Sometimes we have news we want to share before the next Market Brief. We will publish updates on our website and use our social media channels to let people know. Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn for the Authority’s latest news.

Current consultations

Raising consumer awareness of Utilities Disputes and Powerswitch services

Ending: 03/03/2020 5pm

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