Executive Director's Corner
Happy New Year, friends and neighbors!
I hope 2020 is off to a great start for you all - Cherry Hills Land Preserve is thankful to those who responded to our 2019 end of year appeal. We were surprised and delighted with the support we received. If you didn't respond but still wish to, we're happy to accept donations even though it's now January.
The new year also brings some changes to CHLP's Board of Directors. Bill Lucas and Amy Graden have decided to step down from the board - while we are sad to see them go, we are thankful for their time and dedication. With this departure, we have two new directors to welcome: Amy Littlejohn and Laura Paul. Please join us in welcoming our new directors!
We also have some exciting things planned for 2020 and are working on releasing a public calendar. If you have any upcoming plans you wish to share with the community, email us at comm@cherryhillslandpreserve.org and we'll include your suggestions in our monthly newsletters and the annual calendar.
Best wishes in 2020,