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The Third Sunday after the Epiphany

January 26, 2020 

Don't Forget!!  There is only one service tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. that will be followed by the Annual Meeting.

At tomorrow's Annual Meeting we will be selecting members to participate in the leadership of our Parish and the Diocese.  Please make an effort to be there to participate in the work of St. John's.

Eric Turnquest will be running unopposed in the election for Warden.  Upon a consent vote at tomorrow's meeting, Eric will serve as Junior Warden for 2020 and Senior Warden for 2021.  Thank you Eric, and congratulations.

Delegates to Convention:
The election of St. John's Representatives to Convention was also uncontested.  We are charged to elect three members in good standing to serve as our Delegates for 2020, which will include our Annual Diocesan Convention in November and the Special Convention on June 20 for electing our next Bishop.  There are three seats open and we had three individuals who chose to run.  Upon a consent vote at tomorrow's meeting Gale Michael, Sue O'Brien, and Steven Russell will serve as our 2020 Delegates to Convention.  Thank you and congratulations to the three of you.

Members of Vestry:
Tomorrow we will be charged with electing three new Members to the Vestry to serve three year terms.  We have five duly qualified members who are interested in serving St. John's in this capacity.  Each of the members who have consented to stand for election have great gifts to offer St. John's.  I am excited that we have a diversity of experiences to choose from, from our youth to our not quite as youthful, from those who have been here since birth to those who are new to St. John's this year.  Each one of you offer invaluable insight into our ministry.  Thank you for putting yourself out there.   I am including their bios for you to consider.

Candice Barrera

I left a large Episcopal church on the North Side of Chicago and went looking for a church home in the suburb where I moved with my young child.  I was hoping for some place welcoming, inviting all kinds of people to worship, a place to grow and learn.  And I found all that and more at St. John’s.  I have made life long friends, my children were confirmed, my life has been enriched in more ways than I can count.  Participating in the life of our church is my way of “paying it forward,” hoping and praying that others will find their spiritual home here at St. John’s.

Kathy Basil

I am a cradle St. John’s member.  My parents, Dick and Jodie Knuth, brought me here for baptism in 1962.  I have been at St. John’s for most of my life, with the exception of a few “off” years.  I was active in the youth groups in Jr. High and High School, and was confirmed here by Bishop Primo. My sons, Matt and Brandon were both baptized here as well.  St. John’s hasn’t changed me, per se, but is a part of me and continues to be part of my personal growth and faith journey.
I feel I am called to serve on the vestry now to participate in guiding the ongoing changes in the church and continue my own growth in Christ.

Ethan Eisenberg

Hello people of St. John’s.  My name is Ethan Eisenberg.  I have been going to this parish since 2014.  What brought me to St. John’s is the need for truth in my life.  I knew there was more to life than what was in front of me at the current time.  I knew there was more to life than must living and dying so I started searching for truth.  St. John’s has led me to the truth every time I step through the doors.  I feel the presence of the Holy Spirit dwelling inside me.  This parish along with deep scriptural study has led me to know and experience the one true and holy Lord Jesus Christ in my life.  I feel that God has called me to this ministry to help revive this parish community.  I feel that I can bring much needed young adult representation and ideas to this parish.  I feel the parish also needs a representative from the disabled community to bring forth to the Vestry issues concerning the disabled community to make our parish more welcoming and accessible to all people.  

Noboru Nakamura

I was born and raised in a Catholic family in Japan, although my parents were not actively practicing their faith.  I left home for New Jersey to attend graduate school when I was 23, but it wasn’t until after I met my future wife Sachi there in 1987, who was also from Japan and a Christian, that I seriously considered my relationship with God.  Through our marriage counseling I was led to Christ and I was baptized in December, 1989.  After moving to Homewood in 1992, Sachi and I have attended a Pentecostal church and an Evangelical megachurch for 26 years but we made a switch to St. Johns in February 2019.  This transition reflected more of the phase of our faith journey than the issues in our previous churches.  Through a series of losses (my parents, our newborn nephew, our second daughter) and health issues in the family, I lost capacity to process life and death and I felt the need to redefine my hope beyond personal salvation and to nurture my heart for the souls on the fringes of society.  The Episcopal tradition at St. Johns gave me the much needed sense of anchoring and stability — in that I am part of a bigger community praying the same prayer the world over according to the theme of Church calendar.  Here I finally felt that my personal story is connected to God’s story, which gave me a new perspective for ultimate hope and a meaning to the life I have on this earth.  In the meantime the eucharistic liturgy respects mysteries of our faith, which helped me to embrace tensions in my thought life and be ok with it.  When Father Jeremy asked either one of us to consider serving as a vestry, we balked.  We didn’t know what a vestry was.  Frankly I am still absorbing the many elements of Episcopal tradition, so I am not sure of the extent to which my contribution will be a service to the Church.  But then if this is God’s prompting, I’m sure He can use my not-so-conventional background to bring about a fresh perspective.  So I just express my willingness to be available, with no agenda whatsoever on my own.

Steven Russell

After returning from the desert (New Mexico), my partner and I began to look for a church.  We happened across St. John’s website, and made plans to attend on October 9, 2005 (I believe this is the correct date).  Having been graciously welcomed into the faith community of St. John’s, we never looked elsewhere.  I have attended St. John’s ever since that particular Sunday, and have been increasingly committed to this parish.
St. John’s has been an important part of my life.  St. John’s became my spiritual home, and has been a most helpful community in dealing with life’s trials and tribulations.  Supporting me through thick and thin, St. John’s faith community has helped me to see Christ in others.
I have previously served on the Vestry, and as a Convention Delegate, including the Convention that elected Bishop Lee.  I am ready to support my community through this service, and hope that I will receive the parish’s support in doing so.  

Reminder: This Sunday, January 26 is slated for the Annual Meeting which means there will be only one service at 9:00 a.m. immediately followed by Potluck Brunch in the Undercroft.
Please bring a yummy dish to pass.
All parishioners are invited and encouraged to attend. 
  • Thank you to everyone who volunteered to cover the desk while Sarra is on vacation (2/2-2/5). We have all three days covered now. Please keep in mind that emails may go unanswered in my absence but I will do my absolute best to get back up and running upon return on February 6. 
  • The beautiful poinsettias that decorated the church for Christmas are still in need of new homes. Please feel free to take one or more home with you.
  • There will be no Sunday School on Sunday, January 26. The Nursery will be open so parents may attend the Annual Meeting.
St. John's by the Numbers

Attendance Last Sunday: 89
Last Week's Offering: $7,195.00
We need an average of $3,682.94 each week to maintain our budgeted income; or an average of $4,822.00 each week to balance our deficit budget.
Our income year-to-date is
$17,802.00 which is $6,753.18 (61%) ABOVE our budgeted need.
You know how in Psalms we're encouraged to make a joyful noise to the Lord?

You can do just that in
St. John's choir. Now is the perfect time to give it a try because we need more singers! Currently we rehearse only before the 10 a.m. worship service.

For more information (or to enlist), reach out to Mary VanSwol or Betsy Elliot.
For February, the Daughters of the King will meet on the second Saturday, February 8, at 10 a.m. in the Resource Room. We'll continue our study of prayer, having taken a break with our fun and delicious January brunch. As always, all women of the parish are welcome.
We're mighty grateful to everyone who's donated much needed items to PADS so far. If you haven't had a chance, we will still be collecting items for a couple more weeks. Share the wealth, show the love.

There is a growing need for the following items:
  • Underwear (all sizes)
  • Tube socks  (all sizes)
  • Sanitary napkins
  • Disposable diapers 
  • Incontinence pads 
  • Scarves & Gloves 
  • Travel-size: soaps, face lotion, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, chapstick, and hand cream
**Please Note: Items must be new/unused. Open packages may be accepted so long as the remaining items in the pack are unused.
For example, a package of underwear that was opened but did not fit is acceptable IF the remaining pairs were not worn/used.  

If you have any questions regarding what is acceptable please reach out to PADS coordinator Laura Brady or the Church Office and we will be happy to advise you. 
 Birthdays & Anniversaries 
January 27: Roman VanSwol
Heavenly Father, there's one little man in our Parish celebrating a big birthday on Monday. We thank you for the blessings you've given the VanSwol family and ask that you bring a heap of joy to Roman and help him feel especially cherished and celebrated in the days to come.  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen
2019-2020 Adult Christian Formation
Would you like to know more about what we, as Episcopalians, believe, and how we are formed to be followers of Jesus?  Please join us on Sunday mornings beginning September 15 at 9:00am in the Resource Room as we spend a year walking through the Book of Common Prayer together and learning what shapes us.  This is a perfect class for anyone who would is considering being confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church.  This year's Confirmation and Reception will be the last one with Bishop Lee!
Registration is not required, but you should purchase the book to fully participate in the class.  You can purchase Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs and Practices on 
Collect for January 26

Give us grace, O Lord, to answer readily the call of our Savior Jesus Christ and proclaim to all people the Good News of his salvation, that we and the whole world may perceive the glory of his marvelous works; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

This Week's Lessons

Isaiah 9:1-4

Psalm 27:1, 5-13
1 Corinthians 1:10-18
Matthew 4:12-23

Visit to read this week's lessons.
 Get your needles a clackin' at the next Yarn Ministry meeting. Monday, February 3 at 7:00 p.m. in the Guild Room. Be there or be an afghan square. 
The Recovery & Healing Ministry

Next week will be our last week of studying Addiction and Grace by Gerald G. May, M.D. 

Starting February 5 we will begin studying The Wounded Healer by Henri Nouwen.

It is not completely necessary to purchase the book in order to participate in the group but it is helpful. If you plan to purchase the book, and, if you are able, we would love to have an extra copy or two for any drop-in guests that may join us in the future. 

The Recovery & Healing Ministry meets on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m in the Guild Room.  All are welcome to join us, as we explore the addictive and co-dependent nature of Western society and seek to find recovery and healing that only comes through Spiritual transformation. 

Roll out the welcome wagon, these brand new St. John's mugs will be given to visitors and new parishioners with a welcome letter, informational leaflet, and our contact information. By purchasing one of your own, you will be investing in the growth of our congregation. The cost is $22 and they can be purchased in the Parish Office. 
Parish Cycle of Prayer
  • Chuck Campbell &                 Jody Scariano 
  • Yadi Chavez &                      Stephen Hogan
  • George Carrier
Heavenly Father, this week we lift up in prayer: Chuck & Jody, Yadi & Stephen, and George. Lord please give our treasured friends love and blessings with no end. Bring contentment to their lives and comfort them in times of strife.  Keep them safe, secure, and let their path to You be sure. All this we ask in the name of your Son, our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. Amen 
Serving this week:
9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
Lectors: Tom Senesac,                                            Betsy Elliot
LEMs: Donna Blackburn,                                     Steven Russell
Acolytes: Kyle Dailor, Rowan Moxley, Catherine Madden                                 Ruby Moxley
Ushers: Ben Turnquist,
                  Eric Turnquist

Greeters: Mike Madden &                                Diane Walsh-Madden
Oblation Bearer: Don Rubins

Coffee Hour: Jack Voigt,                                         Nancy Mulcahy
Altar Guild: Captain: Lynn Ruschhaupt, Bev Keene, Marilyn Kromer, Nancy Mulcahy         
  Click the link above to go to the Online Giving page of our website and join us as we continue worshipping God through our generosity.  
Have you ever wondered, "What if church was like a dinner party?"  

On Sunday evenings it is!  You're invited to join us as we worship much like the early Church did, gathering as a community around the table, sharing a meal that we all help to prepare. Come see how God's Holy Spirit is moving in our own time and community.

On the menu this week
"no soup for you"
Soup, salad & french bread. 

St. John's Table is held every Sunday at 5:00 pm.  Come join us and invite your friends.
Coming Up This Week:

Saturday, January 25

5:00 p.m. Recovery Mass

Sunday, January 26
9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist  
~10:15 a.m. Potluck Brunch 
Annual Meeting (Following Brunch)
5:00 p.m. St. John's Table 

Wednesday, January 29
9:00 a.m Holy Eucharist w/Healing
10:00 a.m. Bible Study (Resource Room)
7:00 p.m.  Healing & Recovery Ministry (Guild Room)
8:00 p.m. A.A. (Undercroft)

Sunday, February 2
8:00 a.m.  Holy Eucharist, Rite I
9:00 a.m. Adult Christian Formation: Walk in Love (Resource Room)
9:00 a.m. Church School (Education Wing)

10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II
5:00 p.m. St. John's Table 

Monday, February 3
7:00 p.m. Yarn Ministry (Guild Room)
Other Announcements

Pastoral Care & Hospital Visits
One of the most important aspects of ministry is visiting with those who are ill.  If you or a family member or friend are hospitalized, please be sure to contact the Parish Office at (708) 798-4150 as soon as possible to let us know.  It used to be that hospitals would notify clergy of parishioners who have been admitted.  With HIPPA laws as they now are, hospitals are NOT allowed to contact us anymore.  If you are in the hospital, or are in need of pastoral care, Fr. Jeremy wants to visit you, but he cannot do so if no one tells him that you are in the hospital. Please make this a part of your family's emergency plan, to have someone contact the church.  Thank you for your assistance. 
The Fine Print
The weekly e-vangelist is distributed (usually) on Thursdays via e-mail subscription.  You may subscribe by submitting your request (including your e-mail address) to
If you would like to submit material for the weekly e-vangelist, please e-mail to  Or you may phone the parish office at 708-798-4150.  Please limit announcements to 100 words or less.  Graphics or photos may be submitted and will be included at the editor’s discretion.  The deadline is Noon on Thursday.
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Copyright © 2019 The Church of St. John the Evangelist, All rights reserved.

Contact us:
The Church of St. John the Evangelist
2640 Park Drive
Flossmoor, Illinois 60422
(708) 798-4150

The Rev. Jeremy C. Froyen, CFC
To schedule an appointment with Fr. Jeremy,
please go to

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