DeBows UMC Newsletter
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Sunday Worship - 9:30 AM
Fellowship Time - 10:30 AM
Pastor Denise can be contacted at
Committee meetings are in RED
Wednesday, February 5
Trustee Meeting - 6:00 PM
Finance Meeting - 7:00 PM

Sunday, February 9
Worship Service - 9:30 AM
Fellowship Time - 10:30 AM

Sunday Evening Worship - 5:00 PM
Peter Jay will lead a Country Western themed Worship Service on Sunday, February 9 at 5:00 PM.  Starting in March, this service will be held on the first Sunday of each month at 5:00 PM.

Monday, February 10
Food Pantry Open - 6:00 PM
Band Rehearsal - 6:30 PM

Wednesday, February 12
Bible Study - 11:30 AM
Care Team Meeting - 12:30 PM
SPRC Meeting - 6:00 PM
Worship Meeting - 7:00 PM

Sunday, February 16
Worship Service - 9:30 AM
Fellowship Time - 10:30 AM
Outreach Meeting - 10:30 AM

Wednesday, February 19
Bible Study - 11:30 AM
Church Council Meeting - 6:30 PM

Friday, February 21
Band Rehearsal - 6:00 PM

Sunday, February 23
Revival Service - 9:30 AM
Fellowship Time - 10:30 AM

Wednesday, February 26
Bible Study - 11:30 AM
Lent Begins
Ash Wednesday Service
at Jackson UMC at 7:00 PM

Please remember to check the calendar on the church website for the most up-to-date scheduling information.
In Our Prayers

--- Week of 2/2 ---

Donna Ridge and Family - PTL - doing well after surgery and has found a new apartment.

Jim Prusarczyk (Sue Hayward’s brother-in-law) - undergoing treatment for prostrate cancer.

Family and friends of Austin Hunter - a 19 year old who died in a car accident this past Saturday.  Prayers for God's presence and comfort.

John Fiorito (friend of Gina's) - suffered a heart attack 3,000 miles from his home. Prayers for his healing and comfort.

Meredith (Guy's friend) - has been battling MS has now also been diagnosed with Addison's disease (not thyroid cancer a previously thought).  Prayers for her health and God's presence.

Family of Stephanie Parze during this difficult time of loss.

--- Week of 1/26 ---

April (Teresa McGayhey's friend) - still recovering from damage done to her home from Super Storm Sandy.

Sarah (Bonnie's granddaughter) - for God's presence, guidance, help, and love.  

Jim Cappadona - recovery after rotator cuff surgery.

--- Week of 1/19 ---
Anita's daughter's Laurie's friend - is undergoing testing for cancer that was in remission and may have returned.
Pastor Denise's family and son

Jerry Shafran (Ervin in-law) - for his bladder cancer.

Eileen Schuck (Ervin friend) - for her bladder cancer.

Sierra Palmer - who is seeing her cardiologist.  Prayers for answers to recent episodes.

Jack Bollentin (Sierra's Godfather) - for his illness.

John (
Mary Jane's brother) - his PSA numbers are high.

--- Week of 1/12 ---

Mother of Joy's co-worker - Has cancer.  Chemo completed, surgery to follow.

--- Continued prayer for home-bound church members ---

Ann Giarratano; Rudy Iannacone; Paul Bartek; Cheryl Barrentine;
Zach Cregle (serving in Afghanistan)

Please help us keep this prayer list up-to-date.  To add or remove names from this list, please contact Pastor Denise at  All prayer requests go directly to the pastor.

Sermon Series

"Love Rescue Me"

I remember when I was a little girl - I think I was 7 years old.  I was at the beach on Lake Erie with my family on a hot summer day.  I didn't know how to swim yet, so I would wade in the water with my mom watching my brothers and I.  

My oldest brother wandered to the side of the lake where the water from the lake had created this separate pool of water.  There were several kids swimming in this area, and I asked my mother if I could swim there with them.  The swimming hole appeared to be shallow, so she said yes.  

I reached the edge of the swimming hole and took a couple of steps in, only to quickly realize that this hole of water was NOT shallow, because I immediately sank to the bottom which was well over my head.  I began thrashing myself up and yelling "help!"  But no one was helping me.  I was surrounded by other kids, but no one realized I was drowning.  

After several attempts of jumping up and yelling "help", my grandmother looked over my way and remarked "Oh, look at Denise - she's having so much fun..."  My father looked over and said "She's not having fun - she's drowning!!" 

I remember very clearly sinking back down to the bottom of this pool thinking "well, this is probably it".  Just as clearly I remember the next moment two hands thrusting into the water, and I knew they were my Dad's because I recognized his watch.  A large crowd gathered around as I was catching my breath.  The mayor of the town I grew up in came running over with a cup of water for me.  He was up for re-election and got credited in the newspapers for "rescuing me".  My father was a humble man, and he would always just smile whenever we teased him about this fact years later.

Could you use some rescuing in your life right now?  Do you ever feel like you are on a life boat just floating out to sea?  Do you feel like in your heart and spirit you've lost your way?

Over the next few weeks I want us to take a look at the ways that God can make His home in our lives - and help us be at home with Him - no matter where we are or what the circumstances.

Week 1: (2/2)
Colossians 1:3-14
Message: Rescue Me with your Faithfulness

Week 2: (2/9)
Isaiah 63:7-9
Message: Rescue Me with your Compassion

Week 3: (2/16)
Psalm 23
Message: Rescue Me with your Comfort

Week 4: (2/23)
Zechariah 9:9-17
Message: Rescue Me with your Hope

Musical leadership in Sunday morning worship by the Choir and Praise Band is open to all.  Participation in rehearsal and/or home practice by recording is expected.  During daylight saving time, choir practice will follow the 9:30 AM worship service.  Additional rehearsals may be scheduled as needed with Grayce by email  -  Musical requests, original compositions and any instruments are always welcome. 

Stay tuned - we are trying to arrange some Late Winter/Early Spring Concert/Fellowship Events - watch the church website for information as it becomes available.

*Remember - DeBows has a very active music program and rehearsal times are very dependent on the availability of the individuals involved and therefore are subject to change.  Please monitor the calendar on the church website for the most current schedule concerning music related rehearsals, events, and activities.

Wednesday Bible Study

The Wednesday Bible Study is led by Pastor Denise and meets from 11:30 AM until 12:30 PM in Fellowship Hall. There is an optional prayer time in the sanctuary at 11:15 AM, prior to the bible study.  Everyone is welcome to attend and may join the study at anytime.  The current topic of study is the Book of Acts.

Reading Plan for Acts
Please read the following chapters prior to the scheduled date: 

2/12 - Chapters 9-10
2/19 - Chapters 11-12
2/26 - Chapters 13-14
3/4 - Chapters 15-16
3/11 - Chapters 17-19
3/18 - Chapters 20-22
3/25 - Chapters 23-25
4/1 - Chapters 26-28

2nd & 4th
Monday Each Month

The next Food Pantry distribution is
Monday, February 10
The DeBows Food Pantry is open on the 2nd & 4th Monday each month from 6:00-8:00pm.  If you would like to volunteer time to support this ministry, please see the sign-up sheet outside of Fellowship Hall.  You may contact Deb Cregle for more information.

"Thank You"

Thanks to all who participated in our Souper Bowl Sunday event in support of our Food Pantry Ministry.  To those who made soup; each of the five soups provided were outstanding.

Thanks also for your donations to the Food Pantry.  We collected $207 during this event.  If you missed this special event, but would still like to contribute, you can still use the "Mission" envelope in the pews during the Sunday morning collection.  Please write "Food Pantry" on the envelope.

Thanks again and we look forward to seeing you at next year's Souper Bowl Sunday.

Rise Against Hunger

Saturday, March 21
Join the GNJUMC in Packing a Half Million Meals

Pack a half million meals in one day?  Nothing is impossible with Jesus.

Be part of a meal packing event taking place in several different locations across the GNJUMC with the goal of packing 500,000 meals in one day to feed the hungry.

There is a poster in Fellowship Hall with details.  This is a worthwhile event to volunteer for and
will be a "feel good" moment!  Registration has been made for our church for 10 people at St. Mark's UMC in Hamilton Square from 12:00 to 2:00 PM on Saturday, March 21.  Please sign up on the sheet by the poster.  If more than 10 people sign up, we can easily change the total people attending; (that would be great!).

If you have any questions, please see Anita.

Grocery Shopping Cards

Every week during Fellowship Time, you have the opportunity to purchase grocery store shopping cards for either ShopRite or Stop & Shop.  This is a convenient way to pay for the food you buy at the grocery store and at the same time support the ministries of DeBows UMC.  The church makes 5% of all shopping cards sold. You may see Sue Hayward or Karen Stillwell to purchase the shopping cards on any Sunday.

Starting on Sunday, February 9, we will begin our Old Monmouth Candies Easter Fundraiser.  Order forms will be available on the sign-up table outside of Fellowship Hall.  Orders are due by Sunday, March 15 and candy will be distributed on Sunday March 22.  Easter is on April 12.  You may contact Sue Hayward for more information.
Despite the famous Pennsylvania ground hog, Punxsutawney Phil, not seeing his shadow on February 2 and thus predicting an early spring, we need to remain prepared.  If weather adversely impacts any church related event, alerts will be posted on the church website and the calendar will be updated.  A special email distribution will also be sent out to notify people of any event cancellations etc.
Fellowship Time
Fellowship Time is our weekly time of informal gathering to catch-up with each other, welcome visitors, and share some light refreshments. It is conducted every week after the 9:30am Sunday worship service in Fellowship Hall.  While this is a very popular activity of our church, it's sustainability is dependent on the volunteers that host Fellowship Time on any given week.  If you would like to host a Fellowship Time, please see the sign-up sheet, with guidelines, outside of Fellowship Hall. It is easy, a great way to engage in the life of our church, and much appreciated.  It is one of the things that makes DeBows a Welcoming Congregation.
Feedback Welcome
As always, your feed back to our bi-weekly newsletter is welcome and appreciated.  You may reply to this newsletter to provide your input, or use the "Contact Us" page on the church website.  For the most up-to-date information concerning church activities, event schedules, general church information, or to view recent newsletters, you may visit the church website anytime at
The next newsletter will be published on
Wednesday, February 19
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 Rev. Denise Tiedemann, Pastor or

Church Office Hours
Wednesday 10AM - 2PM
Copyright © 2020 DeBows United Methodist Church, All rights reserved.