Why choose double ball arms & clamps?
We tend to refer to these as the "gold standard" in underwater photography. Double ball arms are without a doubt the professional-level arm, and while they cost a little more, we would definitely recommend these with a larger/heavier light or strobe.
They are a bit more complicated, not only with different length arm segments, but also different types of clamps: standard clamps, long clamps, triple clamps, clamps with auxillary mounts... the list goes on. This, though, is part of what makes them versatile. Protip: Use standard clamps unless there's a specific need for something else. (Or otherwise advised by us!)
Obviously clamps are only a part of the picture since there's a world of fittings and mounts to choose from depending on how're you're setting things up and what you need to mount.
Note: If everything is getting too negatively buoyant, check out buoyancy arms (AKA Float arms).