
Upcoming Events

 January 24  2020


"Resolutions from the Mount.” 

 "Resolved to Discern" 

Matthew 7:1-20    Greg Phelan



Sunday School and Events

Our First Potluck Sunday will be on January 26th!!
Immediately following the Worship Service, we’ll share fellowship around a delicious potluck lunch. Each family is asked to bring a dish to share.
(Mark you calendars because Potluck Sundays are returning to CBC on the last Sunday of the month every month). 

Women's Ministry - January's Table Talk: But As For Me - Determined  to Trust.
Wednesday, January 29 at 6:30 pm - 8:30 at the Church.
Soup Night. Looking fro 3-4 people to contribute. Please contact Emily Pious.

Sunday School Winter Classes - 2020
*When helping hurts.
*Psalms - Managing our emotions.
 Sign up sheets in the foyer 

Youth Group Small Groups: Bi-weekly 1/30, 2/13 on Thursdays from 5:30-7:00pm. Girls' group at the Champney’s and guys' group at the Hallenbeck’s.
Sunday school: Every Sunday 9:15-10:15am. 6th - 8th Grade “Abiding in Jesus”- with Lori Kapiloff  (Room off the kitchen). 9th-12th Grade, “Inductive Study of the Gospel of Mark” - with Pr. Tyler Hallenbeck (Tyler’s office).
Large Group: Bi-weekly on Fridays at the Church from 6:30 - 8:00pm. 1/24, 2/7.

Snow days - In the event of extreme snow forecasted, congregation should check email after 8am on Sunday morning. If a person does not have email, he/she should call a friend who does.

Morning Mingle at Robin and Glenn Therrien’s home - 115 Fieldwood Drive, Clarksburg MA. EVERY 2nd Saturday of the month from 8 - 10am.
Provided: Selection of Muffins and variety of drinks. If you have any questions contact Robin Therrien at 518-755-2211 or

Reminder that NO 'open' drink containers are allowed in the Sanctuary. 
The carpet was professionally cleaned the week after the Harvest Dinner, and a large coffee spill was noticed as you enter into the Sanctuary.  There are also multiple coffee cups w/o lids left lying around on the floor, which are just accidents waiting to happen. Using drink containers with lids will help prevent spills and stains.
Thank you for your attention to this request.

Ministries and Events

Gather and Pray - Thursday at 3:00 pm  in the prayer room
Please join us!
Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 
Jeremiah 29:12.


Serving at CBC
Announcements: Lori Kapiloff
Cleaning: Rey & Pat Acosta; Barb Gill 
Coffee Set-up: Julie & Val Martel
Nursery Primary: Julie Gill; Caitlym Grant
Nursery Floaters: Abby Clairmont; Talia Kapiloff
Refreshments: Phyllis Babcock & Julie Wright 
Technical:  David Jolin, Larry Russett
Ushers: Gary Cellana; Doug Wright
Nursing Home: January 26 Alex DeSamsonow
The human body has many parts,
but the many parts make up one whole body.
So it is with the body of Christ.

1 Corinthians 12:12

Help is needed in many ministries at CBC
~ Whether you have a little time/or a lot, once in a while/or often ~
please try to find a place where you can serve
Urgent Prayer Requests
please contact church office
Visit the CBC website Visit the CBC website
Email Elida Rosse Email Elida Rosse
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