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February 1st, 2020

Personal Update and Authenticity in our Efforts 

by Joy Star

February Already!   One newsletter went out for January on the subject of happiness.  I have spent a good deal of time creating an Astrology Blog on my new website and connecting the sign-ups for those posts to an RSS feed through mail chimp that gets sent directly to your email.  Of course, you can read the posts right on my new website too.  (Truth be told, I’m still working out some of the kinks on that RSS/Mail Chimp connection.)

Anyway, in addition to some sort of strange cough, January has been a little struggle but here we are, a new month, a new moon, another new beginning.  I got rid of advertising on my blog and doing a redirect of name servers (and all that jazz) got time-consuming.   I just looked up, breathing better now, and suddenly it’s February! 

My plan is to perhaps blog more especially on my long-standing blog and put out fewer newsletters and an occasional post on the astrology blog.  But, that said, sometimes s my plans go awry so have decided to keep those intentions ‘loosey-goosey’ for now.   I would like to spend more time doing Astrology Counseling readings this year and just intuitive counseling generally.  More on that another day. 
Now, to this newsletter subject, my thoughts along the path of late involve authenticity in intuition.

What do I mean by that?  Many times we can feel like “a fake” in what we are doing here upon the earth and that happens when we are not true to ourselves and embracing our own unique goodness.  There are many times when that old familiar feeling of making things up, faking it, with psychic readings.  Don’t get me wrong, when I’m in the process of actually channeling for a client, that part of me has ‘gone for a walk’ so to speak.  Yet, afterward, there are times when I’d think things like, “Yeah, well if they only knew I was a fake.”  Of course, I’d argue with myself about it but there it was – many times.

Why write about this now?  Well, because others may feel that way too – therefore, maybe to let you know that you are not alone in that.  Being human is an art and no matter what profession or what effort one makes in the world, being entirely and fully one’s own self means total self-acceptance.  Then one has to admit to one’s self, that life itself and everyone and everything within it is as authentic, as genuine, as real, as original, as the self.   In existentialism, authenticity is the degree to which an individual's actions are congruent with their beliefs and desires and in this way, there is no imposter.  No posing as what we are not.

When thinking of musicians, writers, artists of any kind they express no more or less creative originality that anyone in any profession or endeavor expresses.  We are all authentic artists in a shape or form and we’re all here, as the well heard Ram Dass said something like ‘We’re here just walking each other home’. We’re all on the path of accepting our goodness and feeling authentic in that embracing of our inner being and those of one another. 

I will end with a quote by John O’Donohue:

 We take each other’s sounds and make patterns, predictions, benedictions, and blasphemies.  Each day, our tribe of language holds what we call the world together.  Yet the uttering of the word reveals how each of us relentlessly creates.  Everyone is an artist.  Each person brings sound out of silence and coaxes the invisible to become visible.

I hope this bit of writing makes a mark somewhere on a heart or mind that understands these thoughts of mine along the path and finds peace between the lines.

January Newsletter on Happiness CLICK HERE 

Newsletters are offered with an attitude of openness and generosity.

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