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 From the President

I would like to introduce you to Jan Lloyd. She is a member of WTWS and serves on the board as our demo coordinator. She is also a member of the Caprock Writers and Illustrators Alliance.
She has recently completed illustrations for a book. In March Jan will be demostrating her method of illustration using watercolor. You don't want to miss that.


Fellowship [NOUN]: friendly association, especially with people who share one's interests.

 WTWS is a wonderful fellowship of people sharing ideas, interests, and most importantly, encouragement. I look forward to our monthly meetings, the shows, and the camaraderie that goes along with it all. The inventiveness, imagination, and vision of the WTWS members inspire me to pull more from myself. Here, everyone has something to offer, whether you are new to watercolors or you are a "seasoned" artist. I am so glad to be part of this beautiful group of creative souls!

 ~ Jan Lloyd

I would also like to invite you to  the Caprock Writers & Illustrators Alliance,  February 22nd. They will have their big "Launch Party" meet and greet. We encourage all writers and artists to attend. Saturday,  Feb. 22nd, from 10 am until noon. Hope to see you all there. - Jan

12x9" watercolor,

"Konriko Rice Mill" was accepted into the American Impressionist Society's 4th annual Small Works Showcase exhibition.  The AIS show will be at the RS Hanna Gallery in Fredericksburg, TX from March 6 through April 4. Opening Reception March 6, 6-8pm. 
This was painted during Shadows-on-the-Teche Plein Air in New Iberia, LA last March.


"Watchful Eye"will be exhibited in the 153rd Annual International American Watercolor Exhibition in New York, April 6-25.



  Roxanne has 2 pieces in the exhibit, "Revered, Reviled, Objectified: Commemorating 100 Years of Women's Suffrage" at the Buddy Holly Center Jan 31 - March 22.
"They are both digital art however I did some sketching on one."
Roxanne will be part of the Gallery Talk presentation on Feb 20 6-8 along with Renee Steger Simpson and Donniece Smith.


A Splash of RED VII

Jan 30 - March 25, 2020

Legacy Event Center

1500 - 14th Street


The show looks beautiful as always!!  Please take the opportunity to attend the 

February 7th First Friday Art Trail, from 6-9 pm.

Vote once for your favorite painting for the People’s Choice awards

and encourage the other art patrons to do the same!


Beginning March 26th you may retrieve your art pieces if you need them.

If you can leave them up through April, John at Legacy would be very appreciative.

If you need you art piece but have a substitute piece you could bring in, that also works.


Enjoy the Show!




Spring Show


April 3-26, 2020

Garden and Arts Center

Check-in to be scheduled late March

Prospectus to Follow


This exhibit made possible in part through a grant from

the City of Lubbock as recommended by Civic Lubbock, Inc.

David R. Smith guest artist for the
October 5-8, 2020 workshop. 

Fee $350.  A $100 deposit.
Workshop location: LHUCA Ice House. 
Workshop is designed for a maximum of 20 people. 
Contact workshop chairman, Karla Bennett DeLoach at
Mail checks to WTWS to Karla DeLoach, 4608 5th St, Lubbock Texas 79416


David R. Smith, AWS, NWS

The Watercolor Journey

David enjoys the challenge of working in harmony with a fluid medium.  By providing the proper environment, surrendering some control, and working with the medium, the most beautiful results oftentimes occur naturally.  To keep the paintings from getting too precise, and instead, to convey a feeling of aliveness, David utilizes a number of techniques such as working wet into wet, glazing, pouring, spattering, and spraying.  These techniques not only keep the painting fresh, but produce exciting intermingling s and textures effortlessly.

David’s favorite subjects tend to be found in nature and he loves to travel abroad as well as explore state and national parks for inspiration.  Depicting a subject in great light, capitalizing on the contrast developed by light and shadow, while showcasing the assortment of jewels that happen naturally through the fluid medium keeps David eager to paint his next creation.

David has studied under numerous instructors in the states and in China.  He has displayed his work in galleries and museums across the United States and his work has been awarded at the state and national level.  David has received Signature Membership with the American Watercolor Society, National Watercolor Society, and others.

Video link showing some of his work and techniques  –

Workshop chairmen – Karla Bennett DeLoach


APRIL 2020                                               LUBBOCK ARTS FESTIVAL


On February 16th Nathalie will be demonstrating how she mixes a limited number of watercolors for realistic skin tones. She will demo color mixing on the palette and on paper. She will also cover wet on wet and how to use glazing layers.
She loves encouraging creativity and sharing her knowledge and experience.


MARCH 22-27
It is time again to be thinking about Ceta Canyon Retreat. It is about 1 1/2 hours north of Lubbock, right in the middle of the canyon, where it is normal to see deer roaming through the campus.  This year it will be held March 22-27.  The minimum is 4 days for $276.00 (whether you stay two, three or four nights,the cost is still the same). You can come anytime during this time. Additional night is $69.  There is a $50 deposit, due February 14, which will hold your spot. Total monies due March 6. There is no refund on deposit, and refund only on total monies for illness only.  You can also just come and paint with us for the day,  if you like, for $8.50--I will be sending out a detailed letter on what to bring for those that sign up, along with map and lodge layout. 
Everyone will have their own private room with bath and or shower.  We will be painting in a large meeting room -- we all have two 8ft tables, meaning you can bring everything, including the kitchen sink!!!!!   Watermedia only please, no oils.  Also, must be a WTWS member to attend.
It is a great time for fellowship, being creative, sharing ideas, having kind critiques in the evening and just doing what we all love to do---paint, paint, paint!!!!!  
From president, Aubrey Ann Johnson........We would like to invite one and all to enter our annual art show
Monday, April 6 - Friday 10, 2020.   
We will accept entries from 9:00-2:00 at Aim Bank in Muleshoe

 Aim Bank has been so generous with us in sharing their conference room for our show.....we keep banking hours.  Monday  April 6th, from  nine a m  to two o clock, we will take entries. The first 3 entries are $10.00 each and each entry after that is $5.00 each. There is no limit on the number of entries.

Carolyn Lindsey to be our judge. Carolyn is an instructor at Clovis Community College and we feel very fortunate that she will serve as our judge for the 2020 show. She will critique, judge, and chose the winners of the show. We will have judging at 12:30 pm, April 7th. In our previous shows we have had many entries from out of town: from Lubbock, Amarillo, Clovis, Portales, and surrounding areas.

Because of the distance the artists drive to enter, we moved our winners presentation to the morning of  Friday, April 10th. Artists will be allowed to pick up their entries at the conclusion of the presentation. I know some people probably would frown at the drive to Muleshoe, but we would appreciate the entries.   We have our "Leals" here that everyone loves to visit when they are in town. 

Several of our members in our Muleshoe Art Association are also members of WTWS and would appreciate any entries
Thanks    Aubrey Ann Johnson, president    


Aaron is working on updating the member gallery on the WTWS website. Each artist may submit 3 to 4 watermarked jpeg images. Aaron will resize them as needed to fit the space. Email your images to
Do you have art supplies that you are not using and you would like to get rid of? Please consider donating them to the Guadalupe Community Center. The donations can be brought anytime we have a membership meeting or event. We've been doing this all along but most of our members don't know about it.


Our Mission

The purposes of the West Texas Watercolor Society is to provide an opportunity for the interchange of ideas among persons interested in all forms of water media. To promote the highest aesthetic standards in the art of watercolor and water media, and to provide civic, cultural, and educational support in the arts of all water media.
We host our meetings at the Legacy 1500 14th St  2:30 pm every third Sunday (South Side) unless other wise noted.
We have guest artists that provide a demonstration for our members so we are always exchanging ideas and learning something new or remembering something old!  We have an open invite on meeting days to anyone who wishes to join our Society. Bring a friend !
WTWS Facebook Page
Copyright  2016 West Texas Watercolor Society, All rights reserved.

West Texas Watercolor Society
P.O.Box 2022 Lubbock,Texas 79408
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