
Are you Ready to Embrace A New Way of Living? 

Activating Your Healing Powers by Finding Your Peace. ☮️ 

Hi <<First Name>>,

How are you feeling this Monday? I am sending positive and productive vibrations your way!

Have you noticed that people have been seeking out spirituality and wellness in increased numbers lately? It's because many of us have found that the old ways in which we were taught to believe and live aren't working for us. Despite all the advances in medicine and quality of life, human beings are sicker than they have ever been. Depression and anxiety feel almost inevitable, suicide is on the rise and people are taking their lives younger and younger. 

What are we doing wrong? How can we fix this? 

While we have an unlimited store of healing powers within our body, too few of us have been taught how to activate our natural abilities. We are living our lives more detached from our mind+body connection and we are increasingly consumed with so many external stressors that are making us sick. Modern medicine hasn't made us better. If anything, it's made us worse because we've grown reliant on expensive drugs with increasingly dangerous side effects in the name of convenience and expediency.

The crazy part? The answer has been within us this entire time and it's available to us for free! Gaining control of our mind through meditation, mindfulness and spiritual healing is the most powerful force for creating a healthy being. 

You have the power to heal your body in miraculous ways. By living in gratitude, love, and compassion you can heal your mind, body, and soul. Spend time meditating each day and learn to master the energy you allow to flow through your body.  This is how you HEAL.
Read Protecting Your Peace...
Download the 2020 Alignment Guide
This week's theme is: Activating Your Healing Powers

On my journey to total body wellness, I've become intimately aware of just how powerful our thoughts and beliefs truly are. Our thoughts and beliefs about ourselves become a reflection of the life we experience. If our thoughts are overwhelmingly negative, there is a physiological effect on our bodies which leads to sickness and chronic disease. By mastering these thoughts through mindfulness & meditation, we become our own doctors and the medication is always free.

I encourage all of you to watch the HEAL documentary on Netflix which brings together all the concepts I've learned backed by science and real-life stories. You'll be amazed and inspired by what you see! It's time to live differently! 
🧘🏾‍♀️Try this 15 minute guided meditation for healing!
The Dope Retreat
🌴Introducing The Dope Retreat Vol. 1 in Bali, Indonesia!🌴

I'm very excited to announce the first of many wellness vacations for your mind, body & soul. Come for the exotic location, fellowship, and adventure...leave with your mind+body+soul feeling more restored. 

Pre-registration is open and spaces are filling up fast! Priority will be given based on the order of application submission. 

Click The Dope Retreat below to find out more...
🌴The Dope Retreat🌴

How to use this mantra: Repeat this mantra three times and then close your eyes and feel the energy that you are drawing to yourself. Reflect on what this means for you. If you find yourself feeling off-balance this week, come back to this mantra. For added power, write it down on a sticky note and place it somewhere you will see it all week. 

Spend this week practicing gratitude each day and allow your mind some downtime by meditating for as little as 10 minutes a day. Release negative emotions like fear, self-doubt or envy. Be grateful for the life you have now, the lessons you've learned and the better life you will create in the future as a result.  It's time to embrace a new way of being. 

Before I let you go, <<First Name>>, can you please do me a *huge favor* and share this e-mail with a few friends and family members who are looking for wellness and travel guidance. My goal is to help as many people as possible! 🙏🏾

Love & light...💛

Live your dopest life! I'm rooting for you!

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