Get Wet & Go Wild - Invitation
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Get in quick for your Wet 'n' Wild tickets

You don't want to miss this event. Limited spaces.

RSVP: Thursday 13 February

GREAT NEWS -- we have secured great pricing again of $25pp for the event on the 23rd of February.

To save on more paperwork at this time of year we have decided to just run with bank transfer booking/payments.  Calculate your total payment amount based on the number of tickets you would like for your family [adults & children] and in the REFERENCE FIELD please write your SURNAME.  You can also email a screenshot of the remittance to the treasurer to confirm payment.

Here is a reminder of the event details ...

WHEN: Sunday, 23 February
WHERE: Wet'n'Wild, Pacific Motorway (towards the Gold Coast)
RESERVED AREA: Kokomo Marquee Map
TIME: 10.00am till close.
WHO: All Nundah Swimming members

WHAT TO BRING: Togs, towels, sunscreen, drinking water, hat & snacks.
(Nundah Swimming will provide all attendees with a free sausage sizzle and drink on the day.)

 PRICE: $25.00 per person 

Nundah Swimming has made a group booking for this event, providing us with a reserved area to house all personal possessions throughout the day and significantly reducing the cost to all (day passes are normally $70 or more).

Guardians are to note that all swimmers must be accompanied by appropriate adult supervision whilst attending this event. Nundah Swimming WILL NOT be providing any form of supervision at Wet-N-Wild.

Please note: If you are a Village Theme Parks Member you need to register your information with us but do not need to pay anything. Email with the details of your group eg: Family name, 2x adults & 2x children.

BOOK & PAY - Bank transfer only. 
To book and pay please transfer directly to the Sharks bank account;

BSB: 064-120
Account: 00900589
Reference: (Surname)

Email Stuart Nash to confirm payment. We will assign your family tickets based on the total amount transferred.

We look forward to you joining us for this sensational event.

Kindest regards,
Chris Flynn, President.

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Nundah Sharks · Nundah State School · Bage Street · Nundah, Qld 4012 · Australia

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