National Wear Red Day

Little Washington Winery

When: 2/7/2020 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM

National Wear Red Day

National Wear Red day - you know what that means, right? Free tasting today only if you wear red! 

Wine and Chocolate Tastings

What better combination is there?

Wine and Chocolate Tastings

When: 2/7/2020 11:00 AM - 2/16/2020 6:00 PM

​Wine and chocolate tastings are back! Visit the tasting room between February 7th to February 16th (while supplies last) for our popular Wine and Chocolate tastings. The eight wines and chocolates we selected are based on the results from our Wine and Chocolate Pairing Party in...

Wine Amongst Friends: Joy Ting

Guest Winemaker Series

Wine Amongst Friends: Joy Ting

When: 2/7/2020 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

As a grape grower and winemaker, Lee Hartman is excited to make a large variety of different wines using many different techniques. But as a wine consumer, none of this is enough. He wants to see what different winemakers are doing as well. In a new event series, we are...

CrossKeys Vineyards

Fireside Friday with Pat Anderson

When: 2/7/2020 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Join us from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm Friday for Finally Fridays. Catch dinner or lighter fare in the Bistro! The tasting room will be open as well, so feel free to stop in for a glass of wine on the courtyard or by the fireplace. Tonight we will be featuring music by Pat Anderson. Reservations are...

Spain & maybe a sneak peek at Portugal too

Little Washington Winery

Spain & maybe a sneak peek at Portugal too

When: 2/8/2020 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Mapping out which wine regions to visit on a vacation to Spain? Even some Spaniards wouldn’t know where to begin. Well, here’s a secret: No matter where you are on the Iberian Peninsula, you’re never far from a vineyard—so don’t overthink it. Barcelona is a commuter...

Wine Bootcamp

@ Little Washington Winery

Wine Bootcamp

When: 2/8/2020 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Where: Little Washington Winery

WINE BOOTCAMP - Spend 2 hours with us and we'll turn you into a certified wine snob! You could call this Wine301. Led by our wine maker, Carl, this seminar is the snob free zone in plain English all about wine. Learn every thing you ever wanted to know about wine including how to taste like...

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