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Project PLACE  

Partnerships for Learning, Achievement, and Classroom Engagement

Feb 2020 - CRIOP Critical Consciousness
Swahili, Kinyarwanda, or Spanish
translator and interpreter

We have two community liaisons to assist you in communicating with multilingual families. Please contact them directly.
Swahili or Kinyarwanda: Mr. Alex Remezo - or 
Spanish: Ms. Hilda Campos - or 219-200-6397

 This resource is for current and past Project PLACE teacher participants!

Critical Consciousness 



Provide opportunities for the inclusion of issues important to the classroom, school, and community 

Incorporate opportunities to confront negative stereotypes and biases

Integrate and provide opportunities for the expression of diverse perspectives  

Click on the image above for books related to Critical Consciousness!
Project PLACE Teacher Interview
Annabeth Edens 
Royal Springs Middle School - 7th & 8th Grade
Social Justice project 
  • How did you use Critical Consciousness in your classroom? I charged students with identifying an issue they saw as unjust and worked with them to create a plan to advocate. Students selected anything from dress code and school policy to modern social movements like #metoo, LGBTQ+ rights, and Black Lives Matter. 
  • Did the students enjoy this unit? I was amazed by the ownership and creativity my students showed.  It was powerful to see students humanize issues and get to the root of complex social movements and make their own meaning.
  • What were some challenges you or the students faced? It was a challenge to field so many different topics and themes, but I think this added to the rigor of the project because I wasn’t able to spoon feed them information.  They had to trace the movement they were highlighting or research precedents that had been set at other schools. 

For more information contact Annabeth at
Project PLACE Teacher Interview 
Melissa Collins & Aimee Gonzalez
Russell Cave Elementary - 1st Grade
Kindness unit
  • How did you use Critical Consciousness in your class? We asked the student's families to donate toiletry items and winter gloves and hats for the Kentucky Refugee Ministries.
  • Did the students enjoy this unit? Yes! They loved bringing in items and putting the Kindness Bags together. They asked to do it again!
  • How did you collaborate with KRM? Our coach, Dr. Powell, assisted us in connecting with KRM. They sent a representative to talk to our classes at the beginning of the unit.

For more information contact Melissa at

Check out the resources on the Project PLACE website!

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