Results from Survey For Our 50-Year Reunion
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Hi, <<First Name>>!

I sent out a survey about six weeks ago seeking your input on our 50-year Class of 1970 reunion coming up September 18-20. It was delivered to 345 people, opened by about half of you, and a total of 55 people responded to the survey. The survey results aren't directly available because we collected personal information, but I've created a summary of relevant results for your information - download the summary here as I give you the highlights below.

Those responding fell into three groups:
  • 70% would likely or definitely attend reunion events
  • 15% would likely or definitely not attend
  • 15% were unsure
Of those likely not attending, the main reasons given were that they either lived too far away, they already kept in touch with people important to them, or they wouldn't know anybody or nobody would remember them. They didn't seem likely to change their minds about not attending, either.

In considering possible events for the reunion weekend, the most popular choices were:
  1. Saturday evening "main event"
  2. Saturday lunch at D'Elia's Grinders
  3. Sunday picnic at a local park
A new event category that got a good response was unplanned get-togethers for drinks in the evening following some of the events. Friday evening activities associated with homecoming and Saturday morning activities ranked lowest.

Likewise, in considering priorities for amenities at the Saturday evening main event, two items topped the list:
  1. Recognition of deceased alumni
  2. Quiet conversation spaces
These were followed by a memorabilia display, a dance floor with music/DJ, and a full buffet dinner. A live band and door prizes were near the bottom of the list.

Regarding the least amount and most you'd expect to pay for a reunion ticket, the answers were all over the board. Suffice to say, some thought $25 was too much to pay and over 40% were prepared to pay up to $100 per person. Trust me, we'll find a price somewhere in between...

Regarding Poly Class of '70 participation in some of our informal activities... while only 25% have friends who attended Poly, the vast majority of respondents would be willing to let them attend our homecoming activities or hang out at the park for the picnic on Sunday. We'll see whether that happens, but at this time we have no plans for them to attend the main reunion event on Saturday evening.

We received suggestions for venues to consider in planning our main event. These included:
  • Canyon Crest Country Club
  • Victoria Country Club
  • Elks Lodge
  • March Field Air Museum
  • Fairmount Park Boat House
I'll follow up in a separate email this weekend on how these results are being used to plan our 50-year reunion. If you haven't marked your calendar yet, remember to reserve the entire weekend of September 18-20 and allow for travel to arrive sometime on that Friday and depart on Monday. In the meantime, if you have any questions just let me know, and I'll fill you in with my email this weekend.

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