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One of my favorite activities in Sharehold’s workshop playbook is guided meditation. Sometimes after sharing research insights, we use meditation as an empathy-building exercise, asking clients to imagine an experience through the eyes of a community member. However, my favorite way to use meditation is in a project kickoff to imagine the wildest future possible. 

Recently, I ran into a friend at The Wing and positive energy radiated off of her. She divulged that she’d had a vision of her future self while on a guided mushroom trip (don’t judge: psilocybin mushrooms are being tested for treating depression). Simply imagining an ideal future revitalized her. 

Positive thinking, like exploring an ideal future (even one that seems far-fetched), has a way of manifesting positive results. I used to think books like The Secret were a little woo-woo, though many things seem possible when you consider even further-flung possibilities: Elon Musk IPOing teleportation company, TravelX, or Coursera saving the US a trillion dollars by replacing public high schools with an online-only education system. 

Case in point: Last summer, during a project kickoff meditation, Sharehold client Cornell Tech was asked to identify their dream partnership in order to scale their women in tech program, Break Through Tech. Team members named the Melinda Gates Foundation. Today, that partnership is a reality.

How’s that for manifesting?

Is meditation not really your jam? Then get better at asking really good questions. This quick post from Jason Fried reminds us that we can’t find an answer for something we’re not looking for or, at minimum, are not open to discovering. 
For those of you curious to dig deeper into Sharehold’s Calm Conflict Code, check out this piece by Matt Ström about the difference between purpose and people alignment. It’s all good without people alignment as long as we’re all on the same page about our purpose.
Last week was a good week for the meta community community. Peep two articles in HBR about embracing the shift towards community and how a dedicated group of members is an advantage in a competitive market. Nice work, Jono Bacon and the team at People & Company! 
Our team revisited this piece on how culture trumps strategy as inspiration last week. We’re thoroughly convinced that any company shifting towards community must not only foster the capacity but also the culture and values to support it. 
If this isn’t a marker for progress, we’re not sure what is: Goldman Sachs has committed to only IPOing companies with women on their board. Change happens one step at a time. (via Christine)
Do you ever feel behind in your career? Here’s a grounding reminder from OG client and friend Nilofer Merchant on how to measure whether or not you’re on the right track. (via Christine)
We lost several iconic figures recently: Leila Janah, Clay Christensen, Kobe Bryant. It’s been a tough one. Let us leave you with one piece of inspiration: How Will You Measure Your Life?
Sharehold is a progress company. As an innovation agency focused on people-driven change, we help organizations undertake self-sustaining transformation for, with, and by their people.

What questions are you asking? What's keeping you up at night?

Sarah Judd Welch 
Co-Founder & CEO


Copyright © 2020 Sharehold (formerly, Loyal), All rights reserved.

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