Brunswick Church's Youth Ministry News & Information

Youth Email Bulletin 30-Jan-2020

In this Weeks Youth BEB
1. Youth Text updates
2. Thaw Out 2020
3. Youth Games Night
4. Youth Bake Sale!

1. Youth Text Updates
Do you prefer to get texts about Youth Activities? We now do that!
Brunswick Church Youth Group now sends out text notifications about events and updates. This uses the same Remind system used in many local schools. In order to sign up for text notifications, text the message "@brunswicky" to 81010
2. Thaw Out '20
March 13-15, we will once again gather at the Christ The King Retreat Center, for a weekend of fun, faith, fun, friends, fun and food. Details are still forming up for this event, but we now have ways you can sign up

If you would like to formally sign up, we need you to fill out this form and return it to Niki. You may put it in her church mailbox, on her desk in her office, or take a picture of the completed form and send it to her here.

The retreat costs are as follows below. Please when giving make checks or payments to "Brunswick Church" but have "Youth Retreat" indicated on your check. If giving online, please use "*Excel Youth Conference" as the place to designate the giving. I will know it is for the retreat. You may reserve your spot now by filling out the paperwork and giving it to Niki. We can receive payment later. As always, please do not let money be the issue you do not attend. We can work on getting financial scholarships for anyone/family who would need help paying. 

Retreat Cost:
Sign up before 2/16 - $145
Sign up after 2/16 - $165

I look forward to having you join us. Bring friends! I'd love to meet them.
3. Youth Games Night

Friday, February 9, from 6-9:30 PM, we will have a Youth Games Night and Cookie Decorating at the Kiehl home(43 Spring Landing Blvd, Wynantskill). All are invited. 

There will be board games a plenty to play. Dinner for all. Please consider bringing your favorite snack...and of course bring your friends! The cookie decorating will be for the upcoming bake sale (bake sale details - see below)
4. Youth Group Bake Sale
Just in time for Valentine's Day - Our Youth Group Bake Sale, February 9. To raise money for scholarships for our upcoming Youth Thaw Out, we will be hosting a bake sale in the Commons and have baked goods available for purchase before each service (or until our inventory runs out) I need a few things from each of you in order to see this successful:

1. Consider attending our games night and helping us decorate some cookies to sell
2. Consider baking additional items to sell at the bake sale. We always have great things our friends bake but we are also looking for more
3. On 2/9 Please consider helping to stand at the table and help sell items. We will need people before each service to do so. We will not be selling during the services (so go inside the Worship Center and focus on Jesus during worship) and go to your class during the 10:00 hour, I will be happy to cover for you while you engage in God's Word, but times before each of those things, I could use your help.

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Sign Up Now! Youth Thaw Out'20 March 13-15!
Email Niki Campbell
Email Niki Campbell

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