Welcome to the Winter 2020 Duke Urology newsletter. Just as the Atlantic Coast Conference basketball season is heating up, Duke Urology continues to exceed expectations within the realm of research, education and clinical care. In this issue, we highlight the recent International Symposium on Focal Therapy and Imaging meeting organized by our own Tom Polascik, President of the new incorporated Focal Therapy Society. Tom has been a champion of focal therapy and continues as a leader in this ever-expanding sub-specialty. We also highlight Todd Purves whose innovative translational research continues to offer alternative treatments for the management of voiding dysfunction. One of the world’s experts in inflammatory responses to bladder injury, Todd was awarded the Grand Prize in THE neurourology arena and has recently taken over as the Vice Chief of Research for Duke Urology. Continuing medical education has been at the forefront of our educational mission over the last 50 years. Although we have reformatted our Duke Tuesday in Urology course, multiple CME opportunities offered by Duke Urology continue to exist as live meetings and electronic educational opportunities. I hope you will consider joining us at the upcoming Duke Urologic assembly meeting 25–29 March at the Omni Resort Hilton head, SC. https://surgery.duke.edu/education-and-training/advanced-education/center-surgical-education-and-innovation/courses/urology/duke-urologic-assembly
Duke Urology continued its leadership in Movember fundraising, championed by our residents and supported throughout the medical center and entire Duke campus. Our strong tie with military medicine was evident by the outstanding showing off our residents at the resent Kimbrough Urologic Seminar. Finally, we congratulate Michael Ferrandino, recently appointed to serve as the Duke Urology Residency Program Director. While being heavily involved in resident education during his 11 years at Duke, Michael has also played a role in the newly reorganized Society of Academic Urology.
We are excited about our recent Urology Match results and welcome our new trainees.
All the best to you and yours for a healthy and productive spring.
Tom Polascik MD was Director of the 12th International Symposium on Focal Therapy and Imaging in Prostate and Kidney Cancer in Washington DC February 9-11. Symposium faculty included Dr. Polascik, Duke radiologist Raj Gupta, Duke Engineering professor Kathy Nightingale, current Duke fellow Phin Tan, former Duke fellow Jack Tay (Singapore), former Duke resident Marston Linehan (US NCI) and former Duke faculty Charles Viviano (now at US FDA).
The Focal Therapy Society was launched in 2019 and sponsored two consensus panels evaluating the possible role of biomarkers in focal therapy and the role of focal therapies when coming off active surveillance of prostate cancer.
Phin Tan (Duke Urologic Oncology Fellow), Cary Robertson, Kathy Nightingale (Duke Biomedical Engineering), Raj Gupta (Duke Radiology), and Tom Polascik.
Consensus panel: “Coming off active surveillance: Focal therapies “sweet spot”? Dr. Tan and Polascik – 2nd and 4th seated
Todd Purves, MD Wins Grand Prize In Diokno-Lapides Essay Contest
The Diokno-Lapides Award on Urodynamic and Neurourology Research was established in 1984 to “recognize an individual or group doing outstanding work in the urology field.” This award is considered among the most prestigious urology research prizes in the world. In addition to a $3000 prize, Dr. Purves will be presenting his work at the annual meetings of the Society for Urodynamics and Female Urology and American Urological Association on “A possible mechanism underlying mood disorders associated with LUTS: Chronic bladder outlet obstruction causes NLRP3-dependent inflammation in the hippocampus and depressive behavior in rats.” This work was published this February 2020 in American Journal of Physiology- Renal Physiology and received recognition as an APSselect publication. The first author on the publication was Nathan Hirschman who spent in his third year of Duke Medical School doing research in the Purves-Hughes DUUD Laboratory.
Changes To Duke Tuesday CME Series Beginning In 2020
The Duke Tuesday CME Series was started in the 1960’s by Dr. Jim Glenn and has a long history of providing cutting edge urologic lectures by a visiting professor and Duke faculty to the Duke Urology team and for urologists throughout the region. The event has been occurring three times a year and has brought a Who’s Who list of leading urologists from around the world to Durham.
In today’s changing landscape of online CME opportunities, resident duty hours limitations, and industrial support restrictions, we will begin having only one Duke Tuesday event annually. We are excited about hosting former Duke fellow Brant Thrasher, former Chair of Urology at University of Kansas and current Executive Secretary of the American Board of Urology, as the inaugural David F Paulson Lecturer on Tuesday July 7, 2020.
We will continue to have two other visiting professors visit Duke Urology each year and present to the residents and faculty in Grand Rounds and smaller teaching conferences. David Miller from the University of Michigan will be visiting in February, and Chris Winters from Louisiana State University-New Orleans in November.
Michael Ferrandino Selected as Urology Residency Program Director
Dr. Ferrandino was selected to serve as the Urology Residency Program Director this fall. He has previously served as the Associate Director. Beginning this year, urology residency begins during internship in PGY-1 year, so he now oversees the education of 24 urology residents.
We are delighted to announce that the Duke Urology Residency Program recently received full renewal accreditation without citation from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.
Duke Urology Residency Is Excited To Announce Match Results
Duke Urology continues to attract top medical students from across the country. We are proud of our outstanding class of incoming interns in July 2020 who recently matched with us.
Eric Adams, 2LT, MC
Medical School: Uniformed Services University
Undergraduate: California State University Fullerton
Alexandria Alverdy
Medical School: Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine
Graduate: Northwestern University – MS in Biotechnology
Undergraduate: Villanova University
Kendrick Campbell
Medical School: Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Graduate: Columbia University
Undergraduate: Middlebury College
Rafael Tua-Caraccia
Medical School: Tufts University School of Medicine
Undergraduate: Brown University
Duke Urology Has Another Strong Showing At Kimbrough Urologic Seminar
Duke Urology residents garnered top research awards at the 2020 Kimbrough Urological Seminar for the Society of Government Service Urologists in Charlotte NC in January 2020. This annual meeting brings together urologists in the military and other government facilities and is attended by Duke Urology residents who are currently active duty Army officers.
First place was won by Captain Bradley A Potts for his paper, “Barrington’s Reflex Revisited: Proximal Urethral Electrostimulation Causes Remarkable Excitatory Bladder Response in Spinal Cord Intact Rats.” This was from his work during his research year under the tutelage of Matt Fraser PhD and Drew Peterson MD MPH.
Second place went to Captain Brent Nosé (below) for his paper, “Annexin A1 Inhibits NLRP3-Mediated Inflammation During Bladder Outlet Obstruction. Dr. Nosé is spending his research year in the DUUD Laboratory with Monty Hughes PhD and Todd Purves MD PhD.
Duke Urologist Judd Moul (retired US Army), Stevie Sexton (PGY-6 and recently assigned to Ft. Bragg, NC after graduation), and Joe Fatony (graduated 2019 and currently stationed at Ft. Bragg, NC).
Matt Fraser, PhD has filed a US provisional patent application #62/880,239, "Devices, Systems, and Methods for Promoting Voiding in Subjects with Underactive Bladders" along with Duke Urology resident Bradley Potts MD.
Jeff Gingrich, MD was awarded funding from the Southeastern Section of the AUA to offset the costs of his medical mission trip to Sierra Leone where he has been travelling annually to provide advanced urologic care. This year, he took cystoscopic equipment to their hospital from Duke Hospital where it is no longer needed.
F. Monty Hughes, PhD, was appointed to the Duke faculty as an Assistant Professor of Surgery. He launched the Duke University Urinary Dysfunction Lab with J. Todd Purves in 2015. He and Dr. Purves have just taken on their first post-doctoral fellow, Michael Odom, PhD and are co-investigators with Soman Abraham, PhD of Pathology on a recently awarded NIH R-01 grant studying immune responses to uropathogen infections.
Thomas Polascik MD, in addition to being Director of the Symposium on Focal Therapy and Imaging in Prostate and Kidney Cancer in Washington DC, helped found the Focal Therapy Society in 2019 of which he is President. He is also on the Board of Directors of the Endourological Society, Editor of Grand Rounds in Urology and Assistant Editor of The Journal of Endourology.
J. Todd Purves MD PhD, was promoted to Associate Professor of Surgery with tenure. Also, see his combined work with Monty Hughes above.
Jonathan Routh MD MPH was promoted to Associate Professor of Surgery with tenure. He joined the Editorial Committee of the Pediatric Urology Section of The Journal of Urology.
John Wiener MD, was invited to be an examiner for the oral examinations for the American Board of Urology in Dallas February 21-22. He will be joining long term oral examiner Glenn Preminger MD in this role. Dr. Wiener was elected to serve on the Board of Directors of the Spina Bifida Associaiton - the leading advocacy organization for Americans living with spina bifida - for a two year term.
Maryellen Kelly, DNP won the Best Research Poster award at the NIH-sponsored Collaborating for the Advancement of Interdisciplinary Research in Benign Urology (CARIBU) meeting in December 2019 for her work titled “Determining the Prevalence of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Children with Diabetes: multi-center cross-sectional survey.”
Movember: Residents continue to lead fundraising efforts for Movember – a worldwide effort to raise awareness and improve care for men with gentinourinary cancers.
Dominic Grimberg MD, Kohl Boydston MD, and Jason Chandrapal showing off their facial hair.
Bradley Potts MD: In addition to his first place award at the Kimbrough Urologic Seminar above, his work won the Society for Urodynamics and Female Urology Basic Science Essay Competition and is a finalist for the Montague Boyd Essay Contest at the Southeastern Section of the AUA in March.
Robert Qi MD: was awarded a travel grant to attend the 2019 StoneLab Scientific Symposium: “Thinking Outside the Box for Kidney Stone Disease,” in December 2019, co-hosted by the Endourological Society and the American Urological Association and supported by a NIH NIDDK R-13 Conference Grant.
Shelby Harper: MS4 won an award for second best presentation at Society of Pelvic Medicine meeting in Charleston in November 2019 for her work on urothelial inflammation in stone disease in Drs. Purves and Hughes' lab.
Al Ruenes (HS '94): was recognized this month with a honorary fellowship into the West African College of Surgeons for his efforts to train surgeons in West Africa to perform radical prostatectomy. Although this technique has fallen out of favor in the US where robotic-assisted laparoscopy has gained popularity, the radical perineal approach offers a less invasive option in financially-challenged health care systems.

March 26 - 29, 2020
52nd Annual Duke Urologic Assembly
Omni Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort Hilton Head, SC
July 7, 2020
Inaugural David F. Paulson Lecture
Brant Thrasher, MD - former fellow of Dr. Paulson - 1991 -92
"Nutrition and Prostate Cancer - Results from the WARRIOR Trial"
April 8 - 11, 2021
53rd Annual Duke Urologic Assembly
Disney Grand Floridian Resort, Orlando, FL