What shall I call the Tarot deck!?
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Hello friend, <<First Name>> !

I'm excited for this news letter, I've published a couple more cards and I've got a big project I'm working on this weekend - which I will get to tell you all about in March, fingers crossed!  

I'm still pretty new to film making and since the next part of the tarot project will be editing lots of interviews, so I started practicing! I made a short video -->

Story time - NEWS -->      Photos ---->

Queer Tarot Project- Tarot deck needs a name? Suggestions? Poll on Patreon!

Cups as Healing by Cassandra Snow:

I talked about this suit being a narrative of our journey. I worded it this way because the way I learn a new tarot deck and teach tarot is based on principles of storytelling. I also read based on the Celtic principles of our life being comprised of one big cycle, but several smaller cycles therein. (Obviously the Celts did not create this concept but I know the most about their relationship with life happening in cycles because of my own spiritual path.) This means that even though I teach students to learn how to tell their story with the tarot first, that doesn’t mean that is the only time those messages are applicable to you. You are ALWAYS in the middle of a story. You are probably always at the beginning of a different story and the end of yet another story and somewhere else entirely (a fun side quest maybe?) in another several stories. Our lives are comprised of thousands of different moving parts, and learning tarot is about learning how to address the parts most pressing right now.

This series is one about collective healing though, so it’s important to note where we are in each other’s life cycles whenever we’re able to do so. How are we helping or hindering someone else’s growth? When are we behaving like a stingy Four of Pentacles when really what our loved ones need from us in an open Two of Cups energy? How can we give back to our community and the world from where we are right now? The Cups most often address wherever we are in our personal emotional journey but as you read through the next few paragraphs, I don’t want you to forget the impact that your heart and your journey might have on someone else’s.

Healing is not linear, and neither is the suit of Cups when we’re undertaking a storytelling journey with it. I would love to say “Start at the Ace and work your way through to the Ten and tell a clean, lovely story with a perfect beginning, middle, and end” but that just isn’t isn’t possible. Instead, the way I want to address the Cups as a mode of healing is encourage you to lay out your Ace through Ten in order and just sit with them for several minutes. Notice the unique emotions in each one. You’ll likely see:

Hope in the Ace
A sense of balance in the Two
Joy in the Three
Disconnection in the Four
Heartache in the Five
Nostalgia in the Six
Overwhelm or Confusion in the Seven
Bittersweetness in the Eight
Relief and Happiness in the Nine
And Genuine Contentedness in the Ten

Continue reading the whole article
Check out the newst Queer Tarot Cards
NEW QUEER TAROT - The Ace of Swords 
There’s a time for cutting yourself out of things. The inspiration and the ability to discern. Life is confusing, but seemed really when I was young. Take a few more risks. It’s not that I never took risks, but I was pretty uncertain at times.
This card was shot a year a go last winter on Vancouver Island - it's exciting to publish winter photos now amongst all my sunny forest and other landscape photos - and there's a few more to come! Read more here.
NEW QUEER TAROT - The Nine of Swords
If you’re having a hard time and you feel alone, I just want to remind you that you’re not alone. And that there’s always someone out there that’s going to be ready to help you if you just ask. I want to remind people that depression is real, and it does not make you less than!

This was shot in Philadelphia! Also a year ago when I was there traveling in the US, so honoured to share this story: Read it here.
NEW QUEER TAROT - The Queen of Swords 
Queen of Swords has completely changed everything about my life, including where I find my spirituality – unseen allies that follow you in the spirit world. Femme for me means embracing the feminine aspects of my personhood. It doesn’t relate to my genitals or my body.

It's all about swords - This was shot at BC Witch Camp, and it warms my heart looking at it. More..
Queer Tarot Post Cards
Queer Tarot Post Cards
I've a limited supply of Queer Tarot post cards left!!  If you want to snaffle a set get in now as I don't know when I'll do a another re-print!

They're beautiful matte prints with the card image on one side and postcard space on the other.  Send it, share it, frame it?!

Travel / Adventure / #vanlife photos
Welcome: To my storytelling bit:

There's less than 10 cards left to photograph! Check out which ones are left

Please get in contact with me regarding shooting - I'm looking to shoot QPOC first, and if you are in Canada, that helps.  Other places I will get to eventually, but probably on the second edition of this deck.  If you have your own photographer there is a brief I can share if you want to create this and submit it to the project!
I just got back from Vancouver Island adventures - I've a super exciting project in the works, for a big Canadian news thingy.  So I was over there with a film maker following me around for two days while I did a Tarot shoot and climbed a mountain to do magic and be interviewed.  It was exciting and terrifying, I don't know if I'm ready to be more visible, or to have this project getting a bunch more attention but here goes!  Wish me luck and I'll be sending you all a link once it's out!  
The island itself was amazing - it was sooo nice to see friends and to connect with people.. I love to wander, and I came back feeling much more grounded and feeling very loved and a deep feeling of community appreciation for the project. 
Copyright © 2020 Flossy Roxx & Syren the Step Van, All rights reserved.

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