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Storytelling & Innovation

Innovation and local government don't always seem like an easy partnership, but there are lots of stories of municipalities innovating to serve their communities better.
The trick is - getting municipal employees to share those stories on a larger stage...

As Mia Haam says, "Success breeds success." So why don't we talk more about our public sector innovation stories in local government?
Talking about success is hard - and talking about innovation is even harder. Especially in government, there is risk in talking about doing something new because municipalities aren't usually rewarded for innovation like they are in private sector. It doesn't impact our share price or make us more attractive to other municipalities.
But innovation can improve our service delivery and operational efficiency, increasing community satisfaction and attracting more people to our municipalities to live and work.
It can enhance our brand, attracting businesses and partners to work in and with our cities.
It can increase employee satisfaction, resulting in lower turnover and better candidates.
So how do we start talking innovation?

Talking public innovation takes courage and skill.

Watch Jason Reynar talk about Innisfil Transit at TEDx Collingwood.
Find passionate employees and train them on the art of storytelling using free resources like Storytelling for Change or Public Speaking and Influencing for Public Servants.
Do you have an innovation story from your municipality that you would like to share? Send your story or information to to be featured in an upcoming newsletter.

Creating the next MIC conference together!

Need some tips on innovation training, to learn about how municipalities are using human centred design, or want to hear about innovative projects that improve service delivery? 
Tell us what or who is on your wishlist for MIC2020 and we will design an agenda to meet your needs.
Tweet your ideas using #MIC2020 or email us!

Stay tuned for more information on dates and location.

Human Centred Design,
by Laura Stephan

Continuous Improvement,
Process Improvement,
These words are becoming commonplace as we work together as an organization to enhance services to our community.
Woven through all of these terms is change.
Though the Innovation Lab, a team of colleagues from within our organization is taking steps to support their work areas with change.
Marcia MacKay, Shirley Connelly, Darlene Burks, and Dean Sirizzotti of the Social Services Department have been working together as an “Innovation Lab Team” facilitated through the lab process by Laura Stephan, Darren Levine and Daniel Sparks from our Innovation and Research Unit.
Learn more about the innovation lab process at the Region of Durham.

Free learning opportunities...

a free course from +acumen...

Storytelling for Change

You’ll leave this course with a leadership presence framework, important storytelling tools, and a rehearsed presentation that can help you better connect with your audience and inspire change.

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